1,789 research outputs found

    Breathing Modes and Hidden Symmetry of Trapped Atoms in 2D

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    Atoms confined in a harmonic potential show universal oscillations in 2D. We point out the connection of these ''breathing'' modes to the presence of a hidden symmetry. The underlying symmetry SO(2,1), i.e. the two dimensional Lorentz group, allows pulsating solutions to be constructed for the interacting quantum system and for the corresponding nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We point out how this symmetry can be used as a probe for recently proposed experiments of trapped atoms in 2D.Comment: 4 pages, small changes in title and text, references adde

    Nonequilibrium Transport through a Kondo Dot: Decoherence Effects

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    We investigate the effects of voltage induced spin-relaxation in a quantum dot in the Kondo regime. Using nonequilibrium perturbation theory, we determine the joint effect of self-energy and vertex corrections to the conduction electron T-matrix in the limit of transport voltage much larger than temperature. The logarithmic divergences, developing near the different chemical potentials of the leads, are found to be cut off by spin-relaxation rates, implying that the nonequilibrium Kondo-problem remains at weak coupling as long as voltage is much larger than the Kondo temperature.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Wilson chains are not thermal reservoirs

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    Wilson chains, based on a logarithmic discretization of a continuous spectrum, are widely used to model an electronic (or bosonic) bath for Kondo spins and other quantum impurities within the numerical renormalization group method and other numerical approaches. In this short note we point out that Wilson chains can not serve as thermal reservoirs as their temperature changes by a number of order Delta E when a finite amount of energy Delta E is added. This proves that for a large class of non-equilibrium problems they cannot be used to predict the long-time behavior.Comment: 2 page

    Transport in Almost Integrable Models: Perturbed Heisenberg Chains

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    The heat conductivity kappa(T) of integrable models, like the one-dimensional spin-1/2 nearest-neighbor Heisenberg model, is infinite even at finite temperatures as a consequence of the conservation laws associated with integrability. Small perturbations lead to finite but large transport coefficients which we calculate perturbatively using exact diagonalization and moment expansions. We show that there are two different classes of perturbations. While an interchain coupling of strength J_perp leads to kappa(T) propto 1/J_perp^2 as expected from simple golden-rule arguments, we obtain a much larger kappa(T) propto 1/J'^4 for a weak next-nearest neighbor interaction J'. This can be explained by a new approximate conservation law of the J-J' Heisenberg chain.Comment: 4 pages, several minor modifications, title change

    Giant mass and anomalous mobility of particles in fermionic systems

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    We calculate the mobility of a heavy particle coupled to a Fermi sea within a non-perturbative approach valid at all temperatures. The interplay of particle recoil and of strong coupling effects, leading to the orthogonality catastrophe for an infinitely heavy particle, is carefully taken into account. We find two novel types of strong coupling effects: a new low energy scale T⋆T^{\star} and a giant mass renormalization in the case of either near-resonant scattering or a large transport cross section σ\sigma. The mobility is shown to obey two different power laws below and above T⋆T^{\star}. For σ≫λf2\sigma\gg\lambda_f^2, where λf\lambda_f is the Fermi wave length, an exponentially large effective mass suppresses the mobility.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Sign change of the Grueneisen parameter and magnetocaloric effect near quantum critical points

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    We consider the Grueneisen parameter and the magnetocaloric effect near a pressure and magnetic field controlled quantum critical point, respectively. Generically, the Grueneisen parameter (and the thermal expansion) displays a characteristic sign change close to the quantum-critical point signaling an accumulation of entropy. If the quantum critical point is the endpoint of a line of finite temperature phase transitions, T_c \propto (p_c-p)^Psi, then we obtain for p<p_c, (1) a characteristic increase \Gamma \sim T^{-1/(\nu z)} of the Grueneisen parameter Gamma for T>T_c, (2) a sign change in the Ginzburg regime of the classical transition, (3) possibly a peak at T_c, (4) a second increase Gamma \sim -T^{-1/(nu z)} below T_c for systems above the upper critical dimension and (5) a saturation of Gamma \propto 1/(p_c-p). We argue that due to the characteristic divergencies and sign changes the thermal expansion, the Grueneisen parameter and magnetocaloric effect are excellent tools to detect and identify putative quantum critical points.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; final version, only minor change
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