148 research outputs found

    High blood levels of IL-6 nicely correlate with animal survival in trained C26 bearing mice

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    Exercise is a beneficial adjunct therapy to maintain or enhance quality of life in cancer patients. Recently, few studies demonstrated a correlation between high concentrations of IL-6 and a poor survival. This depends on the equilibrium between the concentrations of IL-6 and sIL-6R. Exercise induces a beneficial increase in circulating IL-6 (1). Fresh fragments of solid C26 tumor were inoculated in healthy 3 months-old mice (n=230, M=115 and F=115). The experimental procedure were 12 weeks long. During the first 6 weeks, mice were randomly assigned to one of the experimental conditions: sedentary (SED) or progressive training (TRP). After the first 6 weeks, all mice were inoculated with a fresh fragment of tumor. All trained adult mice after the tumor inoculation were randomly assigned to a different training program: low intensity training (TRL), moderate intensity training (TRM) and high intensity training (TRH). Mice run 5 days per week on a Rota-Rod following one of the specific training program (TRP ,TRL, TRM and TRH) (2). After tumor inoculation the mice were daily weighted and tumor size monitored until death. Moreover, 8 mice for each group were sacrificed when cachexia occurred (>9% body weight loss), and blood samples were stored for CBA Enhanced flex set flow-cytometric assays (IL-6 and TNF-alpha). The TRM and TRH training protocol performed by trained adult male mice extend the median survival compared to the sedentary adult mice and trained female mice. Interesting the beneficial effect of exercise seemed to be mediated extending the survival days. Significant high blood levels of IL-6 were recorded among the male trained mice (TRM and TRH) groups in comparison with sedentary adult mice and trained female mice (TRM and TRH). The results suggest that endurance exercise as adjuvant therapy is gender and physical training level specific. This effect seems to be mediated by IL-6 blood levels

    Do fat supplements increase physical performance?

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    Fish oil and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) belong to a popular class of food supplements known as "fat supplements", which are claimed to reduce muscle glycogen breakdown, reduce body mass, as well as reduce muscle damage and inflammatory responses. Sport athletes consume fish oil and CLA mainly to increase lean body mass and reduce body fat. Recent evidence indicates that this kind of supplementation may have other side-effects and a new role has been identified in steroidogenensis. Preliminary findings demonstrate that fish oil and CLA may induce a physiological increase in testosterone synthesis. The aim of this review is to describe the effects of fish oil and CLA on physical performance (endurance and resistance exercise), and highlight the new results on the effects on testosterone biosynthesis. In view of these new data, we can hypothesize that fat supplements may improve the anabolic effect of exercise


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    In order to increase knowledge on the morphology and structure of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) for a better understanding of the functional role of the same, it proceeded with an investigation on histological samples in the block of TMJ and periarticular tissues of adult rabits and human fatustes at different stage of development. (www.actabiomedica.it

    Effect of conjugated linoleic acid on testosterone levels in vitro and in vivo after an acute bout of resistance exercise.

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    The purposes of the present study were to investigate the effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation on testosterone levels in vitro on a cell line derived from Leydig cells (R2C) and in vivo in the blood of physically active subjects before and after a resistance exercise bout. In vitro R2C cells were treated with different CLA concentrations (0-30 ÎŒM) for 24 and 48 hours. After treatment, supernatant media were tested to determine testosterone secretion. The CLA increased the testosterone secretion only after 48 hours. In vivo, 10 resistance-trained male subjects, in a double-blind placebo-controlled and crossover study design were randomized for 3 weeks of either 6 g·d⁻Âč CLA or placebo. Blood was drawn pre and post each resistance exercise bout to determine the total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels. No significant differences were observed for total testosterone or SHBG pre and post each resistance exercise bout; although after the resistance exercise bouts, total testosterone increased moderately (effect size = moderate), whereas after CLA supplementation, there was a large increase in total testosterone (effect size = large). CLA supplementation induced an increase in testosterone levels in Leydig cells in vitro after 48 hours but not in vivo before and after a resistance exercise bout. These findings suggest that CLA supplementation may promote testosterone synthesis through a molecular pathway that should be investigated in the future, although this effect did not have an anabolic relevance in our in vivo model

    Capability of Sentinel-2 data for estimating maximum evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements for tomato crop in Central Italy

