408 research outputs found

    The singularity of the affective body: incorporation and orientation in the French phenomenological reception of Husserl

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    Since the inception of phenomenological philosophy at the outset of the 20ieth century, it has spurred a number of responses and developments. As a supposed 'radicalisation of philosophy', in the specification of philosophy as 'practice', it set its focus with a 'return to experience'. However, as the development into various forms of phenomenology brought to light, the practice of classical phenomenology involved a 'scientism' that leads to specific impasses. Husserlian phenomenological methodology, beyond developments and differences in subject matter and emphasis between the earlier and later works, ultimately rests on problematic premises: the return to the 'experiences of thinking and knowing' relied on a supposition of rational intuitive knowledge based in a correlation of 'eidetic seeing' and a determinable essence of things. Classical phenomenology operates with an ultimately reductive account of cognition, insofar as the focus remains with the rationality of a thought in supposed adequation to itself and the essential generalities ultimately referable to it.This thesis takes up the question of the missing aspect in classical phenomenology's inadequate account of cognition and genesis. It does so by engaging with a specific response to classical phenomenology according to the work of Gilles Deleuze and Michel Henry and Emmanuel Levinas's and Jacques Derrida's reading of Husserl. The thesis addresses these writers in the capacity that their work comes together in a particular approach to embodiment or corporeality, which identifies the aporias that inform the determinations and theoretical assumptions of classical phenomenology. To this extent their work represents a singular French response to Husserl, operating close to the phenomenological discourse. Bringing together these approaches to embodiment sheds light on the manner in which classical phenomenology operates with a reductive account of language and signification and allows me to ask the question of immanent genesis. A re-examination of genesis is brought about through the specific orientation pertaining to the question of genesis in the work of Deleuze, Henry, Levinas and Derrida.The re-orientation of certain premises of classical phenomenology undermines some of its central tenets and thematisation. The re-orientation demonstrates that a tradition of thought, culminating in classical phenomenology, operates according to a certain forgetfulness of the subjective body, of sensibility or the body in thought, which prevents an adequate account of genesis and language/signification. This thesis argues that these specific approaches to embodiment and language provide an adequate notion of immanent genesis, and opens up a space for a re-examination of and challenge to the orientation of T/thought with regard to its presumptions regarding genesis and meaning. The thesis concludes with a consideration of the art of Henri Michaux, and argues that this specific reception of classical phenomenology develops an understanding of genesis that is crucial to understanding this wor

    "-så jeg satt liksom, jeg håpte på at tiden skulle bli ferdig liksom-" : en studie om ungdoms indre dialoger under en nettverkssamtale

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    Denne masteroppgavens hovedmål har vært å utforske og beskrive tre ungdommers indre dialoger under tre ulike nettverkssamtaler. Studien er gjennomført ved Familie- og ungdomsteam (FUT), Avdeling for barn og unges psykiske helse (ABUP), ved Sørlandet Sykehus (HF). Den bygger på terapeutiske tradisjoner anvendt av Jaakko Seikkula og Peter Rober inspirert av den russiske språkfilosofen Bakhtin. Det grunnleggende ved hans forståelse er at mennesket er født dialogisk. Data ble innhentet ved at ungdommene ble intervjuet i etterkant av samtaler de deltok i. Funnene viser at ungdom har mange indre dialoger under en nettverkssamtale. Disse blir rikt og nyansert beskrevet i intervjuene. Det kommer frem at de indre dialogene er knyttet nærmere tema i dialogisk preget sekvenser av samtalen, enn i monologisk preget sekvenser. Det kan se ut som at jo rikere tilgang på stemmer som kommer til uttrykk i samtalen, jo rikere er de indre dialogene

    A study of candidate genes for day blindness in the standard wire haired dachshund

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A genetic study was performed to identify candidate genes associated with day blindness in the standard wire haired dachshund. Based on a literature review of diseases in dogs and human with phenotypes similar to day blindness, ten genes were selected and evaluated as potential candidate genes associated with day blindness in the breed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three of the genes, <it>CNGB3</it>, <it>CNGA3 </it>and <it>GNAT2</it>, involved in cone degeneration and seven genes and loci, <it>ABCA4</it>, <it>RDH5</it>, <it>CORD8</it>, <it>CORD9</it>, <it>RPGRIP1</it>, <it>GUCY2D </it>and <it>CRX</it>, reported to be involved in cone-rod dystrophies were studied. Polymorphic markers at each of the candidate loci were studied in a family with 36 informative offspring. The study revealed a high frequency of recombinations between the candidate marker alleles and the disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Since all of the markers were at the exact position of the candidate loci, and several recombinations were detected for each of the loci, all ten genes were excluded as causal for this canine, early onset cone-rod dystrophy. The described markers may, however, be useful to screen other canine resource families segregating eye diseases for association to the ten genes.</p

