11 research outputs found

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Emotional/Behavioral Symptoms and Parental Stress

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    The objective of our study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional and behavioral symptoms in minors with neuropsychiatric disorders and on parental stress through a standardized neuropsychological assessment, comparing the data collected before the pandemic with those collected during the lock-down. Another goal of our study was to analyze the relationship between parental stress and behavioral/emotional symptoms in children. Our study was conducted on 383 families of patients who had already been referred at the Child Neuropsychiatry Unit of the University Hospital of Salerno for different neuropsychiatric conditions. All the parents completed two neuropsychological standardized questionnaires for the assessment of parental stress (PSI—Parenting Stress Index-Short Form) and the emotional/behavioral problems of their children (Child Behaviour CheckList). The data collected during the pandemic were compared with those collected from questionnaires administered during the six months preceding the pandemic, as is our usual clinical practice. The comparison between the mean scores of PSI and CBCL before and after the pandemic showed a statistically significant increase in all subscales analyzed in the total sample. The correlation analysis showed significant positive relationship between the subscale Total Stress of PSI and the subscales Total Problems and Internalizing Problems of CBCL. Our study suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding measures adopted led to an increase in internalizing and externalizing symptoms in children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric disorder. Similarly, parental stress increased during COVID-19 and ahigher level of stress in parents can be related to the internalizing symptoms of their children

    Fiber types in canine muscles: myosin isoform expression and functional characterization

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    This study was aimed to achieve a definitive and unambiguous identification of fiber types in canine skeletal muscles and of myosin isoforms that are expressed therein. Correspondence of canine myosin isoforms with orthologs in other species as assessed by base sequence comparison was the basis for primer preparation and for expression analysis with RT-PCR. Expression was confirmed at protein level with histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and SDS-PAGE combined together and showed that limb and trunk muscles of the dog express myosin heavy chain (MHC) type 1, 2A, and 2X isoforms and the so-called "type 2dog" fibers express the MHC-2X isoform. MHC-2A was found to be the most abundant isoform in the trunk and limb muscle. MHC-2X was expressed in most but not all muscles and more frequently in hybrid 2A-2X fibers than in pure 2X fibers. MHC-2B was restricted to specialized extraocular and laryngeal muscles, although 2B mRNA, but not 2B protein, was occasionally detected in the semimembranosus muscle. Isometric tension (P(o)) and maximum shortening velocity (V(o)) were measured in single fibers classified on the basis of their MHC isoform composition. Purified myosin isoforms were extracted from single muscle fibers and characterized by the speed (V(f)) of actin filament sliding on myosin in an in vitro motility assay. A close proportionality between V(o) and V(f) indicated that the diversity in V(o) was due to the different myosin isoform composition. V(o) increased progressively in the order 1/slow < 2A < 2X < 2B, thus confirming the identification of the myosin isoforms and providing their first functional characterization of canine muscle fibers

    Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion Revascularization: When, Who and How?

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    Coronary chronic total occlusions (CTO) are an increasingly frequent entity in clinical practice and represent a challenging percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) scenario. Despite data from randomized trials that have not yet demonstrated a clear benefit of CTO recanalization, the widespread of CTO-PCI has substantially increased. The improvement in operators’ techniques, equipment, and training programs has led to an improvement in the success rate and safety of these procedures, which will represent an important field of future development of PCI. The present review will summarize clinical outcomes and technical and safety issues of CTO revascularization with the aim to guide clinical daily cath-lab practice

    Takotsubo Syndrome and Coronary Artery Disease: Which Came First—The Chicken or the Egg?

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    Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is a clinical condition characterized by temporary regional wall motion anomalies and dysfunction that extend beyond a single epicardial vascular distribution. Various pathophysiological mechanisms, including inflammation, microvascular dysfunction, direct catecholamine toxicity, metabolic changes, sympathetic overdrive-mediated multi-vessel epicardial spasms, and transitory ischemia may cause the observed reversible myocardial stunning. Despite the fact that TTS usually has an acute coronary syndrome-like pattern of presentation, the absence of culprit atherosclerotic coronary artery disease is often reported at coronary angiography. However, the idea that coronary artery disease (CAD) and TTS conditions are mutually exclusive has been cast into doubt by numerous recent studies suggesting that CAD may coexist in many TTS patients, with significant clinical and prognostic repercussions. Whether the relationship between CAD and TTS is a mere coincidence or a bidirectional cause-and-effect is still up for debate, and misdiagnosis of the two disorders could lead to improper patient treatment with unfavourable outcomes. Therefore, this review seeks to provide a profound understanding of the relationship between CAD and TTS by analyzing potential common underlying pathways, addressing challenges in differential diagnosis, and discussing medical and procedural techniques to treat these conditions appropriately

