12 research outputs found

    Plug-and-Play Solutions for Energy-Efficiency Deep Renovation of European Building Stock

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    none7siNinety percent of the existing building stock in Europe was built before 1990. These buildings are in urgent need for a significant improvement of energy-efficiency through renovation. State-of-the-art renovation solutions are available, but costly and lengthy renovation processes and incomprehensible technical complexities hinder the achievement of a wide impact at a European scale. This paper presents a research on Plug-and-Play (PnP) echnologies supported by Building Information Modelling (BIM) to provide affordable, interchangeable and quick-installation solutions to overcome the main barriers of building deep renovation.openSebastian, Rizal; Gralka, Anna; Olivadese, Rosamaria; Arnesano, Marco; Revel, Gian Marco; Hartmann, Timo; Gutsche, ChristophSebastian, Rizal; Gralka, Anna; Olivadese, Rosamaria; Arnesano, Marco; Revel, Gian Marco; Hartmann, Timo; Gutsche, Christop

    Il riuso degli edifici esistenti a scopo residenziale in Italia: nuovi standard per l'innovazione dei modelli abitativi

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    Il lavoro di ricerca portato avanti durante l’attività di dottorato mira a definire nuovi standard per l’innovazione dei modelli abitativi nei casi di riuso dell’esistente per scopo residenziale. Vuole enfatizzare le potenzialità e la fattibilità di una variazione degli standard abitativi per il riuso. La ricerca si è focalizzata sui casi di riuso, in generale non vincolati, da una qualsiasi funzione precedente a residenza. Il lavoro è stato diviso per fasi partendo da una analisi dello stato dell’arte in campo scientifico sul tema del riuso. La seconda fase è consistita in una raccolta dati sullo stato del patrimonio edilizio italiano e degli investimenti nelle costruzioni, seguito da una analisi dei sistemi normativi italiani ed internazionali, in particolare della normativa olandese, grazie ad una collaborazione con il dipartimento di Management in the Built Environment della Delft University of Technology (Delft, Paesi Bassi). Successivamente sono stati studiati dei progetti di riuso a scopo residenziale realizzati sia in Italia che nei Paesi Bassi ed è stato fatto un confronto in riferimento ad alcuni parametri ritenuti importanti nella progettazione di residenze. L’analisi dei casi studio è stata affrontata anche attraverso interviste con gli architetti e i progettisti coinvolti per capire i gli ostacoli e opportunità che hanno incontrato nei loro interventi. Le interviste hanno riguardato gli aspetti normativi dell’intervento dalla fase preliminare al completamento dell’edificio. Documenti scritti e apparato fotografico sono stati di supporto e completamento delle interviste. I casi internazionali sono stati poi valutati in riferimento ai regolamenti edilizi di Pavia e Milano per valutarne la fattibilità e la conformità in Italia. Ne è emerso che nessuno dei casi studiati sarebbe realizzabile in queste città, anche se a Milano alcuni alloggi sarebbero realizzabili grazie alle novità introdotte nel nuovo regolamento edilizio del 2014. Infine i casi studio internazionali sono stati riprogettati per essere conformi alle normative italiane. È stata condotta una analisi critica di confronto tra la distribuzione in pianta originale e la riprogettazione per capire l’applicabilità o meno dei regolamenti edilizi italiani e la necessità di apportarvi eventuali modifiche. L’obiettivo è stato quello di dimostrare come i parametri possano influenzare la fattibilità di un intervento, soprattutto quando si parla di riuso degli edifici esistenti

    Reuse into housing: Italian and Dutch regulatory effects

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    Purpose The need to speed up and simplify the practice of transformation and the topic of reuse is crucial in Italy. The purpose of this paper is to compare successful cases of reuse into housing in Italy and the Netherlands, in order to suggest improvements to the Italian situation. Design/methodology/approach Previous research at the University of Pavia showed the need to change living standards for new residential buildings. This research focusses on existing buildings and gives a comparative analysis of the Italian and Dutch legislation for residential buildings. Interviews with professionals have been conducted in Italy and the Netherlands to better understand the differences and problems related to housing regulations. Good examples of reuse into housing have been studied to define common guidelines for intervention. Findings The findings describe the building regulations in Italy and the Netherlands concerning adaptive reuse, and reveals differences between the two countries. Furthermore, the possibilities and barriers for the reuse of existing buildings are highlighted. Practical implications Lessons are drawn from both contexts, and finally suggestions for improvement of the regulatory system are made for Italy and the Netherlands. Originality/value This paper aims at revealing the opportunities and barriers of reuse in Italy and the Netherlands. So far, studies were performed to reveal the feasibility of adaptive reuse, though none of these focussed specifically on legal issues. No sufficient studies are performed so far on reuse into housing in Italy, and the comparison of the regulatory systems of the two countries is novel. </jats:sec

    Towards the definition of a European Digital Building Logbook: A survey

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    Both the operational phase and embodied emissions that are introduced during the construction phase through the manufacture, sourcing, and installation of the building's materials and components are significant contributors to carbon emissions from the built environment. It is essential to change the current design and (re)construction processes in order to achieve the energy-saving targets for the EU building stock and move toward a society that is net carbon neutral. This change must be made from both a technical perspective as well as from a methodological perspective. To accomplish this, the EU has suggested several regulations and legislative steps to phase out inefficient structures. The most recent of these initiatives propose the idea of a Digital Building Logbook, which serves as a central repository for all pertinent building data, including information on energy efficiency. In this work, we present a survey of the elements that have been taken into consideration for the creation of the Digital Building Logbook to give an overview of what research has been done so far

    Positive Energy Balance Calculation in Two Case Studies

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    The calculation of the energy balance at the district level is complex since it includes a diverse set of loads, technologies, energy carriers, trading interactions between users and external grids (power, district heating/cooling, gas, etc.) and assumptions such as the identification of Primary Energy Factors (PEFs) in different contexts. This research validates the H2020 MAKING-CITY methodology for calculating the energy balance of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in two case studies: the cities of Groningen and Torrelago. For each case, the steps defined in the methodology are followed, dealing with assumptions on non-renewable Primary Energy Factors and critical elements regarding the district boundary. This research shows the applicability of the developed calculation methodology for cities in the design phase as well in the implementation phase of PEDs

    Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition: Lessons Learned on Collaborative Approach of Positive Energy Districts from the EU Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities Projects

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    To achieve the “well below 2 degrees” targets, a new ecosystem needs to be defined where citizens become more active, co-managing with relevant stakeholders, the government, and third parties. This means moving from the traditional concept of citizens-as-consumers towards energy citizenship. Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) will be the test-bed area where this transformation will take place through social, technological, and governance innovation. This paper focuses on benefits and barriers towards energy citizenships and gathers a diverse set of experiences for the definition of PEDs and Local Energy Markets from the Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities projects: Making City, Pocityf, and Atelier