242 research outputs found
Krooniline neeruhaigus â ĂŒleilmne tervishoiuprobleem
Krooniline neeruhaigus (KNH) on ĂŒleilmne tervishoiuprobleem, sest KNH esineb tĂ€napĂ€eval sagedasti ja ravikulud on vĂ€ga suured. KNH on n-ö varjatud ja vaikne haigus ning vĂ”ib kulgeda mĂ€rkamatult, sest seda haigust haige sageli ei tunne. Selline haiguse kulg on ka KNH aladiagnoosimise ja alaravimise pĂ”hjuseks. Suurtes rahvastiku-uuringutes on kindlaks tehtud, et erinevates staadiumides krooniline neerukahjustus vĂ”ib olla ligikaudu igal kĂŒmnendal inimesel (1, 2).
Eesti Arst 2009; 88(5):319â32
Urotrakti infektsioonid naistel
Urotrakti infektsioonid (UTI) on enamasti bakteriaalse pĂ€ritoluga. Infektsiooni pĂ”hjustajaks on 80â95%-l juhtudest Escherchia coli. UTId esinevad sagedamini naistel ja vĂ”ivad retsidiveeruda. Kliiniliselt vĂ”ivad UTId kulgeda erineva raskusastmega: nii asĂŒmptomaatilise bakterineemia, Ă€geda tsĂŒstiidi kui kapĂŒelonefriidina. Enamikul
juhtudel vajavad haiged antibakteriaalset ravi. Selle kestus sÔltub infektsiooni kulust ja urotrakti erinevate osade haaratusest. Sagedaste infektsiooni retsidiveerumiste vÔi ravile allumatuse korral on vajalikud tÀpsustavad uuringud vÔimaliku urotrakti obstruktsiooni vÔi anomaaliate vÀljaselgitamiseks.
Eesti Arst 2008; 87(2):132â13
Mikroalbuminuuria â sĂŒdame- ja veresoonkonnahaiguse riski nĂ€itaja
Mikroalbuminuuria on diabeetilise nefropaatia varajane riski nĂ€itaja. Essentsiaalse hĂŒpertensiooniga haigetel on mikroalbuminuuria ilmumine mĂ€rgiks, et veresoonkonna olukord halveneb progresseeruvalt ning vĂ”ib areneda nefroskleroos. Hiljuti tehtud uuringutel on leitud, et mikroalbuminuuria on sage ka ĂŒldrahvastikus. SeetĂ”ttu on soovitatav suure kardiovaskulaarse riskiga inimestel mikroalbuminuuria sĂ”eluurimine ja vasoprotektiivse ravi mÀÀramine.
Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (7): 470â47
Nutritional research and intensive nutritional counselling of the chronic kidney disease patients after kidney transplantation
Background: Dietology treatment is the one of the foundation stones in the complex treatment of the chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients together with all other treatments. The dietary intervention plays an important role to determine the effects to a decrease of metabolic abnormalities.Aim: The aim of the long-term study was to monitor nutritional parameters in the post-transplant period.Subjects and methods: We studied 28 clinically stable consecutive nondiabetic kidney transplant patients: 12 males at the age of 42.8 ± 16.1 years, and 16 females at the age of 47.0 ± 14.9 years. Intensive nutritional counselling and dietary consultation by a dietitian were carried out for all the studied patients during one and a half years after the kidney transplantation. Initial data were compared with the results obtained at the end of the study. During the 3-days dietary records analysis and counselling of CKD patients, giving answers to their questions about their food and portion sizes, the dietitian used the standards portion book with many photographs.Results: The consumption of vegetables and fruit was modest compared to Estonian food and nutrition recommendations. The food frequency questionnaire revealed that the patients consumed different foodstuffs at different frequencies, but there was a tendency to excessive consumption of foodstuffs rich in proteins and carbohydrates. To consumption of fat-rich foodstuffs a tendency of decrease was found.Conclusion: An intensive nutritional counselling and healthy diet, avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol as well as regular exercise can help to reduce the chance of developing of chronic transplant nephropathy
Peritoneal Dialysis Penetration and Peritonitis Rate at a Single Centre during Last Decade
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been intensively offered at our centre to patients (pts) with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) from 2000, and the number of PD pts was noticed to raise. We aimed to analyse the PD population from the aspect of penetration and peritonitis rate during eleven years. Cumulative number of new RRT pts was 378 during the study period. We found high PD penetration rate: 53% (range 32â72%). The rate of peritonitis was as high as 9.8 during first study years, but it has declined progressively last year being 29.1 by September 2010 and 21.7 by December 2010. Most cases of peritonitis were due to gram-positive pathogens. We have demonstrated steady high single-centre PD penetration rate and improvement of management of patients during last decade probably because of the result of better pts education and a continued dedication of the staff
Use of Water Immersion to Ameliorate the Progression of Chronic Experimental Kidney Disease
The possible benefits of aquatic environment to kidney function in renal failure stages not much been investigated. It is known that water environment could influence renal function positively: plasma renin activity is reduced, contributing to renal vascular pressure and sodium excretion. Water immersion causes increase in renal blood flow and contributes to the lowering in renal sympathetic nerve activity, renal vascular pressure and decrease in plasma renin activity. Non-swimming aerobic aquatic exercises have shown a beneficial effect to chronic kidney disease patients. We hypothesized that the aquatic environment could improve renal functioning and even slow the progression rate of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of regular water immersion and voluntary swimming to the rate of progression of experimental CKD. Wistar rats were divided into matched groups 2 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy (5/6NPX) and studied during 18 weeks. One group was subjected to water immersion with water temperature 38o and swimming without exhaustion 30 min daily for 12 weeks. Control groups remained sedentary. Chronic studies of systolic blood pressure and urinary protein excretion rate (mg/24h) were performed. Renal morphology was studied and MCP-1 gene expression level was investigated in kidney tissue samples at the end of the study. The main systolic blood pressure was significantly lower and proteinuria was reduced significantly in the swimming-immersion group compared to control 5/6NPX animals. The degree of glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis was significantly less prominent in the water-therapy group. Expression of mRNA for chemokine MCP-1 in glomeruli of CKD animals differs significantly between the water-therapy group and control 5/6NPX group and was closely associated with effects on proteinuria and systolic blood pressure. These results point to the additional renoprotective properties of long-term water immersion and daily aquatic therapy in rats with CKD.
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