    Endocrine Profiles, Haematology and Pregnancy Outcomes of Late Pregnant Holstein Dairy Heifers Sired by Bulls Giving a High or Low Incidence of Stillbirth

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    The high incidence of stillbirth in Swedish Holstein heifers has increased continuously during the last 15 years to an average of 11% today. The pathological reasons behind the increased incidence of stillbirth are unknown. The present experiment was undertaken to investigate possible causes of stillbirth and to study possible physiological markers for predicting stillbirth. Twenty Swedish Holstein dairy heifers sired by bulls with breeding values for a high risk of stillbirth (n = 12) (experimental group) and a low risk of stillbirth (n = 8) (control group, group B) were selected based on information in the Swedish AI-data base. The experimental group consisted of 2 subgroups of heifers (groups A1 and A2) inseminated with 2 different bulls with 3.5% and 9% higher stillbirth rates than the average, and the control group consisted of heifers pregnant with 5 different bulls with 0%–6% lower stillbirth rates than the average. The bull used for group A1 had also calving difficulties due to large calves as compared to the bull in group A2 showing no calving difficulties. The heifers were supervised from 6–7 months of pregnancy up to birth, and the pregnancies and parturitions were compared between groups regarding hormonal levels, haematology, placental characteristics and calf viability. In group A1, 1 stillborn, 1 weak and 4 normal calves were recorded. In group A2, 2 stillborn and 4 normal calves were registered. All animals in the control group gave birth to a normal living calf without any assistance. The weak calf showed deviating profiles of body temperature, saturated oxygen and heart rates, compared with the normal living calves. No differences of the placentome thickness, measured in vivo by ultrasonography were seen between the groups. The number of leukocytes and differential cell counts in groups A1 and A2 followed the profiles found in the control group. In group A1, a slight decrease of oestrone sulphate (E1SO4) levels was found in the animal delivering a stillborn calf from the first 24-h blood sampling at 6 weeks to the second at 3 weeks prior to delivery, while the levels of E1SO4 at both periods in the animal delivering a weak calf followed the profile in animals delivering a normal living calf. During late pregnancy and at the time of parturition, the levels of E1SO4 and PAGs in animals delivering a stillborn or weak calf (from group A1) followed the normal profiles found in animals delivering a normal living calf. In group A2, low levels of E1SO4 and pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAGs) over 24 h at both 3 and 6 weeks prior to parturition (<1.5 nmol/L) were recorded in animals delivering a stillborn calf. During late pregnancy and parturition, the levels of E1SO4 and PAGs were slightly lower during 30–50 days prior to delivery and increased with a lower magnitude at the time of parturition. In conclusion, our results indicate that the aetiology behind stillbirth varies depending on the AI-bulls used and is associated with dystocia or low viability of the calves. Deviating profiles of oestrone sulphate (E1SO4) and pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAGs) in animals delivering a stillborn calf not caused by dystocia were observed, suggesting placental dysfunction as a possible factor. The finding suggests that the analyses of E1SO4 and PAGs could be used for monitoring foetal well-being in animals with a high risk of stillbirth at term

    Associations between annual and seasonal variations in body mass and reproductive success and blood biochemical parameters in semi-domesticated reindeer

