5 research outputs found

    Validaci贸n de la Escala de Asertividad en la Relaci贸n Paciente-M茅dico en mujeres embarazadas mexicanas

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    The medical model has put aside the paternalistic relationship between physician and patient to give way to the patient-centered model, where the patient occupies an active role in their health care, so the establishment of adequate communication becomes relevant. Assertiveness is a tool that favors effective communication and is also capable of being trained. Effective communication between the health professional and pregnant women is a key element for the optimal delivery of obstetric care. Objective: To analyze the psychometric properties of the Scale of Assertivity of Patients-Medical Personnel (SAPMP) in pregnant Mexican women. Method: 716 pregnant women aged between 13 and 46 years (M = 26.55; SD = 6.56) were recruited, who answered an identification form and the SAPMP. The construct validity of the SAPMP was assessed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Its internal consistency was determined by calculating Cronbach's 伪 and McDonald's 蠅. Results: The validation of the SAPMP with Mexican pregnant women detected that it has a bifactorial structure, with uncorrelated factors, each one with an internal consistency from acceptable to very high, which together explain 64% of the variance. The two factors showed adequate discriminant validity, although the internal convergent validity was unacceptable. The internal consistency of the No assertiveness factor indicates the redundancy of some of its items. Conclusions: The SAPMP validated in pregnant Mexican women has adequate psychometric properties to evaluate assertive communication between the physician and the woman user of obstetrical-gynecological care services. However, new studies must be carried out in order to address the problem of internal convergent validity detected, as well as internal consistency for the No assertiveness factor.El modelo m茅dico ha dejado de lado la relaci贸n paternalista entre m茅dico y paciente para dar lugar al modelo centrado en el paciente, en donde este ocupa un lugar activo en el cuidado de su salud. Es as铆 que toma relevancia el establecimiento de una adecuada comunicaci贸n. La asertividad es una herramienta que favorece la comunicaci贸n eficaz, siendo adem谩s susceptible de ser entrenada. Una comunicaci贸n efectiva entre el profesional de la salud y las mujeres embarazadas es un elemento clave para la 贸ptima prestaci贸n de la atenci贸n obst茅trica. Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicom茅tricas de la Escala de Asertividad en la Relaci贸n Paciente-M茅dico (EARPM) en mujeres mexicanas embarazadas. M茅todo: Se reclut贸 a 716 mujeres embarazadas cuya edad oscil贸 entre 13 y 46 a帽os (M = 26.55; DE = 6.56), quienes respondieron una ficha de identificaci贸n y la EARPM. La validez de constructo de la EARPM se evalu贸 mediante an谩lisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Su consistencia interna se determin贸 por el c谩lculo del 伪 de Cronbach y el 蠅 de McDonald. Resultados: La validaci贸n de la EARPM con mujeres embarazadas mexicanas detect贸 que esta posee una estructura bifactorial, con factores no correlacionados, cada uno con una consistencia interna de aceptable a muy elevada, que en su conjunto explican el 64% de la varianza. Los dos factores mostraron adecuada validez discriminante, aunque la validez convergente interna fue inaceptable. La consistencia interna del factor No asertividad indica la redundancia de algunos de sus reactivos. Conclusiones: La EARPM validada en mujeres mexicanas embarazadas presenta adecuadas propiedades psicom茅tricas para evaluar la comunicaci贸n asertiva entre el m茅dico y la mujer usuaria de servicios de atenci贸n gineco obstetra. No obstante, nuevos estudios deber ser elaborados a fin de atender el problema de validez convergente interna detectado, as铆 como de consistencia interna para el factor No asertividad

    Propiedades psicom茅tricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicol贸gico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana

