17 research outputs found

    Pregnant women's perspectives about maternal immunization in Latin America

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    Background: Maternal immunization rates and vaccine uptake in Latin America vary from country to country. This variability stems from factors related to pregnant women, vaccine recommendations from healthcare providers and the health system. The aim of this paper is to describe women's knowledge and attitudes to maternal immunziation, and barriers to access and vaccination related decision-making processes in Latin American countries. Methods: We conducted focus group discussions (FGD) with pregnant women in five middle-income countries: Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico and Peru, between July 2016 and July 2018. The FGDs were conducted by trained qualitative researchers in diverse clinics located in the capital cities of these countries. Results: A total of 162 pregnant women participated in the FGDs. In general, participants were aware of the recommendation to receive vaccines during pregnancy but lacked knowledge regarding the diseases prevented by these vaccines. Pregnant women expressed a desire for clearer and more detailed communication on maternal vaccines by their healthcare professionals instead of relying on other sources of information such as the internet. Overall, participants had positive attitudes towards maternal immunization and were open to receiving vaccines in pregnancy based on general trust they have in recommendations made by their healthcare providers. The main obstacles pregnant women said they encounter were mainly centered around their clinical experience: long waiting times, vaccine shortages, and impolite behavior of healthcare providers or clinical staff. Conclusion: Important advances have been made in Latin America to promote maternal immunization. Results from this study show that an important aspect that remains to be addressed, and is crucial in improving vaccine uptake in pregnancy, is women's clinical experience. We recommend pregnant women to be treated as a priority population for providing immunization and related healthcare education. It is imperative to train healthcare providers in health communication so they can effectively communicate with pregnant women regarding maternal vaccines and can fill knowledge gaps that otherwise might be covered by unreliable sources dispensing inaccurate information.Fil: Fauzia Malik, A.. University of Yale. School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Belizan, MarĂ­a. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Gutierrez, Mariana. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Vilajeliu, Alba. Pan American Health Organization; Estados UnidosFil: Sanclemente, Lauren N.. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Gonzalez Casanova, Ines. Indiana University; Estados Unidos. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Jones, Daniel Eduardo. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Omer, Saad. University of Yale; Estados Unidos. University of Yale. School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Maria Ropero, Alba. Pan American Health Organization; Estados UnidosFil: Alonso, Juan Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentin

    Health care providers perspectives about maternal immunization in Latin America

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    Background: Antenatal care providers have a key role in providing appropriate information and immunization recommendations to improve pregnant women's vaccine uptake. The objective of this study is to describe health care providers' perspectives and experience regarding the implementation of maternal immunization programs in Latin America. Methods: We conducted 33 in-depth interviews of health care providers from Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, and Peru (6–7 per country). Qualitative data analysis was conducted using a combination of both manual techniques and the computer software program NVivo. We identified and coded main themes related to maternal immunization. Results: The main themes identified in this analysis were practices related to maternal immunization, knowledge and training, resource availability and interactions with pregnant women. Healthcare providers knew that recommendations exists but some did not know their content; they expressed concerns about insufficient training. Providers from all five countries expressed the need for additional human resources and supplies. They also expressed a desire for women to be more proactive and ask more questions during the health visits. Conclusion: This is the first multi-country study assessing the perspectives of health care providers about maternal immunization practices at the facility level in Latin America. Recommendations based on the results from this study include implementing additional trainings around maternal immunization, especially targeting obstetricians and midwives. These trainings should be conducted in coordination with improvements to supply chain and other structural issues.Fil: Malik, Fauzia A.. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Alonso, Juan Pedro. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sanclemente, Lauren N.. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Vilajeliu, Alba. OrganizaciĂłn Panamericana de la Salud; Estados UnidosFil: Gutierrez, Mariana. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: Gonzalez Casanova, Ines. University of Emory; Estados Unidos. Indiana University; Estados UnidosFil: Jones, Daniel Eduardo. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Omer, Saad. University of Yale; Estados UnidosFil: Ropero, Alba-Maria. OrganizaciĂłn Panamericana de la Salud; Estados UnidosFil: BelizĂĄn, MarĂ­a Melina Eleonora. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin

    SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Vaccines.

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    Viral variants of concern may emerge with dangerous resistance to the immunity generated by the current vaccines to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Moreover, if some variants of concern have increased transmissibility or virulence, the importance of efficient public health measures and vaccination programs will increase. The global response must be both timely and science based

