65 research outputs found


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    The CSR policy of companies occupy a privileged environment through coaching programs to other interests such as employees, suppliers, customers, authorities and various NGOs. This is why we wanted to see what the environment is important for managers on companies in Romania, the company's CSR policy. In the literature the definition of social responsibility and ways to implement this in practice are often encountered. Some authors claim that societal marketing concept has not found its way into the language of business. From here, there were other terms that had a greater impact on the business environment such as social responsibility. Increasing the company's impact on the environment, the pressure exerted by stakeholders, and identifying positive elements of socially responsible approach have been the main stimulus for development of social responsibility. From that a lot of studies on academic and commercial problem. And the present study fit the same line we conducted a research on 50 companies,it was an exploratory research. As respondents were chosen only marketing managers or general managers or even owners compnaie depending, in other words I tried to go directly to company decision makers in developing and building its image. While this one sample is statistically representative of the point of view we have covered with him in all areas of business activities and of all sizes can say that the results provide a clear enough picture of managersmentality in companies in Romania on business activities with the problem of intereactiunii environment Managers of companies in Romania recognize the environmental problems and say they are implicating in various actions to protect the environment. On the declarative level social environment is one of the most important areas being the most nominated as one of the top three areas of social nature that would involve having the greatest opportunity for development in coming years, over 60% of companies saying they would like to be involved in future environmental programs. Instead, the real actions to protect the environment are relatively few or are carried out not caring for the environment but because of economic worries, because there is an economic advantage for application of these methods. These actions result in social activities and what they had to declare they have made to protect the environment and the ways reporting their concerns for the environment in economical manner. The lack of environmental reports, the lack of certifications and the lack of requairements of certification amond the suppliers shows once again the real place of the environmental problems among the managers interests.green marketing, ecological products, Romania

    Information Systems Audit for University Governance in Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

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    Today’s successful audit leaders never lose sight of the importance of continually assessing and improving the organizations’ university governance structure. Focusing on small and large mission, and using practical exercises and individual activities, the auditors will help gain the skills necessary to review and improve university governance structure, while developing techniques to assess risk management activities. Attendees will leave with an understanding of legal and regulatory guidelines as they pertain to university governance and discuss in-depth issues such as business ethics, transparency and disclosure, IT governance and university risks management. Identification, evaluation and management of university risks, is an important element of the university governance system. Today, the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies is in a complex process to realize a university governance integrate information system. In context of this paperwork there are presented the main aspects for developing and implementing in actual phase information systems audit, to recognize the risks and establish the necessary measures to eliminate them.University Governance, IT Governance, IS Audit, Risks Management, Performance


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    This paper is the result of some marketing researches about organizations informations needs. For identifying the needs of marketing informations of the organizations in the south region of the country, a series of qualitative research where made, totalizing two focus groups and 5 in-depth interviews. From the research were detained aspects about: present informations sources, needs of informations, and utility of a new portal with marketing information named INFOMARK and the trust in it.Marketing research, information needs, organization from Bucharest, Muntenia and Oltenia

    Individualizarea marketingului sportiv in cadrul marketingului general

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    Ca orice domeniu nou aparut in tara noastra, si marketingul sportiv se cere a fi definit pentru a putea percepe, la adevarata sa valoare, importanta pe care o are in dezvoltarea economica (prin veniturile pe care le genereaza) si sociala (prin implicarea populatiei in activitatile sportive). Conceptualizarea acestui domeniu trebuie pornita de la cadrul general in care a aparut si s-a dezvoltat marketingul sportiv. Tinand cont de acest lucru, lucrare de fata isi propune sa dezbata diferitele puncte de vedere intalnite in teorie referitor la definitia si clasificarea marketingului sportiv.marketing sportiv, marketing pentru sport, marketing prin sport, sports marketing, outdoor marketing, marketing through sport

    Analysing the spatio-temporal evolution of built-up area in Bistrita subcarpathian valley using G.I.S techniques

