44 research outputs found

    Embryo Culture, In Vitro Propagation, and Molecular Identification for Advanced Olive Breeding Programs

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    The high biodiversity of the olive tree is an important opportunity to develop sustainable plans to control Xylella fastidiosa (X) through breeding programs. Olive tree breeding activities have been limited due to various features of this species including the long time required for seed germination caused by the inhibition effect of the woody endocarp, the seed integument, and the endosperm. Starting from F1 seeds by cross-breeding, the embryo culture was compared with traditional seed germination, evaluating the effectiveness of in vitro multiplication of the plantlets for large-scale production. The isolated embryos were established on a new medium based on Rugini ‘84 macroelements, Murashige & Skoog ‘62 microelements, with Nitsch J. P. & Nitsch C. ‘69 vitamine and subcultured on Leva MSM modified. The results obtained confirmed that in vitro culture of olive embryos is a valid tool for increasing the percentage and speed of germination, helping to reduce the time of the olive breeding programs, offering the possibility to effectively propagate plantlets for further experiments

    New insight into the identity of italian grapevine varieties: The case study of calabrian germplasm

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    Calabria is a region located in Southern Italy and it is characterized by a long tradition of viticulture practices and favorable pedoclimatic conditions for grapevine cultivation. Nevertheless, less than 2% of cultivated land is dedicated to grapevine growing in Calabria. The characterization of local grapevine accessions is crucial to valorize the local and peculiar Italian products and boost the Calabrian winemaking sector. With this purpose, we performed a deep characterization of two widespread Calabrian grapevine varieties—Magliocco Dolce and Brettio Nero, of which very little is known. In particular, a genetic and morphological analysis, a berry physico-chemical and polyphenolic compositions assessment, and oenological evaluation of monovarietal wines were carried out. Our results allowed us to demonstrate that Magliocco Dolce and Brettio Nero are unique and distinct varieties with peculiar morphological and chemical characteristics and show the suitability of these two varieties in high-quality wine production. Moreover, the obtained molecular profiles will be useful for authentication and traceability purposes

    Membranes and synaptosomes used to investigate synaptic GABAergic currents in epileptic patients

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    Among the most prevalent neurological disorders, epilepsy affects about 1% of the population worldwide. We previously found, using human epileptic tissues, that GABAergic neurotransmission impairment is a key mechanism that drives the pathological phenomena that ultimately lead to generation and recurrence of seizures. Using both a "microtransplantation technique" and synaptosomes preparations from drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsies (TLEs), we used the technique of two-electrode voltage clamp to record GABA-evoked currents, focusing selectively on the synaptic "fast inhibition" mediated by low-affinity GABA(A) receptors. Here, we report that the use-dependent GABA current desensitization (i.e., GABA rundown, which is evoked by applying to the cells consecutive pulses of GABA, at high concentration), which is a distinguishing mark of TLE, is mainly dependent on a dysfunction that affects synaptic GABA(A) receptors. In addition, using the same approaches, we recorded a depolarized GABA reversal potential in synaptosomes samples from the human epileptic subicula of TLE patients. These results, which confirm previous experiments using total membranes, suggest an altered chloride homeostasis in the synaptic area. Finally, the lack of a Zn2+ block of GABA-evoked currents using the synaptosomes supports the enrichment of "synaptic fast inhibitory" GABA(A) receptors in this preparation. Altogether, our findings suggest a pathophysiological role of low-affinity GABA(A) receptors at the synapse, especially during the fast and repetitive GABA release underlying recurrent seizures

    AI for Zero-Touch Management of Satellite Networks in B5G and 6G Infrastructures

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    Satellite Communication (SatCom) networks are become more and more integrated with the terrestrial telecommunication infrastructure. In this paper, we shows the current status of the still ongoing European Space Agency (ESA) project”Data-driven Network Controller Orchestration for Real time Network Management-ANChOR”. In particular, we propose a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)based methodology to drive the dynamic selection of the optimal satellite gateway station, which will be performed by combining different kinds of information (i.e. traffic profile, network and weather conditions). Some preliminary results on the real world dataset shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Looking at NB-IoT over LEO Satellite Systems: Design and Evaluation of a Service-Oriented Solution