    Progress in vaccination against hepatitis B in the Americas

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    Hepatitis B is a serious public health problem leading to chronic infection, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recommend routine universal infant vaccination against hepatitis B as the main strategy for the control hepatitis B and its severe consequences. PAHO additionally recommends routinely vaccinating healthcare workers. As of 2005, all countries in the Americas, except Haiti and Dominica, have hepatitis B vaccine in their childhood immunization schedule; 13 countries/territories include a hepatitis B dose given at birth. Hepatitis B vaccine has been incorporated into national schedules using different modalities; notably, 28 countries use it as a combination vaccine diphtheria tetanus pertussis + Haemophilus influenzae type b + hepatitis B (DTP+Hib+Hep B) for infants. Coverage levels for the third dose of hepatitis B are usually over 80%; however, hepatitis B vaccine coverage overall is lower than for the third dose of DTP. Insufficient information is available at this time to assess the use of hepatitis B vaccine in healthcare workers in the Americas. The most important factor associated with the success in the implementation of hepatitis B vaccination has been the strong commitment of country governments. This experience can be used as a model when implementing new technologies in health as they become available. However, much still needs to be done to improve hepatitis B coverage

    Vaccination Week in the Americas: An Ongoing Initiative to Strengthen and Sustain Measles and Rubella Elimination in the Region

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    Vaccination Week in the Americas (VWA) is a yearly regional initiative that promotes the benefits of vaccination to all persons in the region. In its 22-year history, more than 1.15 billion people have been reached under the framework of VWA across more than 40 countries and territories. This review examines multiple PAHO and WHO data points, documents and reports related to measles/rubella vaccination coverage and VWA since its inception. Its goal is to document the impact that the VWA has had in maintaining and accelerating measles and rubella disease elimination, in the context of PAHO’s Disease Elimination Initiative. The results suggest that VWA’s contributions to measles and rubella elimination have been substantial. Every year, VWA promotes (a) renewed political commitment to the immunization program from the highest political authorities of Member States; (b) vaccination operations to close immunity gaps, recover under-vaccinated persons, and reach chronically underserved populations; and (c) the dissemination of messages on the benefits of vaccination through regional and national communications campaigns. VWA will continue to be an important contributor to disease elimination efforts in the Americas, even as new targets are set in response to the evolving epidemiological landscape

    Seasonal influenza vaccination policies in the 194 WHO Member States: The evolution of global influenza pandemic preparedness and the challenge of sustaining equitable vaccine access

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    Introduction: As of 2018, 118 of 194 WHO Member States reported the presence of an influenza vaccination policy. Although influenza vaccination policies do not guarantee equitable access or ensure vaccination coverage, they are critical to establishing a coordinated influenza vaccination program, which can reduce morbidity and mortality associated with yearly influenza, especially in high-risk groups. Established programs can also provide a good foundation for pandemic preparedness and response. Methods: We utilized EXCEL and STATA to evaluate changes to national seasonal influenza vaccination policies reported on the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Forms on Immunization (JRF) in 2014 and 2018. To characterize countries with or without policies, we incorporated external data on World Bank income groupings, WHO regions, and immunization system strength (using 3 proxy indicators). Results: From 2014 to 2018 there was a small net increase in national seasonal influenza vaccination policies from 114 (59%) to 118 (61%). There was an increase in policies targeting high-risk groups from 34 in 2014 (34 /114 policies, 29%) to 56 (56/118 policies, 47%) in 2018. Policies were consistently more frequent in high-income countries, in WHO Regions of the Americas (89% of countries) and Europe (89%), and in countries satisfying all three immunization system strength indicators. Low and low-middle income countries, representing 40% of the worlds’ population, accounted for 52/61 (85%) of countries with no evidence of a policy in either year. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that national influenza vaccination policies vary significantly by region, income, and immunization system strength, and are less common in lower-income countries. Barriers to establishing and maintaining policies should be further examined as part of international efforts to expand influenza vaccination policies globally. Next generation influenza vaccine development should work to address barriers to influenza vaccination policy adoption, such as cost, logistics for adult vaccination, country priorities, need for yearly vaccination, and variations in seasonality

    Seasonal Influenza Prevention and Control Progress in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Context of the Global Influenza Strategy and the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    Each year in Latin America and the Caribbean, seasonal influenza is associated with an estimated 36,500 respiratory deaths and 400,000 hospitalizations. Since the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic, the Region has made significant advances in the prevention and control of seasonal influenza, including improved surveillance systems, burden estimates, and vaccination of at-risk groups. The Global Influenza Strategy 2019–2030 provides a framework to strengthen these advances. Against the backdrop of this new framework, the University of Colorado convened in October 2020 its Immunization Advisory Group of Experts to review and discuss current surveillance, prevention, and control strategies for seasonal influenza in Latin America and the Caribbean, also in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This review identified five areas for action and made recommendations specific to each area. The Region should continue its efforts to strengthen surveillance and impact evaluations. Existing data on disease burden, seasonality patterns, and vaccination effectiveness should be used to inform decision-making at the country level as well as advocacy efforts for programmatic resources. Regional and country strategic plans should be prepared and include specific targets for 2030. Existing investments in influenza prevention and control, including for immunization programs, should be optimized. Finally, regional partnerships, such as the regional networks for syndromic surveillance and vaccine effectiveness evaluation (SARInet and REVELAC-i), should continue to play a critical role in continuous learning and standardization by sharing experiences and best practices among countries