44 research outputs found

    Divergence of the Stark collision operator at large impact parameters in plasma spectroscopy models

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    International audienceThe divergence that occurs at large impact parameters in Stark collision operators is examined for low-density hydrogen plasmas. In a previous work [Rosato, Capes, and Stamm, Phys. Rev. E \textbf{86}, 046407 (2012)], we showed that the correlations between a radiating atom and the charged particles surrounding it affect the mean evolution of the atom, resulting in a mitigation of the Stark broadening near the line center. In this work, we examine the physical mechanism underlying this mitigation with an approach inspired from the standard semi-classical impact model. Our approach accounts for the atom-perturber correlations in a simple fashion, through a cut-off at large impact parameters, and embraces the impact model in the weakly coupled plasma limit. Comparisons with numerical simulations are performed and indicate a good agreement

    Influence of correlated collisions on Stark-broadened lines in plasmas

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    International audienceAn investigation of spectral line broadening in plasmas is carried out within a kinetic-theory approach, based on the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy. The model employs a resummation procedure to account for correlated emitter-perturber collisions. Applications to hydrogen lines indicate that such collisions strongly affect the width and the shape in the core region. This argument is supported by comparisons to numerical simulations. It is also shown that the usual collision operator models, based on a binary description of emitter-perturber collisions, can be extremely inaccurate. The present model, in a better agreement with numerical simulations, is suggested as an extension suitable for the design of fast and accurate numerical routines for plasma diagnostics

    Ideal Coulomb plasma approximation in line shape models: problematic issues

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    International audienceIn weakly coupled plasmas, it is common to describe the microfield using a Debye model. We examine here an “artificial” ideal one-component plasma with an infinite Debye length, which has been used for the test of line shape codes. We show that the infinite Debye length assumption can lead to a misinterpretation of numerical simulations results, in particular regarding the convergence of calculations. Our discussion is done within an analytical collision operator model developed for hydrogen line shapes in near-impact regimes. When properly employed, this model can serve as a reference for testing the convergence of simulations

    Accuracy of impact broadening models in low-density magnetized hydrogen plasmas

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    International audienceThe impact approximation used in the modelling of Stark profiles is examined when a magnetic field is present. Motivated by tokamak plasma spectroscopy, we calculate line shapes and SS-matrix elements for the first Lyman lines of hydrogen with two models proposed for retaining simultaneously Stark and Zeeman effects in the impact limit. An evaluation of the accuracy of the two approaches is made with the help of a numerical simulation

    Radiative transfer with partial coherence in optically thick plasmas

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    International audienceA quantum transport model for atomic line radiation in plasmas is developed and analyzed. It is found that the Wigner phase space formulation of QED provides a consistent way to address the wave-particle duality in radiative transfer problems. If the photons' thermal de Broglie length is much smaller than all of the spatial scales of the problem under consideration (large spectral band limit), the radiation is not coherent and radiative transfer can be addressed with usual treatments. In the general case, the Heisenberg uncertainty relation yields ambiguities in the description of the radiation-matter interaction mechanisms. We examine this issue and show that an accurate description of radiative transfer should involve a model with nonlocal interactions, and requires an appropriate coarse-graining procedure. Calculations of transmission factors and absorption spectra in ideal cases are performed, and indicate that significant misinterpretations can be done in spectroscopic diagnostics if the radiation coherence is not well accounted for. Applications to laser physics are also discussed

    A quantum transport model for atomic line radiation in plasmas

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    Emission and absorption lines in plasmas are investigated theoretically using a phase space formulation of quantum electrodynamics. A transport equation for the one-photon Wigner function is derived and formulated in terms of the noncommutative Moyal product. This equation reduces to the standard radiative transfer equation at the large spectral band limit, when the characteristic spectral band of the emission and absorption coefficients is larger than the inverse photon absorption length and time. We examine deviations to this limit. An ideal slab geometry is considered. The Wigner function relative to hydrogen Lyman α in stellar atmospheric conditions is calculated

    A quantum transport model for atomic line radiation in plasmas*

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    A quantum phase space formulation of radiative transfer

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    Retaining space and time coherence in radiative transfer models

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    A quantum transport model for atomic line radiation in plasmas

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