22 research outputs found
Pengaruh Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (Samsat) terhadap Kesadaran Masyarakat Membayar Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor di Kota Manado
Based from the initial observation that the exictance of Administrative System Manunggal OneRoof (SAMSAT) in Manado city wasn't optimal yet, indicated that there are many people still wouldn't paytaxes on motor vehicles. Thus, this study aims to determine the effect of samsat to people awareness of payingmotor vehicle tax in Manado cityThis study was explorative, with a quantitative approach. Data collected through a questionnairedistributed from 40 community respondents of Manado city that has a motor vehicle but does not pay thevehicle tax. The data collected then analyzed using linear regression analysis and simple correlation analysis.The results showed that SAMSAT aren't still work optimal, as the result samsat disable to encouragethe public to pay vehicle taxes.SAMSAT was effected the public awareness to pay motor vehicle tax in Manado city. Suggested, inorder Samsat can improve the quality of service so as to encourage people to pay vehicle taxes
Dampak Kebijakan Pemekaran Wilayah terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat (suatu Studi di Kecamatan Gemeh Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud)
To maximize the benefits of decentralization in accordance with the mandate of the Act. No. 32 of 2004 so the arrangement of the New Autonomous Region became one of the important issues that are still focusing of the Government. PP. 129 of 2000 about the Formation Requirements and Criteria for Expansion, Elimination, and Regional Merger later replaced by Regulation 78 of 2007 about Procedures for the Establishment, Abolition, and Region Merging.The efforts regional division is seen as a breakthrough to accelerate development through improving the quality of and easy access to the public service for the people. Considering the regional autonomy objective is to improve the welfare of the community, get closer to public services, and strengthen regional competitiveness. This research is intended to answer the question about what is extending impact of division policy on the social economic conditions of the society in sub district Gemehof Talaud islands.This research used a descriptive-Evaluative, with a quantitative approach. Informants in this research are 15 people that were taken by proportion 5 villages: 1 rural village is in the center of town, each village in north, south, east, and west. Instrument this research is using data collection with interview. Analyze the data with quantitative analysis.The results showed: 1) Impact of the policy of regional expansion program, 2) implementation of the policy of regional expansion program. Based on the this research results conclusion that: division policy districts Talaud islands in the form of implementation programs for infrastructure development, community empowerment and community service, especially in the sub district Gemeh of Talaud islands.Based on the results of this research, the conclusion are: 1). To improve the social economic conditions of rural communities, particularly in Sub district Gemeh, it would require concerted effort of the government together with other stakeholders to work together to improve the development of rural community infrastructure, empowering people and providing excellent service to community.2) considering the division policy had a positive effect and significantly to the improvement of social economic conditions of the people, then the government needs to deal with programs that touch directly to the community that needs as an integral part of regional divisions implemented destination itself
Profesionalisme Aparatur dalam Penyaluran Beras Sejahtera di Kelurahan Malalayang Satu Timur
This study aims to determine how Professionalism of the apparatus in the distribution of prosperous rice in the eastern malalayang village. This research was conducted in may 2017. This research used qualitative method that is research type used to research on natural object condition where the researcher is a key instrument, data collection technique is done by tringulation (merges), data analalysis in inductive and the results of research qualitative emphasizes the meaning of gener-lation. Infomants in this study amounted to 12 people, namely head of urban village 1 person, head of environment 3 people, implementing unit of distribution and citizen counted 7 people. The results of this study note that the pofessionalism of the apparatus in the distribution of prosperous rice in the eastern malalayang village seen from the aspect of creative, innovation and responsiveness is good enough, but if measured in terms of ablitity can not be said professional. Based on existing research in view of the accuracy of the administration has not been met well, still found data collection that has not been right target due to lack of coordination and cooperation between urban village apologists. Referring to some of the results of this study, then as a suggetion and solution and problem solving in this research are: (1). The goverment should be more critical in responding to any good public complaints between the village government on beneficiary households (3). Every year needs to be done data collection again because poverty it self is relative meaning in the moon alone can move from poverty to prosper or vice versa (4). The availability of a box complaints or suggestions in each village, because considering there are people who may be embarrased or afraid to submit complaints and suggestions. (5) the importance of socialization between the community and the village apparatus regarding the distribution of propperous rice
Pengaruh Penerapan Otonomi Desa terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan (suatu Studi di Distrik Saifi Kabupaten Sorong Selatan)