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    The main objective of the study was to follow reproductive performance and blood biochemical parameters associated with fat and carbohydrate metabolism in a herd of free-ranging, semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) over a two-year period, with extreme between-year variation in forage availability. The effects of climatic factors on reindeer reproductive performance were investigated by analysing whether time of onset of luteal function in autumn and calf survival were associated with changes in body mass and weather conditions, such as snow depth, precipitation, and temperature. Considerable between-year variation in the onset of luteal activity was found. In 1997, 4.2% of the female reindeer were either cycling or pregnant in the second week of October, whilst in 1998, in the same week, 100% were cycling or pregnant. Although energy balance was important for timing of the onset of luteal activity, delayed conception had no apparent effect on calf survival. The results indicated that maternal body mass (BM) in spring was of primary importance for calf survival, and the productivity of the herd. Since climatic factors influence the availability of forage, and hence female BM, it also has an indirect impact on calf survival. Females with low BM demonstrated greater seasonal variation in BM than heavier females. Plasma concentrations of free fatty acids and &beta;-hydroxy butyric acid responded to changes in forage availability, but the initial condition of the reindeer and their fat reserves also seemed to have a major influence on these parameters.Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag:Sammenheng mellom &aring;rs- og sesongvariasjon i kroppsvekt og henholdsvis reproduksjonssuksess og biokjemiske blodparametre hos tamreinHovedform&aring;let med studien var &aring; f&oslash;lge reproduksjonen og blodparametre knyttet til fett og karbohydratmetabolismen hos en tamreinflokk (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) gjennom en to&aring;rs periode med stor &aring;rlig variasjon i n&aelig;ringstilgang. Effekten av klima p&aring; reinens reproduksjonssuksess ble unders&oslash;kt ved &aring; analysere om v&aelig;rdata som sn&oslash;dybde, nedb&oslash;rsmengde og temperatur og forandringer i vekt hadde innvirkning p&aring; igangsetting av lutealfunksjonen hos simlene og p&aring; kalvenes overlevingsevne gjennom sommeren. Det ble funnet en betydelig forskjell mellom &aring;r n&aring;r det gjaldt igangsetting av lutealfunksjon. I oktober 1997, var kun 4,2% av simlene drektige eller i lutealfasen av brunstsyklusen mens i den samme uken i 1998 var alle dyrene drektige eller i brunstens lutealfase. Selv om energibalanse var viktig for igangsetting av lutealfunksjonen, hadde forsinkelse i drektighetene ingen innflytelse p&aring; kalveoverlevelsen. Resultatene v&aring;re indikerte at simlenes v&aring;rvekt var av st&oslash;rst betydning for kalveoverlevelsen, og dermed ogs&aring; for produktiviteten til flokken. Siden de til enhver tid gjeldene v&aelig;rforhold p&aring;virket tilgangen av f&ocirc;r, p&aring;virket dette ogs&aring; simlenes vekt med en indirekte effekt p&aring; kalveoverlevelsen. Simler med lav levendevekt viste st&oslash;rre sesongvariasjon i vekt enn tyngre simler. Plasmakonsentrasjonen av frie fettsyrer, &beta;-hydroxy-sm&oslash;rsyre forandret seg i takt med beitegrunnlaget, men den initiale kondisjonen og fettreservene hos simlene syntes ogs&aring; &aring; p&aring;virke disse parametrene

    Big Data Analytics som Beslutningsstøtte : En kvalitativ studie om hvordan Big Data Analytics påvirker beslutningsprosessen i norske virksomheter

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    Masteroppgave revisjon og regnskap BE508 - Universitetet i Agder 2019Temaet for denne masterutredningen er Big Data Analytics som beslutningsstøtte. Problemstillingen for utredningen er hvordan Big Data Analytics påvirker beslutningsprosessen. Formålet med denne studien er å skape forståelse rundt hvordanledere og beslutningstakere brukerBig Data Analyticssom beslutningsgrunnlag. Her skal vi se nærmere på hvordan dette verktøyet blir brukt gjennom hele beslutningsprosessen. Med denne prosessen mener vi hele rekken av handlinger eller vurderinger som fører fremtil vedtakogiverksetting av en beslutning. Vi ønsker åskape forståelse rundt dettetemaet for åbelyse hvilke muligheter som finnes for å kunne ta de beste beslutningene, basert på dedataene som er tilgjengelige.Det er forsketmyepå hvordan Big Data fører til bedre og raskere beslutninger, men lite på hvordan dette endrer eller påvirker beslutningsprosessen.Derfor har vi vi gjennomført eneksplorativ ekspertstudie.Vi har intervjuet ledere og beslutningstakere i forskjellige bransjer og virksomheter. For å undersøke selskapenes beslutningsprosess tar vi utgangspunkt i HerbertSimon(1977)sitt rammeverk for beslutningsprosesser. Basert på analysen og ledernes meninger har vi sett atstore deler avbeslutningsprosessen har blitt effektivisertetter innføringen av Big Data Analytics.Med dette mener viat beslutningsgrunnlaget inneholderlangtmer informasjon enn tidligere. Beslutningene blir nødvendigvis ikke tatt raskere, men grunnlaget til beslutningene har blitt bedre. Dette gjør at beslutningstakernemed større grad av sikkerhetkansi at de tar bedre beslutningerenn tidligere. Dersom man ønsker å effektivisere beslutningsprosessenien digitalisert virksomhet, er man helt avhengig av informasjonskvaliteten. For at Big Data skal fungere som beslutningsstøtte må informasjon og datakvalitetvære strukturert. Arbeid med informasjonskvaliteten er så viktig for resten av beslutningsprosessen at vii en digitalisert verden, ser at beslutningsprosessen trenger en ny fase. Vi harvalgt å kalle denne fasen for: Optimaliseringsfasen. Her inngår alt arbeid med informasjonskvaliteten, slik at dataeneer klar for videre behandling i beslutningsprosessen