10 research outputs found

    The influence of the grinding speed on the state of the surface layer in the grinding process of Titanium Alloy.

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    W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu prędkości obwodowej ściernicy na topografię powierzchni obrobionej, przy stałej głębokości szlifowania ap oraz prędkości posuwu przedmiotu vw. Dokonano analizy wpływu rzeczywistej głębokości skrawania oraz przebiegu składowych sił (stycznej Ft oraz normalnej Fn) na stan warstwy wierzchniej przy trzech prędkościach szlifowania. Uzyskane wyniki badań pomogą przy doborze optymalnych warunków szlifowania stopów tytanu TIGR5.The article presents an analysis of the influence of the tangential velocity of the grinding wheel on the topography of the machined surface at a constant depth of grinding ap and feed speed of the subject vw. An analysis of the influence of the actual depth of cut and run components of forces (tangential Ft and normal Fn) on the state of the surface layer for three grinding speed was performed. The results help to choose the optimal conditions for grinding titanium alloy TIGR5

    Określenie granicy stężenia glikolu propylenowego na stereometrię warstwy wierzchniej w procesie szlifowania.

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    Przeprowadzone badania eksperymentalne polegały na sprawdzeniu wpływu rozcieńczania glikolu propylenowego z wodą demineralizowaną, podawanego metodą MQL jako płyn obróbkowy, na wielkość sił (stycznej i normalnej) podczas szlifowania stopu tytanu. Sprawdzano także, jak taka ciecz wpływa na jakość warstwy wierzchniej po procesie obróbki materiału trudnoskrawalnego.The experimental research consisted of checking the effects of dilution propylene glycol with demineralized water, as a liquid in MQL, the size of the forces (tangential and normal) during grinding of titanium alloy, also verified how the liquid affects on the quality of the surface layer after grinding materials difficult to machin

    Proces szlifowania niklu.

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    Badania procesu szlifowania obejmują różne rodzaje materiałów od stopowych po trudnoskrawalne. W większości przypadków składnikiem jest nikiel. Celem było przeprowadzenie obróbki tego materiału z wykorzystaniem ściernic z obszaru 3XGP, 3TGP z udziałem płynów podawanych w obszar skrawania z minimalnym wydatkiem. Starano się zdiagnozować zachowania warstwy wierzchniej a głównie chropowatości, sił skrawania których przebieg jest jednocześnie informacją pozwalającą analizować rozkład naddatku szlifierskiego.The research of grinding process included various types of materials from alloys to materials difficult to machine. In majority of cases, component was nickel. The purpose was to carry out grinding process using the abrasive materials 3XGP, 3TGP involving minimal coolant flow rate. Efforts were made to diagnose the behavior of the surface layer and mainly roughness, cutting forces which are also the information that allows to analyze the distribution of grinding allowance

    The Analysis of the Cutting Forces and Surface Layer Stereometry in the Grinding Process of Abrasion-Resisting Materials

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    The article presents the investigation of the grinding process of flat samples made of materials that meet requirements of the lowest abrasibility, which belong to difficult to machine materials. Research enclosed measurement of cutting forces and surface layer stereometry during grinding without using cutting fluid. The tests were carried out with the aid of new generation grinding wheel, Quantum

    Monitoring of the cutting forces in flat surface grinding process of Titanium Alloy TIGR5.

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    W artykule przedstawiono fragment badań dotyczących wpływu zmiennych parametrów: vs i vw na przebieg sił skrawania oraz parametry chropowatości powierzchni Ra i Rz przedmiotu wykonanego ze stopu tytanu TIGR5. Wprowadzenie metod kontrolno-pomiarowych umożliwia monitorowanie wybranych wielkości fizycznych, których skala jednoznacznie określiła przebieg procesu produkcyjnego. Na podstawie analizy wartości składowych sił występujących w procesie szlifowania oraz parametrów chropowatości powierzchni można określić stan warstwy wierzchniej (WW), a tym samym dobrać tak parametry obróbki, by powierzchnia elementów szlifowanych spełniała wymagania eksploatacyjne.The paper presents the part of studies on the effects of variable parameters: vs and vw, on the course of forces and surface roughness parameters Ra and Rz of workpiece made of titanium alloy TIGR5. Introducing methods of measurement and control, enable to monitor selected physical quantities, which range unequivocally specify the course of the process. On the basis of the measurements of the grinding forces components and surface roughness parameters may be determined the state of surface layer, and thereby select such processing parameters that the surface of grinded elements fulfilled operational requirements

    Wpływ materiału ściernego na stan warstwy wierzchniej podczas szlifowania stopów tytanu.

