728 research outputs found

    Mapping a mathematical expression onto a Montium ALU using GNU Bison

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    The Montium processing tile [1], [4] contains a number of complex ALUs which can perform many different operations in many different ways. In the Chameleon tool flow [2], it is necessary to automatically determine whether a certain mathematical expression can be mapped onto an ALU and to automatically generate an ALU configuration for this expression. This paper describes how the parser generator GNU Bison [5] is used to determine whether a mapping is possible and how Generalized LR Parsing [6] is used to cope with ambiguities and to generate all possible mappings of a specific expression onto an ALU

    Mapping Applications to an FPFA Tile

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    This paper introduces a transformational design method which can be used to map code written in a high level source language, like C, to a coarse grain reconfigurable architecture. The source code is first translated into a control data flow graph (CDFG), which is minimized using a set of behaviour preserving transformations, such as dependency analysis, common subexpression elimination, etc. After applying graph clustering, scheduling and allocation transformations on this minimized graph, it can be mapped onto the target architecture

    Estratégias de Saída: finalizando programas e investindo em relacionamentos

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    Para dar visibilidade às alternativas construídas por diversos investidores sociais a partir de erros e acertos, trazemos aqui traduzido, com o apoio do Instituto C&A, mais este guia da série Grantcraft do Foundation Center, que contou com o apoio do The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund para sua elaboração. "Foundations moving on: Ending programmes and funding relationships" apresenta abertamente situações em que investidores sociais precisaram finalizar programas, encerrar suas operações, e as estratégias que desenvolveram para fazer essa saída da maneira mais responsável possível. A partir de um processo cuidadoso de aprendizado, entregam boas orientações como a importância de deixar um legado, de investir em programas que gerem transformação e autonomia dos beneficiários, de reconhecer coletivamente essas transformações e a participação de cada envolvido, de comunicar sempre e de forma clara, franca e consistente, e de usar os resultados dos processos de avaliação para embasar tais alternativas

    Lessons Learned from Designing the Montium - a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processing Tile

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    In this paper we describe in retrospective the main results of a four year project, called Chameleon. As part of this project we developed a coarse-grained reconfigurable core for DSP algorithms in wirelessdevices denoted MONTIUM. After presenting the main achievements within this project we present the lessons learned from this project

    Foundations and Family Farming: Exploratory Study on Strategies, Operational Practices and Learning

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    The celebration of the IYFF (International Year of Family Farming 2014) gave impetus to a group of foundations to launch the European Foundations for Family Farming (E4F) initiative, with the support of the European Foundation Centre (EFC). This initiative seeks to raise the visibility of the family farming agenda among foundations, increase awareness of the role and contribution of foundations and their partners in this area, and create opportunities for connecting philanthropic actors with other key stakeholders and international processes on family farming. This report was commissioned to help inform and support these goals.The study is based on in-depth interviews with foundation representatives, a quick scan of foundations working on family farming and a literature review. For the in-depth case studies, 14 European foundations, 1 African foundation and 1 American foundation1 were interviewed on their strategies and operational choices, their perceptions towards and interventions in family farming, the role of foundations in family farming, types of collaboration they engage in and on their work on the three identified themes. Interviewees were also asked for some minimal, quantitative information and additional documents and websites were reviewed.A bibliography and a reference list are included

    Overview of the tool-flow for the Montium Processing Tile

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    This paper presents an overview of a tool chain to support a transformational design methodology. The tool can be used to compile code written in a high level source language, like C, to a coarse grain reconfigurable architecture. The source code is first translated into a Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG). A Control Dataflow Graph contains not only the dataflow operations (e.g. arithmetic or logical operations on data) but also control flow operations (e.g. operators for loop and if then else constructs). The CDFG is minimized using a set of behavior preserving transformations such as dependency analysis, common sub-expression elimination, etc. After applying graph clustering, scheduling and allocation transformations on this minimized graph, it can be mapped onto the target architecture

    Canadian Prisoners of the First World War: The Struggle for Resilience

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    In the First World War, 3,500 Canadian soldiers were taken prisoner. Throughout their captivity, they endured intense humiliation, dehumanization, and abuse. Despite this, the men were able to remain resilient and even found ways to fight back. By using memoirs and letters written by the prisoners, this paper will analyze how these Canadians were determined to keep fighting. This paper will be using an analogy of a bank account to explain how close the prisoners came to breakdown, and how they continuously struggled to endure. Society and war had taught these men that prisoners were weak and cowardly, but they were determined to change this narrative and prove their own bravery through decisive actions of physical and mental resistance, evasion, and escape. By all accounts, the prisoners should have run out of their morale reserves, they should have gone past the breaking point of war weariness to complete breakdown, and they should have had nothing left in them to endure. But the foundation of camaraderie they had built on the front lines set the Canadian soldiers up to endure trauma, remain resilient, and continue their own fight while in the prison camps of Germany. The purpose of this paper is to give a voice to Canadian prisoners of the First World War, and to use the concept of resilience to understand their determination to continue their fight in German territory

    Psychiatric disorders and health service utilization in unemployed youth

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    Aim: Youth unemployment is associated with increased levels of anxiety, depression, alcohol abuse, reduced self-esteem and satisfaction with life. Up to date data based on standardized psychiatric diagnostic assessments in adolescent or young adult unemployment is very scarce. To our knowledge, this study has, for the first time, assessed both Axis-I (non-personality) and Axis-II (personality) psychiatric disorders and related constructs in a preselected sample of unemployed individuals. Subjects and methods: Subjects were aged 16–24 and lived in the large urban region of Essen, Germany. They were referred by case managers of the vocational services centre to the on-site psychiatric out-patient unit. SCID-I and II were administered to assess DSM-IV diagnoses. Symptom Checklist 90 R, Beck Depression Inventory and Client Sociodemographic Service Receipt Inventory were used to measure severity of psychopathology and health service utilization. Results: In all, 98% of the unemployed young adults suffered from mental disorders. Mood and anxiety disorders were the most common Axis-I disorders (47.9 and 33.4%). Altogether, 58.2% of probands met diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder; a borderline personality disorder accounted for one half of these disorders. Despite a 49% rate of Axis-I and II comorbidity and severe psychopathology, the majority of subjects were untreated and mental health service utilization in general was low. The diagnosis of a personality disorder was related to a 2.7-fold risk of dropping out of job reintegration programmes. Conclusion: Unemployed young adults referred for a psychiatric assessment have a high rate of both Axis-I and II disorders, which need to be considered upon planning individual-based vocational rehabilitation programs