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    The goal of the study is to develop an appropriate method for analyzing and quantifying the territorial expansion of built-up area in the administrative territory of Bistrita subcarpathian Valley, a well populated region. The area under study has high favorability in terms of housing due to its contact geographical unit position and access to natural resources. Analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of built-up area is essential for understanding and assessing the consequences of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The methodology was mainly achi sved through GIS techniques, by using relevant cartographic documents covering a period of more than 200 years. As a particular method we created a system of matrices (focalsum) which divide the areas affected by changes into equal size squares in order to highlight the density of these changes. The study was conducted through a systemic approach, aiming to analyze the connections between the territo: ial expansion and the environmental components which constituted key factors to its dynamics. The results showed a continuous and rapid expansion of built-up area, With different growth patterns depending on the socioeconomic factors, which represented the dominant driving factors of this phenomeno

    Analysing the spatio-temporal evolution of built-up area in Bistrita subcarpathian valley using G.I.S techniques

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    The goal of the study is to develop an appropriate method for analyzing and quantifying the territorial expansion of built-up area in the administrative territory of Bistrita subcarpathian Valley, a well populated region. The area under study has high favorability in terms of housing due to its contact geographical unit position and access to natural resources. Analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of built-up area is essential for understanding and assessing the consequences of anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The methodology was mainly achi sved through GIS techniques, by using relevant cartographic documents covering a period of more than 200 years. As a particular method we created a system of matrices (focalsum) which divide the areas affected by changes into equal size squares in order to highlight the density of these changes. The study was conducted through a systemic approach, aiming to analyze the connections between the territo: ial expansion and the environmental components which constituted key factors to its dynamics. The results showed a continuous and rapid expansion of built-up area, With different growth patterns depending on the socioeconomic factors, which represented the dominant driving factors of this phenomeno

    Researches on the control of the common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud.) in areas of the irrigation or drainage channels

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    The research was undertaken during 2016 and 2017 in the pedoclimatic conditions at the farm SC Agroprod Seaca SA (aluviosol type soil, with a humus content of 4.2%), refers to the possibility of controlling the invasive species Phragmites australis (common reed) in the draining systems from the area. Tt was studied the influence of different methods of common reed control, in corn field and different methods applyed on from the area, (still in experiment for the next year), by comparing the use of glyphosate, with other Phragmites australis (common reed) control methods. In treated area (dry drainage canals), herbicide efficacy was evaluated 30 and 60 days after treatment considering a scale from 0 to 100% for control of common reed (in 2016-2017). In autumn of 2016, the common reed was burned or cut, the effectiveness of these methods, applied, on flood protection dams, in 2016, was appreciated on 11 April 2017, together with the efficacy assessment after application, at different time, in 2017

    Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Procalcitonin, and Gut Microbiota: Players in the Same Team

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    The study aimed to assess the link between procalcitonin (PCT) and gut dysbiosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). A total of 125 research participants, 100 patients with NAFLD (59% women and 41% men) age between 43 and 84 years and 25 healthy controls, joined this observational study. Patients were consecutively enrolled into two groups: 50 with gut dysbiosis and 50 without gut dysbiosis, after several conditions have been ruled out. Patients from dysbiotic group displayed significantly lesser use of biguanides and statins and elevation of fatty liver index (FLI), PCT, C-reactive protein (CRP), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Their gut microbiome was characterized by Bacteroides and Prevotella sp. dominant enterotype (74%) and by Ruminococcus sp. in only 26% of cases. The decrease of H index of biodiversity was observed in 64% of patients as well as of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B) ratio and Akkermansia muciniphila in 60%. The increase of lipopolysaccharide positive bacteria was noted in 62% of patients. PCT strongly correlated with the level of CRP and ALT as well as to stool’s H index of biodiversity and F/B ratio. Dysbiotic patients with NAFLD exhibited significant elevation of PCT that correlated well with the H index of stool’s microbiota biodiversity, F/B ratio, CRP level, and severity of cytolytic syndrome