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    Psychological well-being refers to the satisfaction that individuals generally have regarding their life. This concept has been related to mental health and to the detection of factors that favor human development. The interest in their study in adolescents has increased in recent years due to physical, mental and social changes at this stage of development, so it is necessary valid and reliable instruments that allow their evaluation. The objective of this study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J) in a Mexican sample of late adolescents and obtain evidence of their convergent and criterion validity. The BIEPS-J scale and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) were applied to 271 students of both sexes between 16 and 18 years old. A parallel analysis indicated two factors present in the BIEPS-J scale, which were structured by exploratory factor analysis (main components, oblique rotation) and that explained 54% of the variance. The factors were: 1) Relationship with self and with others, indicates satisfaction with their social relationships and self-acceptance; 2) Plans and personal control resources, indicates the sensation of the domain of their environment and self-competence as the presence of goals in their life. The global internal consistency (伪 > .80) and by factor (伪 > .70) was acceptable. The BIEPS-J scale showed convergent validity with the RSS (r = .44) and the level of psychological well-being was associated with the level of self-esteem (p < .001). The total score and by factor of the BIEPS-J scale did not differ between sexes (p > .05). The data indicate that the BIEPS-A scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychological well-being in the Mexican adolescent population between 16 and 18 years of age.El bienestar psicol贸gico se refiere a la satisfacci贸n general que los individuos tienen respecto de su vida. Este concepto se ha relacionado con la salud mental y con la detecci贸n de factores favorables al desarrollo humano. El inter茅s en su estudio en adolescentes se ha incrementado en los 煤ltimos a帽os debido a los cambios f铆sicos, mentales y sociales propios a esta etapa del desarrollo, por lo que son necesarios instrumentos v谩lidos y confiables que permitan su evaluaci贸n. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar propiedades psicom茅tricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicol贸gico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana de adolescentes tard铆os y obtener evidencia de su validez convergente y de criterio. Se aplic贸 la escala BIEPS-J y la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR) a 271 estudiantes de ambos sexos de entre 16 y 18 a帽os. Un an谩lisis paralelo indic贸 dos factores presentes en la escala BIEPS-J, estructurados mediante un an谩lisis factorial exploratorio (componentes principales, rotaci贸n oblicua) y que explicaron el 54% de la varianza. Los factores fueron: 1) Relaci贸n con uno mismo y con terceros, satisfacci贸n con sus relaciones sociales y la aceptaci贸n de s铆 mismo; 2) Planes y recursos personales de control, sensaci贸n del dominio de su entorno y auto-competencia, adem谩s de la presencia de metas en su vida. La consistencia interna global (伪 > .80) y por factor (伪 > .70) fue aceptable. La escala BIEPS-J mostr贸 validez convergente con la EAR (r = .44) y el nivel de bienestar psicol贸gico se asoci贸 al nivel de autoestima (p < .001). El puntaje total y por factor de la escala BIEPS-J no difiri贸 entre sexos (p > .05). Los datos indican que la escala BIEPS-A es un instrumento v谩lido y confiable para evaluar el bienestar psicol贸gico en poblaci贸n adolescente mexicana de entre 16 y 18 a帽os

    Empathy and associated factors in various phases of curriculum development in medical students in Mexico

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    Foundation: the expression of empathy in the doctor-patient relationship has multiple benefits in health care. The evidence indicates lower empathy in advanced stages of curriculum development in medicine. There is little information about it in the Mexican population. Objective: to identify the level of general empathy and its associated factors in three different moments of the curricular development in Mexican medical students. Methods: a cross-sectional study, conducted at the Higher School of Medicine of a private university in Mexico City, on 161 medical students enrolled in the first, third and fifth semesters of the medical degree that completed the multidimensional empathy scale, reduced version. Analyzes were performed by semester and sex; Subgroups with different levels of empathy were identified and an analysis was carried out with risk estimators. Results: women were more empathetic than men (p = 0.0001) except in the detection of other people's emotions that showed no differences between sexes (p = 0.99). Women did not show differences between semesters (p> 0.05), the first semester men were more empathetic than the third and fifth (p = 0.005), particularly to detect other people's emotions (p = 0.002). Being a man increased the probability of showing a lower level of empathy (OR = 2.36, p = 0.02). Conclusions: the lower empathy level in male students of advanced medicine semesters can compromise the benefits so far reported of the ability expression in the doctor-patient relationship and consequently decreases the quality of care. An empathy instructional strategy is necessary for this student group

    Validaci贸n de Escalas de Estr茅s, Fatalismo y Preocupaci贸n por Contagio de COVID-19 en Docentes Mexicanos

