5 research outputs found

    Análisis estructural y funcional de complejos con actividad histona acetiltransferasa en Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    RESUMEN Este trabajo estudió la acetilación postraduccional de una estructura dinámica implicada en un gran número de procesos celulares, la cromatina. Para ello se realizaron experimentos utilizando el organismo eucariota Sacharomyces cerevisiae (la levadura de la cerveza). En una primera parte se llevó a cabo el análisis bioquímico de complejos histona acetiltransferasa (HAT) en S. cerevisiae, detectándose una nueva actividad HAT con especificidad sobre la histona H3, y a partir de este descubrimiento, se analizaron las actividades HAT A4-I y HAT A4-II. La segunda parte del trabajo consistió en la localización genómica de diversas HATs, y de marcas epigenéticas mediante ChIP-chip (combinación de inmunoprecipitación de cromatina y chips de DNA). Para ello se diseñó un nuevo método localización genómica (utilizando macrochips de ORFs de levadura y marcaje radiactivo) con el que se estudió la asociación de una serie de HATs a cromatina y el patrón de acetilación de la lisina 14 de la histona H3. Finalmente, se realizó un estudio de los efectos sobre la longevidad y sobre el perfil transcriptómico de la deleción de los genes HAT1 y HAT2, codificantes de proteínas pertenecientes al complejo HAT B de S. cerevisiae. __________________________________________________________________________________________________This work studied posttranslational acetylation of chromatin, a dynamic structure involved in a great number of cellular processes. Experiments using eukariotic organism Sacharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) were done with this aim. The first part consists in a thorough biochemical analysis of histone acetyltranferase (HAT) complexes in S. cerevisiae. This analysis dectected a new HAT activity with specificity towards H3 histone, so the activities we called HAT A4-I and HAT A4-II were analysed. The second part covers the genomic location of several HATs and epigenetic marks through ChIP-chip (a combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation and DNA chips). We designed a new genomic location method (involving ORF macroarrays and radiactive labelling) in order to study association of HATs to chromatin and the acetylation pattern of lysine 14 of histone H3. Finally we have performed several experiments to assess the effects on longevity and transcriptome caused by the deletion of two genes coding for proteins that belong to HAT B complex in S. cerevisiae

    Theoretical evaluation of lanthanide binding tags as biomolecular handles for the organization of single ion magnets and spin qubits

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    Lanthanoid complexes are amongst the most promising compounds both in single ion magnetism and as molecular spin qubits, but their organization remains an open problem. We propose to combine Lanthanide Binding Tags (LBTs) with recombinant proteins as a path for an extremely specific and spatially-resolved organisation of lanthanoid ions as spin qubits. We develop a new computational subroutine for the freely available code SIMPRE that allows an inexpensive estimate of quantum decoherence times and qubit–qubit interaction strengths. We use this subroutine to evaluate our proposal theoretically for 63 different systems. We evaluate their behavior as single ion magnets and estimate both decoherence caused by the nuclear spin bath and the interqubit interaction strength by dipolar coupling. We conclude that Dy3+ LBT complexes are expected to behave as SIMs, but Yb3+ derivatives should be better spin qubits.Lanthanoid complexes are amongst the most promising compounds both in single ion magnetism and as molecular spin qubits, but their organization remains an open problem. We propose to combine Lanthanide Binding Tags (LBTs) with recombinant proteins as a path for an extremely specific and spatially-resolved organisation of lanthanoid ions as spin qubits. We develop a new computational subroutine for the freely available code SIMPRE that allows an inexpensive estimate of quantum decoherence times and qubit–qubit interaction strengths. We use this subroutine to evaluate our proposal theoretically for 63 different systems. We evaluate their behavior as single ion magnets and estimate both decoherence caused by the nuclear spin bath and the interqubit interaction strength by dipolar coupling. We conclude that Dy3+ LBT complexes are expected to behave as SIMs, but Yb3+ derivatives should be better spin qubits

