5 research outputs found

    Kinerja dan Nilai Tambah Agroindustri Sabut Kelapa pada Kawasan USAha Agroindustri Terpadu (Kuat) di Kecamatan Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Pesisir Barat

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    The research aims to analyze (1) the performance (physic and financially) of cocofiber agroindustry, (2) added value of coco fiber agroindustry. The research was conducted in Kawasan Usaha Agroindustri Terpadu(KUAT) at Pesisir Selatan Sub-District of Pesisir Barat District and the location was choosen purposively. Research location was chosen purposively based on the quantity of workers. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative method. The results showed that (1) performance of coco fiber agroindustry was profitable with amount of productivity of business agroindustry 2.50, the productivity of labor 76,56 kg/HOK and the capacity 67 %, whereas the coco fiber agroindustry financially feasible as shown with the NPV value of Rp 1,224,513.693, IRR 36.58%, Net B/C 2.77, Gross B/C 1.21 and Payback period for 5.51 years, (2) the coco fiber agroindustry gives added value of Rp 189.04/kg with the ratio 57.55%.Key words: added value, agroindustry, coco fiber, financial, performanc

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Produsen Jamur Tiram di Kota Metro

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    The purposes of this research are to: (1) determine income oyster mushroom producer in Metro City, (2) determine welfare level of oyster mushroom producer in Metro City. This experiment was conducted in Metro City that was chosen by purposive in December 2013 until May 2014. It was considered that the Metro City has high enough in producing the oyster mushroom. This study takes 42 producers. This study used a census method with qualitative and quantitative analysis. Analysis of the data used descriptive qualitative analysis with tabulation method and descriptive quantitative analysis. The results showed that: (1) The average income of oyster mushroom in Metro City was in high income, consist of farming income of their own activities (on farm), from outside of their own activities (off farm) and from outside of farming activities (non farm). The biggest income of oyster mushroom in Metro City is sourced from income of oyster mushroom farming, (2) Most of oyster mushroom farmer in Metro City was in enough and in suitable live based on Sajogjo\u27s criteria (1997), and also included to welfare category based on the criteria of BPS (2007)

    Pendapatan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Petani Padi (Oryza Sativa) di Kecamatan Gadingrejo Kabupaten Pringsewu

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    The purposes of this research were to analyze the income of paddy farmer households, the expenditure of paddy farmer households, and the level of paddy farmer household's welfare. This research was conducted at Yogyakarta village of Gadingrejo subdistrict of Pringsewu regency. The samples were chosen by simple random sampling method. The number of respondents in this study was 68 paddy farmers. The data was collected in June-July 2014. The method of data analysis used in this study is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the income of paddy farmers at Yogyakarta village was Rp19,590,645.92 per year obtained from Rp11,292,223.13 per year (57.64%) of the paddy farm, Rp5,748,422.79 per year (29.34%) of the farm in addition to paddy and the income from outside the farm was Rp2,550,000.00 per year (13.02%). The expenditure of paddy farmer households at Yogyakarta village was Rp17,980,227.94 per year obtained from Rp10,818,970.59 per year or (60.17%) of the expenditure for foods, and Rp7,161,257.35 per year (39.83%) of the expenditure for nonfoods. Based on the criteria of Sajogyo (2007) paddy farmer ‘s households at Yogyakarta village of Gadingrejo subdistrict of Pringsewu Regency, 37 (54,41%) were categorized as prosperous farmer households and 31 (45.59%) farmer households were categorized as economically enough

    Analisis Manfaat Sertifikasi Indonesian Organic Farm Certification (Inofice) terhadap Keberlanjutan USAhatani Kopi Organik di Kecamatan Air Hitam Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    This research purposed to analyze the benefits of Indonesian Organic Farm Certification (INOFICE) toward the development of coffee farm sustainability from economic dimension, environmental dimension and social dimension. This research was conducted at Air Hitam sub district Lampung Barat district. Sample of research are 30 farmers each from certified farmer and non certified farmer. Economic benefits was analyzed through on farming analysis by counting productivity, cost efficiency and income then was tested with t test to know if there any difference. The economic, environmental and social benefits were analyzed using Mann Whitney U test. The result showed that (1) INOFICE certification had not given benefits toward of coffee farm sustainability. Certified farmers who has been sustainable on economic, environmental dan social were 73,33.% while noncertified farmers were 96,67% categories in sufficiently sustainable on economic, environemental and social. (2) INOFICE certification had not given economic benefits like increasing of productivity and income, but it gave benefit like increasing cost efficiency. (3) INOFICE certification gave benefits in sustainable coffee farm application in term of economic, environmental and social. The application of sustainable coffee farm in economic, environmental and social form was higher significantly on farmers certified than nonsertified farmers