17 research outputs found

    European Community Multi-Center Trial "Fetal ECG Analysis During Labor": ST plus CTG analysis

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    This report form part of the European Community Multi-Center Trial "Fetal ECG Analysis during Labor". Aim of this prospective trial was to identify changes in the fetal ECG waveform with cases of verified fetal hypoxia. In this paper we also report on the use of a newly developed automatic system for identification of ST waveform changes (ST Log). All ECG were recorded with the STAN recorder (Neoventa Medical AB, Gothenburg, Sweden). The ECG information was not displayed during labor in order not to influence the clinical management. This report includes data from 320 cases and include six cases of fetal intrapartum hypoxia. Twenty seven cases showed changes in ST waveform. All five cases with the most marked ST change (a rise in T/QRS of >0.10 units and lasting more then 10 minutes) had signs of ongoing intrapartum hypoxia. Six out of six cases with evidence of intrapartum asphyxia, showed ST changes. On the basis of our multi-center trial it appears that the combined analysis of CTG and ST waveform changes provides an accurate way to identify adverse events during labor. The work is continuing with a new STAN recorder developed by Neoventa Medical in Goteborg and currently being tested in a Swedish randomized, controlled multi-center trial

    Accuracy of MRI in early rectal cancer: national cohort study

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    Radiological staging of rectal cancer dictates subsequent patienttreatment. In early-stage disease, local excision is associatedwith reduced morbidity, mortality, and costs, and maintainsbowel continuity compared with surgery, where the whole orpart of the rectum is resected1–3. Nearly 90 per cent of patientswith T1 rectal cancer have N0 disease and are therefore potentially curable with local resection, yet the majority undergo major resection4–6. MRI is the primary staging investigation used to predictlocal stage in rectal cancer7, mainly owing to its ability to allocatepatients in need of neoadjuvant treatment8–10. There is potentially inaccuracy in MRI staging for nodal involvement and differentiation of T1 from T2 tumours6,7,11. Consequently, cT1 and cT2 areoften combined and comprice tumours considered for local resection. Apart from a recent study6 reporting 54 per cent accuracy forMRI cT1–2 category, combined cT1–2 status has not beeninvestigated.The aim of this large nationwide retrospective cohort study wasto investigate the staging accuracy of MRI, from a clinical perspective, in early rectal cancer when combining cT1 and cT2 categories

    CT is unreliable in locoregional staging of early colon cancer : A nationwide registry-based study

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The option to treat early colon cancer (CC) with local resection, as well as trials investigating neoadjuvant treatment, has increased the importance of identifying early-stage disease in the workup. Most CC patients are T- and N-staged preoperatively with CT, although its reliability in staging early CC remains elusive. The aim of this study was to investigate CT-staging accuracy in early CC by evaluating pT and pN stages in patients staged as cT1-2, and cT and cN stages in patients with pT1 tumors.METHODS: Retrospective population-based cohort study on data from the nationwide Swedish colorectal cancer registry on all CC patients staged as cT1-2 and all patients with pT1 undergoing surgical resection 2009-2018. CT-acquired T- and N-stages were compared with final histopathology. Factors potentially influencing accuracy were analyzed with uni- and multivariate logistic regression.RESULTS: Computed tomography (CT) staged 4849 patients as cT1-2, whereas 2445 (50%) were pT3 and 453 (9%) pT4. Positive predictive value of the cT1-2 stage was 40%. Of 1401 pT1 patients, 624 (45%) were staged as cT1-2, 139 (10%) as cT3, 15 (1%) as cT4 and 623 (44%) as cTx. In all, 1474 (30%) of the cT1-2 patients were pN+, whereas CT staged 1062 (72%) as cN0. A total of 771 patients were staged as cN+, whereas 403 (52%) were pN0. Overall accuracy in determining N+ was 67%, with 26% sensitivity and 88% specificity. Positive and negative predictive values in determining N+ were 48% and 73%, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: This nationwide population-based study shows that CT-staging carries a substantial risk of understaging locally advanced tumors as cT1-2 and pT1 tumors as cTx, in addition to poor N-staging. Thus, CT obtained T- and N-staging should not be used for deciding treatment strategies in early CC

    A paleoclimate record with tephrochronological age control for the last glacial-interglacial cycle from Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia

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    Abstract Lake Ohrid is probably of Pliocene age, and the oldest extant lake in Europe. In this study climatic and environmental changes during the last glacial-interglacial cycle are reconstructed using lithological, sedimentological, geochemical and physical proxy analysis of a 15-m-long sediment succession from Lake Ohrid. A chronological framework is derived from tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating, which yields a basal age of ca. 136 ka. The succession is not continuous, however, with a hiatus between ca. 97.6 and 81.7 ka. Sediment accumulation in course of the last climatic cycle is controlled by the complex interaction of a variety of climate-controlled parameters and their impact on catchment dynamics, limnology, and hydrology of the lake. Warm interglacial and cold glacial climate conditions can be clearly distinguished from organic matter, calcite, clastic detritus and lithostratigraphic data. During interglacial periods, short-term fluctuations are recorded by abrupt variations in organic matter and calcite content, indicating climatically-induced changes in lake productivity and hydrology. During glacial periods, high variability in the contents of coarse silt to fine sand sized clastic matter is probably a function of climatically-induced changes in catchment dynamics and wind activity. In some instances tephra layers provide potential stratigraphic markers for short-lived climate perturbations. Given their widespread distribution in sites across the region, tephra analysis has the potential to provide insight into variation in the impact of climate and environmental change across the Mediterranean

    Sedimentology on profile Co1202 from Lake Ohrid

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    Lake Ohrid is probably of Pliocene age, and the oldest extant lake in Europe. In this study climatic and environmental changes during the last glacial-interglacial cycle are reconstructed using lithological, sedimentological, geochemical and physical proxy analysis of a 15-m-long sediment succession from Lake Ohrid. A chronological framework is derived from tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating, which yields a basal age of ca. 136 ka. The succession is not continuous, however, with a hiatus between ca. 97.6 and 81.7 ka. Sediment accumulation in course of the last climatic cycle is controlled by the complex interaction of a variety of climate-controlled parameters and their impact on catchment dynamics, limnology, and hydrology of the lake. Warm interglacial and cold glacial climate conditions can be clearly distinguished from organic matter, calcite, clastic detritus and lithostratigraphic data. During interglacial periods, short-term fluctuations are recorded by abrupt variations in organic matter and calcite content, indicating climatically-induced changes in lake productivity and hydrology. During glacial periods, high variability in the contents of coarse silt to fine sand sized clastic matter is probably a function of climatically-induced changes in catchment dynamics and wind activity. In some instances tephra layers provide potential stratigraphic markers for short-lived climate perturbations. Given their widespread distribution in sites across the region, tephra analysis has the potential to provide insight into variation in the impact of climate and environmental change across the Mediterranean