1 research outputs found

    Los desaf铆os de la inclusi贸n en tiempos de COVID-19

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    The essence of this work implies knowing the challenge of inclusive education, in the face of the unexpected social upheaval that definitely affected the entire world, even more so the vulnerable population of the educational system. The interaction of students with the learning environment strengthens knowledge and strengthens the educational process as proposed by Canabal and Margalef (2017). But what happens in the days of COVID-19? The use of ICTs during this time has been of great importance, since it has allowed education to be transformed in its entirety; However, the digital divide has been the greatest challenge for students to obtain significant learning according to G贸mez, Alvarado, Mart铆nez and D铆az (2018): thus, inclusive education is affected since, socioeconomic conditions and technological facilities are not the same in all contexts, thus Torres and Cobo (2017): state that educational technology is in charge of the teaching-learning process at through the use of ICT; however, in the face of these conditions in which we are currently experiencing, technologies are conceived as one more barrier that limits student learning.La esencia del presente trabajo implica conocer el desaf铆o de la educaci贸n inclusiva, ante la inesperada conmoci贸n social que definitivamente afect贸 al mundo entero, m谩s a煤n a la poblaci贸n vulnerable del sistema educativo. La interacci贸n de los alumnos con el entorno de aprendizaje afianza conocimientos y fortalece el proceso educativo como proponen Canabal y Margalef (2017). Pero 驴qu茅 sucede en tiempos de COVID-19? El uso de las TIC en el transcurso de este tiempo ha sido de gran importancia, puesto que ha permitido, que la educaci贸n se transforme en su totalidad; sin embargo, la brecha digital ha sido el mayor desaf铆o para que los estudiantes obtengan aprendizajes significativos seg煤n G贸mez, Alvarado, Mart铆nez y D铆az (2018): as铆 pues, la educaci贸n inclusiva se ve afectada ya que, las condiciones socioecon贸micas y las facilidades tecnol贸gicas no en todos los contextos es igual, de esa manera Torres y Cobo (2017): manifiestan que, la tecnolog铆a educativa se encarga del proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje a trav茅s del uso de las TIC; sin embargo, frente a estas condiciones en las que actualmente estamos pasando, las tecnolog铆as son concebidas como una barrera m谩s que limita el aprendizaje de los alumnos