16 research outputs found

    Neural transplantation: restoring complex circuitry in the striatum

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    During the last 30 years, the promise of neural transplantation as a therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative disease has been slowly recognised. Across the world, clinical transplants of embryonic primary dopamine neurones have been shown to ameliorate some of the motor deficits in Parkinson s disease (PD) patients, and more recently, systematic clinical trials have been initiated for the replacement of striatal projection neurones lost in Huntington's disease (HD). Clinical transplantation as a prospective therapy for HD poses a particular set of difficulties. The hallmarks of this neurodegenerative disease include extensive loss of medium spiny long-distance projection neurones of the caudate and putamen, affecting downstream target nuclei, the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, leading to dysregulation of motor control. In addition, extensive loss of cortical neurones that form the afferent systems to the basal ganglia leads to widespread cognitive decline. If transplantation therapy is to succeed in replacing degenerating neurones in HD and reinstating controlled function of complex basal gan-glia circuitry, the new neurones must be able to develop specific long-distance projections that can form accurate and functional connections with neurones in precise target regions. Our ongoing studies are aimed at addressing how we can improve the function of striatal transplants, in particular to optimise the reformation of precise long-distance connections and to re-establish normal motor and cognitive function. In particular, we have investigated optimal requirements for embryonic primary tissue to achieve these aims, and also the potential of other cell sources to provide long-distance projection neurones and reconnect complex circuitry. This review describes current progress of experiments to optimise the reconstruction of neuronal circuitry using primary embryonic tissue transplants, as well as our current initiatives to use neural stem cells or precursors to replace long distance projection neurones in the degenerating basal ganglia

    Re-examining the ontogeny of substantia nigra dopamine neurons

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    Recently, the need to detail the precise ontogeny of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons has grown significantly. It is now thought that the gestational day on which the majority of these neurons are born is important not only for maximizing the yield of primary cells for transplantation but also for extracting suitable dopamine neural precursors (as stem cells) for expansion in vitro. Historically, peak ontogeny of substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) dopamine neurons in the rat has been considered to occur around embryonic day (E)14. However, such a concept is at odds with recent studies that reveal not only that substantial numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive cells reside in the ventral mesencephalic region of rats at E14 but that many of these cells have matured extensive axonal projections to the ventral forebrain. Here, then, the ontogeny of SNc neurons in rats commonly used as a source of donor tissue for experimental cell transplantation in animal models of Parkinson's disease has been re-examined. Using a combination of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) administration at E11, E12, E13 or E14 with immunocytochemical stainings for both BrdU and tyrosine hydroxylase after 4 weeks of postnatal development, this characterization reveals that the vast majority (perhaps 80%) of SNc dopamine neurons are probably born on E12 in Sprague-Dawley rats. Such findings are important in refining the use of embryonic tissues for primary cell transplantation and may provide more precise timing for identifying the cellular and molecular events that drive neural stem cells toward a dopaminergic phenotype during development

    Spatially and temporally restricted chemoattractive and chemorepulsive cues direct the formation of the nigro-striatal circuit

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    Identifying cellular and molecular mechanisms that direct the formation of circuits during development is thought to be the key to reconstructing circuitry lost in adulthood to neurodegenerative disorders or common traumatic injuries. Here we have tested whether brain regions situated in and around the developing nigro-striatal pathway have particular chemoattractive or chemorepulsive effects on mesencephalic dopamine axons, and whether these effects are temporally restricted. Mesencephalic explants from embryonic day (E)12 rats were either cultured alone or with coexplants from the embryonic, postnatal or adult medial forebrain bundle region (MFB), striatum, cortex, brain stem or thalamus. Statistical analysis of axon growth responses revealed a potent chemoattraction to the early embryonic MFB (i.e. E12–15) that diminished (temporally) in concert with the emergence of chemoattraction to the striatum in the late embryonic period (i.e. E19+). Repulsive responses by dopaminergic axons were obvious in cocultures with embryonic brain stem and cortex, however, there was no effect by the thalamus. Such results suggest that the nigro-striatal circuit is formed via spatially and temporally distributed chemoattractive and chemorepulsive elements that: (i) orientate the circuit in a rostral direction (via brain stem repulsion); (ii) initiate outgrowth (via MFB attraction); (iii) prevent growth beyond the target region (via cortical repulsion); and (iv) facilitate target innervation (via striatal chemoattraction). Subsequent studies will focus on identifying genes responsible for these events so that their products may be exploited to increase the integration of neuronal transplants to the mature brain, or provide a means to (re)establish the nigro-striatal circuit in vivo

    Animals receiving whole tissue transplants display a correlation between dopamine cell numbers and rotation bias.

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    <p>Each data point represents the number of TH+ cells from a single host (y-axis) versus their rotation score (x-axis). Note (A) how there is no correlation between the number of TH+ cells in dissociated cells transplants and their rotation scores (r<sup>2</sup> = 0.0006), while there is (B) a significant inverse correlation between the number of TH+ cells and ipsilateral rotation in animals receiving transplants of intact pieces of VM tissue (r<sup>2</sup> = 0.306; p = 0.04).</p

    Dissociated cells and piece of VM tissue improve rotation bias in unilaterally 6-OHDA lesioned rats.