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    The adoption of the NB-IoT technology in satellite communications intends to boost Internet of Things services beyond the boundaries imposed by the current terrestrial infrastructures. Apart from link-level studies in the scientific literature and preliminary 3GPP technical reports, the overall debate is still open. To provide a further step forward in this direction, the work presented herein pursues a novel service-oriented methodology to design an effective solution, meticulously stitched around application requirements and technological constraints. To this end, it conducts link-level and system-level investigations to tune physical transmissions, satellite constellation, and protocol architecture, while ensuring the expected system behavior. To offer a real smart agriculture service operating in Europe, the resulting solution exploits 24 Low Earth Orbit satellites, grouped into 8 different orbits, moving at an altitude of 500 km. The configured protocol stack supports the transmission of tens of bytes generated at the application layer, by also counteracting the issues introduced by the satellite link. Since each satellite has the whole protocol stack on-board, terminals can transmit data without the need for the feeder link. This ensures communication latencies ranging from 16 minutes to 75 minutes, depending on the served number of terminals and the physical transmission settings. Moreover, the usage of the Early Data Transmission scheme reduces communication latencies up to 40%. These results pave the way towards the deployment of an effective proof-of-concept, which drastically reduces the time-to-market imposed by the current state of the art

    The IVC breeding program: development of new seedless table grapevines for a sustainable viticulture

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    During 2015-2020, the Italian Variety Club, a consortium of growers interested in more sustainable viticulture, carried out an extensive breeding program in Puglia to produce seedless grapevines resistant to powdery (PM) and downy mildew (DM), the two most damaging grapevine diseases, and well adapted to the southern Italian climate. One hundred-nine table grapevine seedless cultivars were crossed with elite cultivars cultivated in the area or with resistant cultivars. The obtained 118.271 seedlings were subjected to marker-assisted selection for seedlessness with the marker VvAGL11, and for resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew with 8 specific markers. The program allowed to obtain 7.696 putative seedless hybrid genotypes, corresponding to 49% of the total progeny, that were submitted to agronomic evaluation in the field, which allowed to select 10 promising cultivars which were entered in the National Register of Vine Varieties (RNVV). As for resistance, 672 seedless genotypes were found resistant to PM and DM, and 81 showed pyramidization of resistances. The work discusses the main parameters related to pollination, vernalisation, germination and plant recovery efficiency, the impact of parental combinations and other variables involved in defining the efficiency of such types of selection programmes, helping to promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly viticulture in Puglia

    Breeding new seedless table grapevines for a more sustainable viticulture in Mediterranean climate

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    The growing demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly viticulture is leading to a multiplication of breeding programs aimed at obtaining vines that are resistant to powdery mildew (PM) and downy mildew (DM), the two most damaging vine diseases. In Puglia, the most important Italian region for the production of table grapes, an extensive crossing program was launched in 2015 with 113 crosses, including elite table varieties, seedless varieties, and resistant varieties. The main seedling production parameters were measured for each cross. In particular, berries harvested as well as the number of seeds and seedlings obtained were considered. Approximately 103,119 seedlings were obtained and subjected to marker-assisted selection for seedlessness using the marker VvAGL11 and for resistance to PM and DM with appropriate markers. Approximately one third (32,638) of the progenies were selected as putative seedless and seventeen thousand five hundred-nine (17,509) were transferred to the field for phenotypic evaluation, including 527 seedless individuals putatively resistant, of which 208 confirmed to be resistant to DM, 22 resistant to PM, and 20 individuals that combined resistance and seedlessness traits. The work discusses the effects of parental combinations and other variables in obtaining surviving progeny and pyramiding genes in table grapes and provides useful information for selecting genotypes and increasing the efficiency of breeding programs for seedless disease-resistant grapes

    Marginal grapevine germplasm from Apulia (Southern Italy) represents an unexplored source of genetic diversity

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    The investigation on the genetic diversity of grapevine germplasm is crucial for a more efficient use of grapevine genetic resources in light of changing environmental conditions. Here, we used simple sequence repeats (SSRs) coupled with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to disclose grapevine genetic diversity of a collection of Apulian minor/neglected genotypes. Their relationships with national or international cultivars were also examined. Genetic diversity was investigated using 10 SSR markers and 1,178 SNPs generated by genotyping by sequencing (GBS). Based on the SSR data, the 128 genotypes were classified into six main genetic clusters. Twenty-four putative cases of synonymy and 2 of misnamings were detected. Ten “unknown” autochthonous genotypes did not show high similarity to Apulian, national, or international varieties. We took advantage of available GBS-derived SNP data points for only forty genotypes to better investigate the genetic distance among them, identify private SNP alleles, and divergent loci putatively under selection. Based on SNP alleles, two interesting gene pools of minor/neglected Apulian samples were identified. Genetic divergence was investigated by FST and allowed the detection of loci capable of differentiating the gene pools. Overall, this work emphasizes the need for recovering the untapped genetic variability that characterizes minor/neglected grapevine Apulian genotypes and the requirement to preserve and use more efficiently grapevine genetic resources in breeding programs