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    El COVID-19 ha provocado consecuencias negativas en la salud mental de los docentes, especialmente ante la instrumentaci贸n de un regreso gradual a actividades presenciales. El objetivo del estudio fue validar la estructura factorial de los instrumentos: escala de preocupaci贸n por el contagio de la COVID-19 (EPCov-19), escala de estr茅s percibido relacionado con la pandemia de COVID-19 (EEP-10-C) y escala de fatalismo ante la posibilidad de contagio por el coronavirus (F-COVID-19) en docentes mexicanos del nivel medio superior, superior y posgrado. Participaron 276 docentes de diferentes estados de M茅xico, de entre 24 y 77 a帽os (M = 46.88; DE = 10.62), quienes respondieron una ficha de identificaci贸n, adem谩s de las escalas EPCov-19, EEP-10-C y F-COVID-19. La validez de constructo de las escalas se calcul贸 a trav茅s de an谩lisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, previo a estos, se llev贸 a cabo un an谩lisis paralelo. La consistencia interna se obtuvo mediante 伪 de Cronbach y 蠅 de McDonald. Se detect贸 que cada una de las escalas posee una estructura unifactorial, que explican entre el 53 % y 78 % de la varianza y poseen una consistencia interna de elevada a muy elevada. Las escalas presentan adecuadas propiedades psicom茅tricas y pueden ser utilizadas en docentes mexicanos

    Propiedades psicom茅tricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicol贸gico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana

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    Psychological well-being refers to the satisfaction that individuals generally have regarding their life. This concept has been related to mental health and to the detection of factors that favor human development. The interest in their study in adolescents has increased in recent years due to physical, mental and social changes at this stage of development, so it is necessary valid and reliable instruments that allow their evaluation. The objective of this study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Psychological Wellbeing Scale for Adolescents (BIEPS-J) in a Mexican sample of late adolescents and obtain evidence of their convergent and criterion validity. The BIEPS-J scale and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSS) were applied to 271 students of both sexes between 16 and 18 years old. A parallel analysis indicated two factors present in the BIEPS-J scale, which were structured by exploratory factor analysis (main components, oblique rotation) and that explained 54% of the variance. The factors were: 1) Relationship with self and with others, indicates satisfaction with their social relationships and self-acceptance; 2) Plans and personal control resources, indicates the sensation of the domain of their environment and self-competence as the presence of goals in their life. The global internal consistency (伪 > .80) and by factor (伪 > .70) was acceptable. The BIEPS-J scale showed convergent validity with the RSS (r = .44) and the level of psychological well-being was associated with the level of self-esteem (p .05). The data indicate that the BIEPS-A scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess psychological well-being in the Mexican adolescent population between 16 and 18 years of age.El bienestar psicol贸gico se refiere a la satisfacci贸n general que los individuos tienen respecto de su vida. Este concepto se ha relacionado con la salud mental y con la detecci贸n de factores favorables al desarrollo humano. El inter茅s en su estudio en adolescentes se ha incrementado en los 煤ltimos a帽os debido a los cambios f铆sicos, mentales y sociales propios a esta etapa del desarrollo, por lo que son necesarios instrumentos v谩lidos y confiables que permitan su evaluaci贸n. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar propiedades psicom茅tricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicol贸gico para Adolescentes (BIEPS-J) en una muestra mexicana de adolescentes tard铆os y obtener evidencia de su validez convergente y de criterio. Se aplic贸 la escala BIEPS-J y la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR) a 271 estudiantes de ambos sexos de entre 16 y 18 a帽os. Un an谩lisis paralelo indic贸 dos factores presentes en la escala BIEPS-J, estructurados mediante un an谩lisis factorial exploratorio (componentes principales, rotaci贸n oblicua) y que explicaron el 54% de la varianza. Los factores fueron: 1) Relaci贸n con uno mismo y con terceros, satisfacci贸n con sus relaciones sociales y la aceptaci贸n de s铆 mismo; 2) Planes y recursos personales de control, sensaci贸n del dominio de su entorno y auto-competencia, adem谩s de la presencia de metas en su vida. La consistencia interna global (伪 > .80) y por factor (伪 > .70) fue aceptable. La escala BIEPS-J mostr贸 validez convergente con la EAR (r = .44) y el nivel de bienestar psicol贸gico se asoci贸 al nivel de autoestima (p .05). Los datos indican que la escala BIEPS-A es un instrumento v谩lido y confiable para evaluar el bienestar psicol贸gico en poblaci贸n adolescente mexicana de entre 16 y 18 a帽os