This research moved from the initial observation that the application by the amah VillageAutonomy Law. No. 6 Year 2015 About the Village is not optimal so that the impact on the low participation ofrural communities, especially in the district of South Sorong Regency Saifi. Thus, this study aimed to analyzethe effect of implementation of village autonomy to public participation in the development of Saifi village inthe district of South Sorong regency. Denagn applying the method of descriptive and quantitative approachesand applying imntrumen questionnaire, distributed to 46 people selamnjutnya government officials Kampungdistributed into five villages. After the data and information collected, then processed and analyzed by usingfrequency tables and analysis product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression to test thehypothesis.The results of data analysis menunkkan that (1). The implementation of village autonomy is in thecategory "medium" tend to be "low", while the level of community participation in rural development are inthe category of "moderate" tend to be "high". (2). The implementation of village autonomy as one of the factorsthat influence people's participation in rural development. The implementation of village autonomy contributepositively and significantly on the level of participation of rural communities, especially in the district of SouthSorong Regency Saifi. Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis can be tested by empirical validity as wellas to justify the underlying theories.It is necessary to give some suggestions, among others: (1). Not optimal application of Village Autonomy,it is expected that the government (district / city and province) is committed to delegate authority under thelegislation in force regarding some matters that are directly handled by the village government so as toencourage an increase in the intensity of the implementation of village autonomy. (2). It is recommended thatthe local government encourages well as streamline the functions of village institutions as a partner with thevillage government through education and functional training
Pengaruh Disiplin Pegawai terhadap Prestasi Kerja di Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Labor discipline is a behavioral containing technical aspects that work ethic is the norms that arebinding and are set explicitly and practices such as behavioral attitudes respect, honor, obey, and obey thatmust be held to be maintained and implemented in government agencies. Problems to be answered in thisstudy is the work discipline of employees about employee performance affects the performance ofemployees working in the department of Agriculture of North Sulawesi. This study aims to determine theeffect of labor discipline against the employees of performance. These results indicate that the labordiscipline and significant positive effect on the productivity of employees in the department of Agricultureof North Sulawesi. Based on these conclusions labor discipline must be observed and maintained on eachemployee so that the tasks and responsibilities can be a priority terselenggarakan well
Implementasi Kebijakan Proyek Operasi Nasional Agraria di Desa Bukumatiti Kecamatan Jailolo Kabupaten Halmahera Barat
The problems at once which is the goal of this research is how the implementation of the National Agricultural Policy Operation Project (Prona) in the village of Bukumatiti, District Jailolo, West Halmahera. This study was used a qualitative approach aims to descriptive the meaning behind the reality, which takes place in the field. Informants in this study amounted to 13 respondents with key informants Village Head and BPD. The data collection technique was interview and observation. The data were analyzed using an interactive model of Miles and Huberman.The results of this study indicate that the communication factor has not been effective, human resources related to the performance of the village government of lesser quality, disposition or attitude of the village administration in running the program does not currently work well so that in practice there is a gap and the lack of timely, the next bureaucratic structure has not in accordance with the applicable rules resulting in less than optimal service process.Based on the research results suggested that the necessary cooperation from the National Land Agency (BPN) and the village government, in improving government performance and BPN village to implement a policy. Also required good communication from the village government in order to provide the right information related to the programs, so that the implementation of Prona can be realized properly and in accordance with the applicable rules
Supervision Of Civil Society In The Implementation Of Government Village Kakara B
The village is a social institution that was passed on from generation to generation by the people. the new order of government is concerned homogenize the internal order of the village is so diverse in this country. The government wants the village as an instrument of development of effective and efficient. With the Law No. 6 of 2014 on the village, the village returned as part of the right of people, so the presence of village autonomy, which the village organize independently of government. From this, the village was given the authority to regulate and manage their own household and are expected to manage the potential that exists in villages both in the field of human resources, and natural resources, to find out the surveillance society in the implementation of governmental tasks, the researchers malakukan direct research with the number of informants as many as 14 people.Supervision is very important in a government, to encourage and anticipate deviations will occur. In this study informant revealed that the villagers have not been up correcting the results of the work done by the village government, it is because the government never set up a room for deliberation, so that what is done by the village government in particular on the budget the village fund managed by the government does not know then how the budget has been realized by building rural infrastructure, and the rest of the village community fund budget management never know, because the government is not accountable for the village community. In other words, the government should better evaluate the performance and the need to implement corrective actions so that the results of the work in accordance with the plan