    Data-driven design of molecular nanomagnets

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    Three decades of research in molecular nanomagnets have raised their magnetic memories from liquid helium to liquid nitrogen temperature thanks to a wise choice of the magnetic ion and coordination environment. Still, serendipity and chemical intuition played a main role. In order to establish a powerful framework for statistically driven chemical design, here we collected chemical and physical data for lanthanide-based nanomagnets, catalogued over 1400 published experiments, developed an interactive dashboard (SIMDAVIS) to visualise the dataset, and applied inferential statistical analysis. Our analysis shows that the Arrhenius energy barrier correlates unexpectedly well with the magnetic memory. Furthermore, as both Orbach and Raman processes can be affected by vibronic coupling, chemical design of the coordination scheme may be used to reduce the relaxation rates. Indeed, only bis-phthalocyaninato sandwiches and metallocenes, with rigid ligands, consistently present magnetic memory up to high temperature. Analysing magnetostructural correlations, we offer promising strategies for improvement, in particular for the preparation of pentagonal bipyramids, where even softer complexes are protected against molecular vibrations

    Molecular spin qubits based on lanthanide ions encapsulated in cubic polyoxopalladates: design criteria to enhance quantum coherence

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    The family of cubic polyoxopalladates encapsulating lanthanide ions [LnPd12(AsPh)8O32]5− where Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm, is magnetically characterised and theoretically described by the Radial Effective Charge (REC) model and a phenomenological crystal-field approach using the full-hamiltonian, in the SIMPRE and CONDON packages respectively. The lack of anisotropy generates an extraordinarily rich energy level structure at low temperatures, which allows us to study how such a structure is affected by lifting the strict cubic symmetry and/or by applying an external magnetic field. In particular, we will explore the possibility of using these cubic Ln complexes as spin-qubits. We will focus on the Ho derivative. We find that it is possible to reach a regime where decoherence caused by the nuclear spin bath is quenched for moderate axial compression of the cube and small magnetic fields.FP7-ERC-247384ERC-2014-CoG/ 647301MAT2014-56143-RCTQ2014-52758-PThe family of cubic polyoxopalladates encapsulating lanthanide ions [LnPd12(AsPh)8O32]5− where Ln = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er and Tm, is magnetically characterised and theoretically described by the Radial Effective Charge (REC) model and a phenomenological crystal-field approach using the full-hamiltonian, in the SIMPRE and CONDON packages respectively. The lack of anisotropy generates an extraordinarily rich energy level structure at low temperatures, which allows us to study how such a structure is affected by lifting the strict cubic symmetry and/or by applying an external magnetic field. In particular, we will explore the possibility of using these cubic Ln complexes as spin-qubits. We will focus on the Ho derivative. We find that it is possible to reach a regime where decoherence caused by the nuclear spin bath is quenched for moderate axial compression of the cube and small magnetic fields

    Coherence and organisation in lanthanoid complexes: from single ion magnets to spin qubits

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    Molecular magnetism is reaching a degree of development that will allow for the rational design of sophisticated systems. Among these, here we will focus on those that display single-molecule magnetic behaviour, i.e. classical memories, and on magnetic molecules that can be used as molecular spin qubits, the irreducible components of any quantum technology. Compared with candidates developed from physics, a major advantage of molecular spin qubits stems from the power of chemistry for the tailored and inexpensive synthesis of new systems for their experimental study; in particular, the so-called lanthanoid-based single-ion magnets, which have for a long time been one of the hottest topics in molecular magnetism. They have the potential to be chemically designed, tuning both their single-molecule properties and their crystalline environment. This allows the study of the different quantum processes that cause the loss of quantum information, collectively known as decoherence. The study of quantum decoherence processes in the solid state is necessary to answer some fundamental questions and lay the foundations for next-generation quantum technologies. This perspective article reviews the state of the art research in this field and its currently open problems.FP7-ERC-247384ERC-2014-CoG/ 647301MAT2014-56143-RCTQ2014-52758-PMDM-2015-0538Molecular magnetism is reaching a degree of development that will allow for the rational design of sophisticated systems. Among these, here we will focus on those that display single-molecule magnetic behaviour, i.e. classical memories, and on magnetic molecules that can be used as molecular spin qubits, the irreducible components of any quantum technology. Compared with candidates developed from physics, a major advantage of molecular spin qubits stems from the power of chemistry for the tailored and inexpensive synthesis of new systems for their experimental study; in particular, the so-called lanthanoid-based single-ion magnets, which have for a long time been one of the hottest topics in molecular magnetism. They have the potential to be chemically designed, tuning both their single-molecule properties and their crystalline environment. This allows the study of the different quantum processes that cause the loss of quantum information, collectively known as decoherence. The study of quantum decoherence processes in the solid state is necessary to answer some fundamental questions and lay the foundations for next-generation quantum technologies. This perspective article reviews the state of the art research in this field and its currently open problems