5 research outputs found

    Identification of molecular mechanisms responsible for the tumour suppressive role of CD99 in osteosarcoma

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    CD99, glicoproteina di membrana codificata dal gene MIC2, è coinvolta in numerosi processi cellulari, inclusi adesione, migrazione, apoptosi, differenziamento e regolazione del trafficking intracellulare di proteine, in condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche. Nell’osteosarcoma risulta scarsamente espressa ed ha ruolo oncosoppressivo. L’isoforma completa (CD99wt) e l’isoforma tronca (CD99sh), deleta di una porzione del dominio intracellulare, influenzano in modo opposto la malignità tumorale. In questo studio, comparando cellule di osteosarcoma caratterizzate da differenti capacità metastatiche e diversa espressione di CD99, abbiamo valutato la modulazione dei contatti cellula-cellula, la riorganizzazione del citoscheletro di actina e la modulazione delle vie di segnalazione a valle del CD99, al fine di identificare i meccanismi molecolari regolati da questa molecola e responsabili del comportamento migratorio e invasivo delle cellule di osteosarcoma. L'espressione forzata di CD99wt induce il reclutamento di N-caderina e β-catenina a livello delle giunzioni aderenti ed inibisce l'espressione di molecole cruciali nel processo di rimodellamento del citoscheletro di actina, come ACTR2, ARPC1A, Rho-associated, coiled–coil-containing protein kinase 2 (ROCK2), nonché di ezrina, membro della famiglia ezrin/radixin/moesin e chiaramente associata con la progressione tumorale e la metastatizzazione dell’OS. Gli studi funzionali identificano ROCK2 come mediatore fondamentale nella regolazione della migrazione e della diffusione metastatica dell’osteosarcoma. Mantenendo cSRC in una conformazione inattiva, CD99wt inibisce la segnalazione mediata da ROCK2 inducendo una diminuzione dell’ezrina a livello della membrana accompagnata dalla traslocazione in membrana di N-caderina e β-catenina, principali ponti molecolari per il citoscheletro di actina. La ri-espressione di CD99wt, generalmente presente negli osteoblasti, ma perso nelle cellule di osteosarcoma, attraverso l'inibizione dell'attività di cSrc e ROCK2, aumenta la forza di contatto e riattiva i segnali anti-migratori ostacolando l’azione pro-migratoria, altrimenti dominante, dell’ezrina nell’osteosarcoma. Abbiamo infine valutato la funzione di ROCK2 nel sarcoma di Ewing: nonostante il ruolo oncogenico esercitato da CD99, ROCK2 guida la migrazione cellulare anche in questa neoplasia.CD99, a transmembrane protein encoded by MIC2 gene is involved in multiple cellular events including cell adhesion, migration, apoptosis, cell differentiation and regulation of protein trafficking either in physiological or pathological conditions. In osteosarcoma, CD99 is expressed at low levels and functions as a tumour suppressor. The full-length protein (CD99wt) and the short-form harbouring a deletion in the intracytoplasmic domain (CD99sh) have been associated with distinct functional outcomes with respect to tumour malignancy. In this study, we evaluated modulation of cell-cell contacts, reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton and modulation of signalling pathways by comparing osteosarcoma cells characterised by different metastasis capabilities and CD99 expression, to identify molecular mechanisms responsible for metastasis. Our data indicate that forced expression of CD99wt induces recruitment of N-cadherin and β-catenin to adherens junctions and inhibits the expression of several molecules crucial to the remodelling of the actin cytoskeleton, such as ACTR2, ARPC1A, Rho-associated coiled–coil containing protein kinase 2 (ROCK2) as well as ezrin, an ezrin/radixin/moesin family member that has been clearly associated with tumour progression and metastatic spread in osteosarcoma. Functional studies point to ROCK2 as a crucial intracellular mediator regulating osteosarcoma migration and metastatic spread. By maintaining cSrc in an inactive conformation, CD99wt inhibits ROCK2 signalling and this leads to ezrin decrease at cell membrane while N-cadherin and β-catenin translocate to the plasma membrane and function as main molecular bridges for actin cytoskeleton. We propose that the re-expression of CD99wt, which is generally present in osteoblasts but lost in osteosarcoma, through inhibition of cSrc and ROCK2 activity, manages to increase contact strength and reactivate stop-migration signals that counteract the otherwise dominant promigratory action of ezrin in osteosarcoma cells. We also assessed ROCK2 function in Ewing sarcoma cells: despite the oncogenic role exerted by CD99 in these tumour cells, ROCK2 still drives cell migration

    ROCK2 deprivation leads to the inhibition of tumor growth and metastatic potential in osteosarcoma cells through the modulation of YAP activity

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    The treatment of metastatic osteosarcoma (OS) remains a challenge for oncologists, and novel therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. An understanding of the pathways that regulate OS dissemination is required for the design of novel treatment approaches. We recently identified Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 2 (ROCK2) as a crucial driver of OS cell migration. In this study, we explored the impact of ROCK2 disruption on the metastatic capabilities of OS cells and analyzed its functional relationship with Yes-associated protein-1 (YAP), the main transcriptional mediator of mechanotransduction signaling

    Targeting ROCK2 rather than ROCK1 inhibits Ewing sarcoma malignancy

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    Understanding the molecular processes characterizing Ewing sarcoma (EWS) cell migration is crucial to highlight novel therapies for patients with disseminated disease. In this study we analyzed the role of ROCK kinases in the regulation of cell migration, growth and differentiation of EWS cells. Overexpression of ROCK promotes invasion and metastasis in many solid tumors. However, the effect of ROCK in EWS has not been extensively investigated. Expression of ROCK1 and ROCK2 was analyzed by western blotting in a representative panel of human EWS cell lines, in comparison with the parameters of in vitro malignancy. We investigated the effects of a ROCK2 specific inhibitor toward those of a pan-ROCK inhibitor on the growth, migration and differentiation of two EWS cell lines. ROCK2 but not ROCK1 expression was found to be associated with in vitro cell migration and anchorage-independent growth capabilities. Exposure of EWS cells to ROCK inhibitors significantly reduced migration and growth, while favoring morphology changes and neural differentiation. These effects were more striking when cells were specifically deprived of ROCK2 activity. Our findings lead to consider ROCK2, rather than ROCK1, as a possible molecular target for the treatment of EWS