9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Cekaman Kekeringan terhadap Kandungan Klorofil dan Prolin Daun Kedelai

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    The study of physiological responses of soybean to drought stress could be a useful tool to the understanding of the mechanisms of drought resistance. Study was conducted to evaluate the effect of water stress on chlorophyll and prolin accumulation rate. This study was conducted in the Cikabayan greenhouse IPB using ten genotypes of soybean (Ratai, Seulawah, Slamet, Tanggamus, Wilis, GC 22-10, PG 57-1, SC 21-5, SC 39-1, SP 30-4) and PEG (0%, 20%). The result showed that drought stress with PEG simulation significant effect on chlorophyll and proline content

    Pengaruh Asal Bahan Stek dan Jenis Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (Zpt) pada Pertumbuhan Stek Daun Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

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    This research aims to study the growth response of plant leaf cuttings mother in-law's tongue (Sansevieria parva) origin of cuttings and various plant growth regulator treatment. Research was using complete randomized block design (RAKL) with 6 replications. The first factor was the origin of cuttings, i.e. the top/tip leaves, the middle leave, and the bottom/leaves base. The second factor was the various plant growth regulator (PGR) treatment i.e. onion extracts, water coconut and Rootone-F. Parameters observed and measured is the experiment root length, number of roots, root wet weight and root dry weight. The results showed that plant growth regulator treatment significant effect on root length, number of roots, root wet weight, and root dry weight. The treatment combination of origin of cuttings and synthetic plant growth regulator by cutting material from the middle to give the best results on the number of root and root wet weight

    Respon Anatomi dan Fisiologi Akar Kedelai terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Drought stress in crop occurs due to imbalance between demand and supply of water. Crop responses to drought stress depend on their genotypes. Drought stress causes anatomical changes and root damage. The objective of this research was to study the effect of drought stress on anatomy and physiology of soybean root. The research was conducted at Laboratory of Microtechnique, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University in November 2013. A Completely Randomized Design with two factors was used in the research i.e. soybean genotypes (Wilis, PG 57-1, SC 39-1) and PEG (0, 20%) with three replications. The result showed that genotype and PEG affected the size of the cortex, stele, and xylem. PG 57-1 genotype showed the decrease of cortical thickness, diameter of stele and the diameter of xylem, on the other hand, in SC 39-1, there was an increase. Drought stress (PEG 20%) could also cause damage to the root membrane as indicated by the occurrence of lipid peroxides. Wilis and PG 57-1 were tolerant while SC 39-1 was sensitive to drought stress

    Kajian Penggunaan Nutrisi Anorganik terhadap Pertumbuhan Kangkung (Ipomoea Reptans Poir) Hidroponik Sistem Wick

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    This study aims to determine the effect of giving different types of nutrients on the growth of kale in hydroponic wick system. The study was a single factor experiment with two treatments using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 7 replications. The treatment given was inorganic fertilizer AB Mix and NPK plus inorganic fertilizer. Nutritional concentration was given as much as 10 ml/liter. The results showed that the type of nutrient treatment was significantly affected the growth of plant height at age 14 days after planting (DAP) and 21 DAP. At age 28 DAP there was no real effect. The producing of leaves number was differences at all stages. Provision of nutrition AB mix produced higher plant height at 14 DAP (15.9 cm) and 21 DAP (19.3 cm). The parameter of leaf number, AB mix yield more leaves at 14 hst (8,1 strand), 21 hst (11,1 strands) and 28 DAP (13,4 strands) respectively

    Kandungan Antioksidan Daun Mahang Damar (Macaranga Triloba (Bl.) Muell Arg.)

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    In the year 2015, the plants that initially grow a lot of wild is increasing in popularity because many contested by the citizens. The reason is because the plant has an economic value. Based on the literature review it is known that apigenin, a flavonoid compound has been isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of methanolic extract of Macaranga gigantia leaf. Compounds that have potential as antioxidants are generally compounds of flavonoids, phenolics, and alkaloids. Flavonoid and polyphenolic compounds are antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory, while alkaloids have antineoplastic properties that also inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Phenol content, antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity were also found in Macaranga gigantea, M. hosei, M. hypoleuca, M. kingii, M. pruinosa and M. triloba (Lim et.al., 2014). This leads to the notion that mahang leaves were obtained and collected from the Central Kalimantan region where this study carried out also contained similar content and activity. Determination of the value of antioxidant activity in this study using DPPH method performed on n-hexane extract ofmahang leaf obtained by maceration. N-hexane extract of mahang leaf have antioxidant activity, this can be seen from the preliminary TLC test results where the spots produced when sprayed with DPPH fluoresce when viewed at 366 nm uv. The average value of IC50n-hexane extract of mahang leaves was 141.3 ppm