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    Badania doświadczalne miały na celu określenie wpływu rodzaju materiału ściernego na stan warstwy wierzchniej przedmiotu, wykonanego z materiału trudnoobrabialnego, podczas obróbki szlifowaniem bez udziału płynów chłodząco - smarujących. Określono wielkości sił: stycznej i normalnej, wartości chropowatości parametru Ra oraz topografię powierzchni w zależności od zastosowanego narzędzia ściernego.Experimental studies were aimed to determine the influence of the type of abrasive material on the state the surface layer of hard to machine material after grinding process without using lubricants. Gauged values of forces: tangential and normal, surface roughness- parameter Ra and surface topography, depending on the applied abrasive tool

    Experimental verification of the deep hole boring bar model

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    The article presents the results of the experimental verification of the deep hole boring bar tool model. The aim of the work was to obtain a verified boring bar tool model, which in further scientific research will be a starting point for creating a prototype of a tool with a new design, in which dynamic properties will be improved. The research was divided into two stages. In the first stage, modal studies of the model and the real object were carried out. The obtained discrepancy between numerical and experimental results below 8% allows to state that the model is characterized by dynamic properties occurring in the real boring bar. In the second stage of the research, static tests were carried out. The object was loaded with forces of 98.6 N, 195.0 N, 293.8 N. The obtained slight discrepancy in the results of numerical and experimental tests below 3% allows to state that the model reflects the static properties of the real boring bar. The high convergence of the theoretical and experimental results allows for the conclusion that the numerical model has been verified positively

    The Influence of the Depth of Grinding on the Condition of the Surface Layer of 20MnCr5 Steel Ground with the Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Method

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    This paper describes the research on abrasive machining conditions and their influence on microhardness and residual stresses distribution in the technological surface layer of 20MnCr5 steel. The roughness of ground samples was also measured. Samples underwent a vacuum carburizing process (LPC) followed by high-pressure gas quenching (HPGQ) in a 4D quenching chamber. Processes were realized with a single-piece flow method. Then, the flat surfaces of samples were ground with a Vortex type IPA60EH20VTX alumina grinding wheel using a flat-surface grinder. The samples were ground to three depths of grinding (ae = 0.01; 0.02; 0.03 mm) with grinding fluid supply using either flood method (WET) or minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) method. The condition of the technological surface layer was described using microhardness and residual stresses, as well as some selected parameters of surface roughness. The results obtained revealed that changes in microhardness as compared to microhardness of the material before grinding were lower in samples ground with grinding fluid supplied with MQL method. At the same time, the values of residual stresses were also better for samples ground using MQL method. Furthermore, the use of grinding fluid fed with MQL method produced lower values of surface roughness compared to the parameters obtained with WET method. It was concluded that for the tested scope of machining conditions, the MQL method can be a favourable alternative to the flood method of supplying grinding fluid into the grinding zone

    Evaluation of the Influence of the Cooling Method Used During Grinding on the Operating Properties of Ceramic Grinding Wheels Made with Different Abrasives

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    This article presents the results of a study of the performance characteristics of ceramic grinding wheels during peripheral grinding of flat surfaces carried out using different methods of supplying cooling and lubricating fluid (coolant). In the study, T1 type grinding wheels were used, differing in the type of abrasive used in their construction. The abrasive consisted of mixtures with different volume percentages of: 1) grains of conventional white electro-corundum, 2) grains of submicrocrystalline sintered corundum produced by sol-gel technology, 3) microcrystalline sintered ceramic grains with RECERAMAX™ RT microclasters from RECKEL. Specimens made of 145Cr6 tool steel (60±1 HRC) were ground using coolant feeding by flood method and MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication) method. During the study, the components of grinding force (Fn, Ft), radial loss of the grinding wheel and roughness of the ground surface were measured, which made it possible to determine the volumetric wear of the grinding wheel Vs, the total grinding power P, and then calculate the grinding indicators G and Ks. The obtained values of the G index indicate that, regardless of the type of grinding wheel used, a higher relative grinding efficiency was obtained during grinding with the delivery of coolant by the MQL method. The highest values of this index were obtained in the case of the grinding process carried out with a grinding wheel containing RECERAMAX™ RT abrasive. The Ks index confirmed the best performance of the mentioned grinding wheel. Since its value also depends on the total grinding power P and the surface roughness parameter Ra, the grinding process carried out with this grinding wheel is additionally characterized by a better quality of the obtained surface and lower energy consumption