8,462 research outputs found

    Orbital order, stacking defects and spin-fluctuations in the pp-electron molecular solid RbO2_2

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    We examine magnon and orbiton behavior in localized O2_2 anti-bonding molecular π∗\pi^* orbitals using an effective Kugel-Khomskii Hamiltonian derived from a two band Hubbard model with hopping parameters taken from {\em ab initio} density functional calculations. The considerable difference between intraband and interband hoppings leads to a strong coupling between the spin wave dispersion and the orbital ground state, providing a straightforward way of experimentally determining the orbital ground state from the measured magnon dispersion. The near degeneracy of different orbital ordered states leads to stacking defects which further modulate spin-fluctuation spectra. Proliferation of orbital domains disrupts long-range magnetic order, thus causing a significant reduction in the observed N\'eel temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Lattice density-functional theory of surface melting: the effect of a square-gradient correction

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    I use the method of classical density-functional theory in the weighted-density approximation of Tarazona to investigate the phase diagram and the interface structure of a two-dimensional lattice-gas model with three phases -- vapour, liquid, and triangular solid. While a straightforward mean-field treatment of the interparticle attraction is unable to give a stable liquid phase, the correct phase diagram is obtained when including a suitably chosen square-gradient term in the system grand potential. Taken this theory for granted, I further examine the structure of the solid-vapour interface as the triple point is approached from low temperature. Surprisingly, a novel phase (rather than the liquid) is found to grow at the interface, exhibiting an unusually long modulation along the interface normal. The conventional surface-melting behaviour is recovered only by artificially restricting the symmetries being available to the density field.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Entropic torque

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    Quantitative predictions are presented of a depletion-induced torque and force acting on a single colloidal hard rod immersed in a solvent of hard spheres close to a planar hard wall. This torque and force, which are entirely of entropic origin, may play an important role for the key-lock principle, where a biological macromolecule (the key) is only functional in a particular orientation with respect to a cavity (the lock)

    Depletion potential in hard-sphere mixtures: theory and applications

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    We present a versatile density functional approach (DFT) for calculating the depletion potential in general fluid mixtures. In contrast to brute force DFT, our approach requires only the equilibrium density profile of the small particles {\em before} the big (test) particle is inserted. For a big particle near a planar wall or a cylinder or another fixed big particle the relevant density profiles are functions of a single variable, which avoids the numerical complications inherent in brute force DFT. We implement our approach for additive hard-sphere mixtures. By investigating the depletion potential for high size asymmetries we assess the regime of validity of the well-known Derjaguin approximation for hard-sphere mixtures and argue that this fails. We provide an accurate parametrization of the depletion potential in hard-sphere fluids which should be useful for effective Hamiltonian studies of phase behavior and colloid structure

    Noether symmetries, energy-momentum tensors and conformal invariance in classical field theory

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    In the framework of classical field theory, we first review the Noether theory of symmetries, with simple rederivations of its essential results, with special emphasis given to the Noether identities for gauge theories. Will this baggage on board, we next discuss in detail, for Poincar\'e invariant theories in flat spacetime, the differences between the Belinfante energy-momentum tensor and a family of Hilbert energy-momentum tensors. All these tensors coincide on shell but they split their duties in the following sense: Belinfante's tensor is the one to use in order to obtain the generators of Poincar\'e symmetries and it is a basic ingredient of the generators of other eventual spacetime symmetries which may happen to exist. Instead, Hilbert tensors are the means to test whether a theory contains other spacetime symmetries beyond Poincar\'e. We discuss at length the case of scale and conformal symmetry, of which we give some examples. We show, for Poincar\'e invariant Lagrangians, that the realization of scale invariance selects a unique Hilbert tensor which allows for an easy test as to whether conformal invariance is also realized. Finally we make some basic remarks on metric generally covariant theories and classical field theory in a fixed curved bakground.Comment: 31 pa

    Theory of asymmetric non-additive binary hard-sphere mixtures

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    We show that the formal procedure of integrating out the degrees of freedom of the small spheres in a binary hard-sphere mixture works equally well for non-additive as it does for additive mixtures. For highly asymmetric mixtures (small size ratios) the resulting effective Hamiltonian of the one-component fluid of big spheres, which consists of an infinite number of many-body interactions, should be accurately approximated by truncating after the term describing the effective pair interaction. Using a density functional treatment developed originally for additive hard-sphere mixtures we determine the zero, one, and two-body contribution to the effective Hamiltonian. We demonstrate that even small degrees of positive or negative non-additivity have significant effect on the shape of the depletion potential. The second virial coefficient B2B_2, corresponding to the effective pair interaction between two big spheres, is found to be a sensitive measure of the effects of non-additivity. The variation of B2B_2 with the density of the small spheres shows significantly different behavior for additive, slightly positive and slightly negative non-additive mixtures. We discuss the possible repercussions of these results for the phase behavior of binary hard-sphere mixtures and suggest that measurements of B2B_2 might provide a means of determining the degree of non-additivity in real colloidal mixtures

    Selective-pivot sampling of radial distribution functions in asymmetric liquid mixtures

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    We present a Monte Carlo algorithm for selectively sampling radial distribution functions and effective interaction potentials in asymmetric liquid mixtures. We demonstrate its efficiency for hard-sphere mixtures, and for model systems with more general interactions, and compare our simulations with several analytical approximations. For interaction potentials containing a hard-sphere contribution, the algorithm yields the contact value of the radial distribution function.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Physical approximations for the nonlinear evolution of perturbations in dark energy scenarios

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    The abundance and distribution of collapsed objects such as galaxy clusters will become an important tool to investigate the nature of dark energy and dark matter. Number counts of very massive objects are sensitive not only to the equation of state of dark energy, which parametrizes the smooth component of its pressure, but also to the sound speed of dark energy as well, which determines the amount of pressure in inhomogeneous and collapsed structures. Since the evolution of these structures must be followed well into the nonlinear regime, and a fully relativistic framework for this regime does not exist yet, we compare two approximate schemes: the widely used spherical collapse model, and the pseudo-Newtonian approach. We show that both approximation schemes convey identical equations for the density contrast, when the pressure perturbation of dark energy is parametrized in terms of an effective sound speed. We also make a comparison of these approximate approaches to general relativity in the linearized regime, which lends some support to the approximations.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
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