94 research outputs found

    Studi slavistici tra linguistica, dialettologia e filologia

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    The volume contains a selection of some of the most representative works from Rosanna Benacchio’s extensive scientific production. It is divided into three parts, the first one being dedicated to the category of verbal aspect in the Slavic languages. The second part deals with Slavic minority varieties spoken in Italy, in particular the Slovene dialects of Friuli and Molise Slavic. The third part focuses on three linguistic phenomena that are analysed from a diachronic perspective: the referential usage of the personal pronoun Vy in the Petrine era; the use of clitic pronouns in the Slavic languages; the formation of the definite article in the Slovene area based on the evidence of the Resian Catechism of the 18th century

    La morfologia aspettuale in resiano: lessico verbale slavo e romanzo a confronto

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    In dieser Arbeit werden die formalen Ausdrucksmittel des Verbalaspekts im Resianischen vorgestellt. Eine zentrale Rolle bilden Aspektpaare, die über primäre und sekundäre Suffigierungvon Perfektiva sowie in geringerem Maße über die Präfigierung von Imperfektiva abgeleitet werden. Dabei wird zwischen der genuin slavischen Lexik und dem Lehnwortschatz unterschieden. Unter anderem wird nachgewiesen, daß sich die ererbten Verben wie sonst im Slavischen verhalten, mit Suffigierung und Präfigierung als Mittel zur Aspektpaarbildung, während sich bei entlehnten romanischen Verben solche Paare fast nur durch primäre Imperfektivierung ergeben

    Studi slavistici tra linguistica, dialettologia e filologia

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    Slovansko‑romanski jezikovni stik v moližanski hrvaščini: vzporednost s slovenskimi narečji v Furlaniji

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    This paper examines the dialect of the Croatian linguistic island in Molise and addresses its morphosyntactic features that have developed as the result of Romance‑language influence, concentrating in particular on those phenomena also present in Slovene dialects spoken in Friuli. It can thus be demonstrated that centuries of contact with a nearby Romance‑language environment often led to similar changes in these two genetically related, but geographically distant, languages.V prispevku se avtorica posveti moližanski hrvaščini in obravnava jezikovne (oblikoskladenjske) posebnosti, ki so se razvile zaradi romanske interference, predvsem pa se osredotoča na tiste pojave, ki so prisotni tudi v slovenskih narečjih v Furlaniji. Tako je možno ugotoviti, da je večstoletna izpostavljenost stiku z bližnjim romanskim jezikovnim prostorom često privedla do podobnih sprememb na dveh sicer genetsko sorodnih, a geografsko oddaljenih območjih

    Chapter Суффиксация как средство образования видовых пар в резьянском диалекте: славянская и иноязычная лексика

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    In the paper morphological processes for creating aspectual pairs in Resian are discussed. A distinction is made between original Slavic verbs and verbs originating from other languages. In the former case the most productive process is prefixation (and perfectivation), whereas in the latter case for verbs of Romance origin the most productive process is suffixation (and imperfectivation). Verbs of Germanic origin also allow prefixation

    Chapter Грамматикализация глагольного вида в резьянском диалекте: исконно славянская и романская лексика*

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    This paper discusses the morphological means used to express verbal aspect in Resian. A marked difference can be observed between the native Slavic verbal lexicon, which mainly shows prefixation, thereby creating perfective forms, and that of Romance origin, where prefixation is almost completely absent and suffixation abounds, thereby creating imperfective forms

    Грамматикализация глагольного вида в резьянском диалекте: исконно славянская и романская лексика*

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    This paper discusses the morphological means used to express verbal aspect in Resian. A marked difference can be observed between the native Slavic verbal lexicon, which mainly shows prefixation, thereby creating perfective forms, and that of Romance origin, where prefixation is almost completely absent and suffixation abounds, thereby creating imperfective forms

    Chapter La Crusca come fonte lessicografica in area dalmato-croata: la copia padovana del Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi di G. Tanzlingher-Zanotti (1651-1732)

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    The Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, produced by Ivan Tanzlingher-Zanotti between the latter half of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century, currently exists in four manuscript versions: one is located in Zagreb, another in London, a third in Padova, and the fourth discovered only recently in Zadar. We focus on the Padova manuscript, which represents Tanzlingher’s mature work, to show that it differs importantly from other lexicographical works originating in 17th-century Dalmatia: while those are based on Latin models, here Tanzlingher turns for the first time to the Crusca Dictionary (Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca)

    Digitization of Manuscript Dictionary Vocabolario di tre nobilis­simi linguaggi, italiano, illirico, e latino Compiled by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti

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    U radu se govori o digitalnoj inačici rukopisnoga rječnika zadarskoga kanonika Ivana Tanzlinghera Zanottija iz 1699. godine, koji se čuva u Biblioteci Odsjeka za slavistiku, Odjela za jezike i književnosti anglo-germanske i slavenske padovanskoga sveučilišta. Rječnik je digitaliziran u sklopu projekta »Digitalizzazione e messa on line del Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico e latino di Tanzlingher« u sklopu širega projekta INTERREG III A Transfrontaliero Adriatico (http://interadria.storia.unipd.it/index.htm) u suradnji s Institutom za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. Opisuju se etape rada: pripremni radovi koji obuhvaćaju digitalizaciju fotografija teksta, odabir programa za upis te određivanje protokola za upis, uređivanje upisanoga/digitaliziranoga teksta i načini rješavanja brojnih pitanja koja su se pojavljivala ponajviše kod upisa hrvatske komponente rječnika. Predstavlja se i internetska inačica rječnika i brojne mogućnosti pretraživanja (http://tanzlingher.signum.sns.it/).This work deals with digital version of manuscript dictionary compiled by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti, a canon from Zadar, in the year 1699, and kept in the Slavic library, at the Department of English, Germanic and Slavic Philology, Languages and Literatures of the University of Padua. The dictionary was digitized as part of the project “Digitalizzazione e messa on line del Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico e latino di Tanzlingher” that is part of a bigger project INTERREG III A Transfrontaliero Adriatico (http:///interadria.storia.unipd.it/index.htm) in cooperation with the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics. The following phases of work are presented: preparation of the material including digitization of the manuscript photographs, selection of the appropriate program for text editing and setting up the protocol for typing in the text, editing, and various ways of dealing with numerous issues arising mostly when dealing with the Croatian component of the dictionary. The Web version of the dictionary is presented together with various search possibilities (http://tanzlingher.signum.sns.it/

    Arturo Cronia. L\u2019eredit\ue0 di un Maestro a cinquant\u2019anni dalla scomparsa

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    Si pubblicano qui gli Atti del Convegno dedicato ad Arturo Cronia (1896-1967), tenutosi nel novembre 2017 a Padova per rendere omaggio, a cinquant’anni dalla scomparsa, all’illustre studioso zaratino, annoverato tra i padri fondatori della slavistica italiana, che per trent’anni ha esercitato il suo magistero presso l’Ateneo di Padova. Attraverso gli studi qui raccolti viene messa in luce l’importanza che la figura scientifica di Arturo Cronia ha avuto e ha tuttora nei diversi settori degli studi slavistici, e in particolare serbo-croatistici, in cui ha operato. Viene posto l’accento anche sull’ impegno profuso da Cronia per la costituzione della Biblioteca dell’Istituto di Filologia slava e vengono messe in luce le sue non comuni doti di docente testimoniate anche dalle numerose tesi di laurea condotte sotto la sua guida competente e generosa