    Designing the Optimal Procedure: Role of CT Scan in the Planning of Transcatheter Structural Heart Interventions

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    Computed tomography (CT) scanning has recently assumed a first-pillar role in the preoperative planning of patients undergoing transcatheter structural heart procedures (e.g., transcatheter aortic valve implantation, TAVI; MitraClip; Triclip; left atrial appendage occlusion, LAAO). A careful preprocedural assessment is crucial for achieving the best possible result, and, currently, CT represents the paramount technique to obtain morphological data on cardiac and vessel structures, thus allowing to choose the most appropriate vascular approach, the type and size of devices, and all the required steps to meet procedural expectations. The image reconstruction accuracy also provides information to predict potential complications such as misplacements and leakages. This review aims to describe the role of CT in the decision-making approach of patients undergoing structural heart interventions and expand the clinicians&rsquo; understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of this imaging technique

    Current Applications and New Perspectives in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Assessment: From PCI Optimization to Pharmacological Treatment Guidance

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    Since its ability to precisely characterized atherosclerotic plaque phenotypes, to tailor stent implantation, as well as to guide both complex percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and invasive diagnostic work-ups (e.g., spontaneous coronary dissections or myocardial infarction with non-obstructive arteries), the adoption of optical coherence tomography (OCT) was raised in the past decades in order to provide complementary information to the traditional angiography and to overcome its limitations. However, the impact of OCT on daily clinical practice is currently modest, firstly because of the lack of both standardized algorithms of PCI guidance and data from prospective clinical trials. Therefore, the aim of our narrative review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic OCT interpretation, to summarize the evidence supporting the OCT guidance procedures and applications, to discuss its current limitations, and to highlight the knowledge gaps that need to be filled with more robust evidence

    Current Applications and New Perspectives in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque Assessment: From PCI Optimization to Pharmacological Treatment Guidance

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    Since its ability to precisely characterized atherosclerotic plaque phenotypes, to tailor stent implantation, as well as to guide both complex percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and invasive diagnostic work-ups (e.g., spontaneous coronary dissections or myocardial infarction with non-obstructive arteries), the adoption of optical coherence tomography (OCT) was raised in the past decades in order to provide complementary information to the traditional angiography and to overcome its limitations. However, the impact of OCT on daily clinical practice is currently modest, firstly because of the lack of both standardized algorithms of PCI guidance and data from prospective clinical trials. Therefore, the aim of our narrative review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic OCT interpretation, to summarize the evidence supporting the OCT guidance procedures and applications, to discuss its current limitations, and to highlight the knowledge gaps that need to be filled with more robust evidence

    Survey of neonatal respiratory care and surfactant administration in very preterm infants in the Italian neonatal network

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    Introduction: Variation of respiratory care is described between centers around the world.The Italian Neonatal Network (INN), as a national group of the Vermont-Oxford Network (VON) allows to perform a wide analysis of respiratory care in very low birth weight infants. Methods:We analyzed the dataset of infants enrolled in the INN in 2009 and 2010 and, for surfactant administration only, from 2006 to 2010 from 83 participating centers. All definitions are those of the (VON). A questionnaire analysis was also performed with a questionnaire on centers practices. Results: We report data for 8297 infants. Data on ventilator practices and outcomes are outlined. Variation for both practices and outcome is found. Trend in surfactant administration is also analyzed. Conclusions. The great variation across hospitals in all the surveyed techniques points to the possibility of implementing potentially better practices with the aim of reducing unwanted variation. These data also show the power of large neonatal networks in identifying areas for potential improvement. \ua9 Mattioli 1885

    Survey of neonatal respiratory care and surfactant administration in very preterm infants in the Italian neonatal network

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    Introduction: Variation of respiratory care is described between centers around the world.The Italian Neonatal Network (INN), as a national group of the Vermont-Oxford Network (VON) allows to perform a wide analysis of respiratory care in very low birth weight infants. Methods:We analyzed the dataset of infants enrolled in the INN in 2009 and 2010 and, for surfactant administration only, from 2006 to 2010 from 83 participating centers. All definitions are those of the (VON). A questionnaire analysis was also performed with a questionnaire on centers practices. Results: We report data for 8297 infants. Data on ventilator practices and outcomes are outlined. Variation for both practices and outcome is found. Trend in surfactant administration is also analyzed. Conclusions. The great variation across hospitals in all the surveyed techniques points to the possibility of implementing potentially better practices with the aim of reducing unwanted variation. These data also show the power of large neonatal networks in identifying areas for potential improvement. © Mattioli 1885