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    Abstract The occurrence of water shortages ascribed to projected climate change, especially in the Mediterranean region, fosters the interest in remote sensing (RS) applications to optimize water use in agriculture. Remote sensing evapotranspiration and water demand estimation over large cultivated areas were used to manage irrigation to minimize losses during the crop growing cycle. The research aimed to explore the potential of the MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) sensor on board Sentinel-2A to estimate crop parameters, mainly surface albedo (α) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) that influence the dynamics of potential evapotranspiration (ETp) and Irrigation Water Requirements (IWR) of processing tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Maximum tomato ETp was calculated according to the FAO Penman-Monteith equation (FAO-56 PM) using appropriate values of canopy parameters derived by processing Sentinel-2A data in combination with daily weather information. For comparison, we used the actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) derived from the soil water balance (SWB) module in the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model and calibrated with in-situ Root Zone Soil Moisture (RZSM). The experiment was set up in a privately-owned farm located in the Tarquinia irrigation district (Central Italy) during two growing seasons, within the framework of the EU Project FATIMA (FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water Management). The results showed that canopy growth, maximum evapotranspiration (ETp) and IWR were accurately inferred from satellite observations following seasonal rainfall and air temperature patterns. The net estimated IWR from satellite observations for the two-growing seasons was about 272 and 338 mm in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Such estimated requirement was lower compared with the actual amount supplied by the farmer with sprinkler and drip micro-irrigation system in both growing seasons resulting in 364 (276 mm drip micro-irrigation, and 88 mm sprinkler) and 662 (574 mm drip micro-irrigation, and 88 mm sprinkler) mm, respectively. Our findings indicated the suitability of Sentinel-2A to predict tomato water demand at field level, providing useful information for optimizing the irrigation over extended farmland

    Endurance training induces apoptosis in the tumor mass in the C26-bearing mouse model

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    Cachexia, sarcopenia and anorexia are characterised by muscle wasting. This condition is a weakening, shrinking, and loss of muscle caused by a disease or lack of use. The loss of muscle causes a decrease in strength and inability to move compromising the quality of life. Recently we demonstrated that the skeletal muscle of endurance trained Balb/c mice release IL-6 and Hsp60 (inside exosomes) in the blood stream. We studied the expression of Hsp60 in the muscles of trained and untrained C26-bearing mice, to understand if Hsp60 was over-expression may improve muscle performance and reduce cachexia. Four different interleukins have been also studied in cachectic mice, to understand which was their effect on Hsp60 expression both in the tumor mass and the trained muscle. In the present study we demonstrated that: 1) IL-6 is released by the trained muscle; 2) IL-6 is release also by the tumor mass, 3) in animals inoculated with the C26 tumor and trained after inoculation, IL-6 is synthesized mainly by the skeletal muscle and the tumor mass undergo apoptosis

    Quantitative patterns of Hsps in tubular adenoma compared with normal and tumor tissues reveal the value of Hsp10 and Hsp60 in early diagnosis of large bowel cancer

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    Large bowel carcinogenesis involves accumulation of genetic alterations leading to transformation of normal mucosa into dysplasia and, lastly, adenocarcinoma. It is pertinent to elucidate the molecular changes occurring in the pre-neoplastic lesions to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment. Heat shock proteins (Hsps), many of which are molecular chaperones, are implicated in carcinogenesis, and their variations with tumor progression encourage their study as biomarkers. There are many reports on Hsps and cancer but none to our knowledge on their systematic quantification in pre-neoplastic lesions of the large bowel. We performed immunohistochemical determinations of Hsp10, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 in biopsies of large bowel tubular adenomas with moderate grade of dysplasia and compared to normal mucosa and adenocarcinoma with a moderate grade of differentiation (G2). A significant elevation of Hsp10 and Hsp60 only, i.e., in the absence of elevation of Hsp70 or Hsp90, in both epithelium and lamina propria was found in tubular adenoma by comparison with normal mucosa. In contrast, adenocarcinoma was characterized by the highest levels of Hsp10 and Hsp60 in epithelium and lamina propria, accompanied by the highest levels of Hsp70 only in epithelium and of Hsp90 only in lamina propria, by comparison with normal and tubular adenoma counterparts. Hsp10 and Hsp60 are promising biomarkers for early diagnosis of tubular adenoma and for its differentiation from more advanced malignant lesions. Hsp10 and Hsp60 may be implicated in carcinogenesis from its very early steps and, thus, are potentially convenient targets for therapy