    Pemanfaatan Lahan Sempit untuk Budidaya Sayuran dengan Sistem Vertikultur

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    The yard around as the most direct way of providing daily food and a source of income for the purchase of other foods. The yard around can provide enough nutritious food and income for the sale of yard around produce. However, the narrow yard is one problem to grow vegetables. Verticulture is a system of agricultural cultivation where the planting area arranged vertically or terraced to allow the efficiency of limited land. One solution for the community can develop a farm for providing food to families with the verticulture system. Vertikultur is a method of cultivation that the principle is the effective use of land. The benefit obtained is able to provide the family needed on vegetables and also make the atmosphere around the house to be fresher. Aesthetically, vertically landscaped gardens serve as a backdrop that presents beautiful scenery in various colors. This program was conducted at Perum PU Bukit Tunggal, Jekan Raya, Palangkaraya. Methods of this program by socialization with training and pamphlets and vegetables cultivation workshop verticulture and housewife as the participant. The purpose of this program can supply households with nearly all the foods they need, reducing the cost of vegetable spending for their family. Given the price of vegetables in the city of Palangka Raya quite expensive. The result of this program that is a housewife and their family can improving capability and skill on verticulture technology mastery like preparation of planting media, planting and plant treatment, pest and disease control, harvesting and post-harvesting treatment

    Kandungan Unsur Hara pada Pupuk Organik Tumbuhan Air Lokal

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    Water hyacinth, giant salvinia and water lettuce are widely available in Central Kalimantan that can be used as organic fertilizer. This study aims to determine the nutrient content of solid and liquid organic fertilizers in water hyacinth, giant salvinia and water lettuce fertilizers. The results showed that solid organic fertilizer/compost and water hyacinth, water lettuce and giant salvinia liquid fertilizer have nutrient content needed by plants. In solid fertilizers, the Nitrogen of giant salviniacontent was 2.43% and lack of the minimum standard of solid organic fertilizer, while Phospor and Potassium content were not included in the standard. In liquid organic fertilizer, Nitrogen, Phospor and Potassium content were not included in the minimum standard organic fertilizer requirement

    Respon Pertumbuhan Tanaman Segau/sawi Dayak pada Perlakuan Pupuk Kotoran Ayam dan Kompos Kiambang

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    Segau atau sawi lokal khas Dayak di Kalimantan merupakan sejenis sawi dengan rasa pahit dan biasa dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Segau biasa ditanam bersamaan dengan saat penanaman padi ladang/gunung di daerah masyarakat suku Dayak di Kalimantan. Sampai saat ini belum ada panduan teknik budidaya untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman segau. Tanaman sawi lokal (segau) biasanya ditanam 1 kali setahun yaitu saat musim tanam Oktober – Maret bersamaan dengan penanaman padi di lahan tegalan. Budidaya segau selama ini dilakukan oleh petani masih dengan cara tradisional. Penelitian tentang budidaya tanaman segau perlu dilakukan mengingat segau merupakan salah satu kearifan lokal yang dimiliki dan harus dilestarikan agar tidak punah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan segau/sawi lokal khas dayak pada perlakuan pupuk organik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari dua faktor perlakuan. Faktor I pupuk kandang ayam dan faktor II kompos kiambang. Terdapat interaksi perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam dan kompos kiambang pada parameter diameter batang tanaman segau. Perlakuan faktor tunggal pupuk kandang ayam berpengaruh sangat nyata pada panjang tajuk, jumlah daun, diameter batang, bobot basah tajuk, bobot basah akar, rasio panjang akar tajuk, berpengaruh nyata pada rasio bobot basah akar-tajuk dan nilai indeks panen. Pada parameter Indeks Panen, perlakuan terbaik adalah perlakuan pupuk kandang ayam dengan dosis 10 ton/ha

    Aplikasi Beberapa Pupuk Organik TTerhadap Produksi, Kualitas Buah DDan EfisiensiAgronomi Melon di Tanah Gambut

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    This research aims to know the effect interaction of application of types and different dosage of organic fertilizers on production and fruit quality of melons on peatlands, effect of application of types and different dosage of organic fertilizers on production and fruit quality of melons on peatlands, and the agronomic efficiency of the use of several types and different dosage of organic fertilizers on production of melons on peatlands. This research design was used as a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consists of two factors with 4 replication. The first factor consisted of types of organic fertilizer (P) i.e. chicken manure (PA), guano manure (PG), and cow manure (PS). The second factor consisted of fertilizer dosage (D) i.e. 0 tons ha-1 (without fertilization, called control), D1 = 15 tons ha-1, D2 = 30 tons ha-1 and D3 = 45 tons ha-1. The data obtained by analysis of variance (ANOVA) or F test at α = 5% and 1% levels to determine the effect of treatment was tested further by HSD (honestly significant difference) testat the level of 5%. The result shows that the interaction type of organic fertilizer and the dosage of organic fertilizer treatment significant effect on the weight of the melon. Chicken manure is the best organic fertilizer on the size and quality of the melon. Dosage of 45 tons ha-1 organic fertilizer gave the highest results but it was not significantly different with a dosage of 30 tons ha-1. The use of chicken manure fertilizer of 30 tons ha-1 is more efficient in agronomy in increasing melons yield on peatlands. &nbsp