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    <p>Net ipsilateral rotation scores of animals pre-transplantation (Pre), and 4 and 6 weeks after transplantation of dissociated cells from, or an intact piece of, half an E13 VM versus controls (lesion alone). Data are shown as group mean rotations of control (diamonds), cell transplanted (squares), and whole tissue transplanted (triangle) animals, with bars above and below each data point indicating the ± SEM. Though both groups of animals receiving either transplants of dissociated VM cells (squares) or intact pieces of VM tissue (triangles) recovered some rotational symmetry, animals receiving transplants of pieces of VM tissue continued to improve after 4 weeks post-transplantation to nearly zero rotations per minute by 6 weeks post-transplantation.</p

    Dissociated cell and whole tissue transplants contain TH+ cells projecting neuritis into the host striatum.

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    <p>Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) staining of coronal sections through transplants of dissociated cells (A–C), or intact pieces of tissue (D–F) from one half of an E13 VM. (A and D) Transplants (arrowheads) were placed centrally in the 6-OHDA denervated striatum of lesion rats. (B and E) Numerous TH+ cell bodies could be seen situated within grafts of either dissociated cells (B) and whole tissue (E), with a halo (arrow heads) of diffuse TH+ cell fibers distributed throughout much of the surrounding host striatum. (C and F) High power images show varied TH+ cell profiles (arrows) throughout both types of grafts, and large, tapering TH+ processes innervating the surrounding host parenchyma (arrow heads). Scale bar for D shown in A, for E shown in B, and for F shown in C.</p

    The number of TH+ cells was greater in animals receiving pieces of E13 VM tissue.

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    <p>After Ambercrombie correction, the total number of TH+ cells in animals receiving dissociated cells from the E13 VM averaged 1290 (+/−159) per transplant. In comparison, grafts of pieces of VM tissue contained significantly greater numbers of TH+ cells 2543 (+/−142; p = 0.003) 6 weeks after transplantation.</p

    Transplantation of human neural progenitor cells into the neonatal rat brain: extensive migration and differentiation with long-distance axonal projections.

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    Here we examined the ability of human neural progenitors from the embryonic forebrain, expanded for up to a year in culture in the presence of growth factors, to respond to environmental signals provided by the developing rat brain. After survival times of up to more than a year after transplantation into the striatum, the hippocampus, and the subventricular zone, the cells were analyzed using human-specific antisera and the reporter gene green fluorescent protein (GFP). From grafts implanted in the striatum, the cells migrated extensively, especially within white matter structures. Neuronal differentiation was most pronounced at the striatal graft core, with axonal projections extending caudally along the internal capsule into mesencephalon. In the hippocampus, cells migrated throughout the entire hippocampal formation and into adjacent white matter tracts, with differentiation into neurons both in the dentate gyrus and in the CA1-3 regions. Directed migration along the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb and differentiation into granule cells were observed after implantation into the subventricular zone. Glial differentiation occurred at all three graft sites, predominantly at the injection sites, but also among the migrating cells. A lentiviral vector was used to transduce the cells with the GFP gene prior to grafting. The reporter gene was expressed for at least 15 weeks and the distribution of the gene product throughout the entire cytoplasmic compartment of the expressing cells allowed for a detailed morphological analysis of a portion of the grafted cells. The extensive integration and differentiation of in vitro-expanded human neural progenitor cells indicate that multipotent progenitors are capable of responding in a regionally specific manner to cues present in the developing rat brain

    Late-Stage Immature Neocortical Neurons Reconstruct Interhemispheric Connections and Form Synaptic Contacts with Increased Efficiency in Adult Mouse Cortex Undergoing Targeted Neurodegeneration

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    In the neocortex, the effectiveness of potential cellular repopulation therapies for diseases involving neuronal loss may depend critically on whether newly incorporated cells can differentiate appropriately into precisely the right kind of neuron, re-establish precise long-distance connections, and reconstruct complex functional circuitry. Here, we test the hypothesis that increased efficiency of connectivity could be achieved if precursors could be more fully differentiated toward desired phenotypes. We compared embryonic neuroblasts and immature murine neurons subregionally dissected from either embryonic day 17 (E17) (Shin et al., 2000) or E19 primary somatosensory (S1) cortex and postnatal day 3 (P3) purified callosal projection neurons (CPNs) with regard to neurotransmitter and receptor phenotype and afferent synapse formation after transplantation into adult mouse S1 cortex undergoing targeted apoptotic degeneration of layer II/111 and V CPNs. Two weeks after transplantation, neurons from all developmental stages were found dispersed within layers II/III and V, many with morphological features typical of large pyramidal neurons. Retrograde labeling with FluoroGold revealed that 42 ± 2% of transplanted E19 immature S1 neurons formed connections with the contralateral S1 cortex by 12 weeks after transplantation, compared with 23 ± 7% of E17 neurons. A greater percentage of E19-derived neurons received synapses (77 ± 1%) compared with E17-derived neurons (67 ± 2%). Similar percentages of both E17 and E19 donor-derived neurons expressed neurotransmitters and receptors [glutamate, aspartate, GABA, GABA receptor (GABA-R), NMDA-R, AMPA-R, and kainate-R] appropriate for endogenous adult CPNs progressively over a period of 2-12 weeks after transplantation. Although P3 fluorescence-activated cell sorting-purified neurons also expressed these mature phenotypic markers after transplantation, their survival in vivo was poor. We conclude that later-stage and region-specific immature neurons develop a mature CPN phenotype and make appropriate connections with recipient circuitry with increased efficiency. However, at postnatal stages of development, limitations in survival outweigh this increased efficiency. These results suggest that efforts to direct the differentiation of earlier precursors precisely along specific desired neuronal lineages could potentially make possible the highly efficient reconstruction of complex neocortical and other CNS circuitry