15,428 research outputs found

    A generalization of bounds for cyclic codes, including the HT and BS bounds

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    We use the algebraic structure of cyclic codes and some properties of the discrete Fourier transform to give a reformulation of several classical bounds for the distance of cyclic codes, by extending techniques of linear algebra. We propose a bound, whose computational complexity is polynomial bounded, which is a generalization of the Hartmann-Tzeng bound and the Betti-Sala bound. In the majority of computed cases, our bound is the tightest among all known polynomial-time bounds, including the Roos bound

    An eco-solution for track & trace of goods and third party logistics

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    This paper presents a new economic cost-effective solution known as the Web and telephony based method for tracking and tracing of goods and small and medium sized third party logistic providers. Considering that these companies usually operate on very flat margins, a comparison is made of the available track and trace technologies like GPS, mobile phone approximated GPS and Java based cell tracking in terms of costs, operating risks, and other evaluation criteria

    Cross-sectional river shapes: A variational discharge-resistance formulation

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    Cross-sectional river shapes were obtained from a variational principle: minimizing the bed friction for a given discharge and a given maximum lateral bed slope (angle of repose). The optimal shape is found to be independent of both the exponent in the friction law adopted and the value of the discharge, but it does depend on the angle of repose. The optimal profile is a single stream; for braided rivers the solution is suboptimal

    Velocity bias in a LCDM model

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    We use N-body simulations to study the velocity bias of dark matter halos, the difference in the velocity fields of dark matter and halos, in a flat low- density LCDM model. The high force, 2kpc/h, and mass, 10^9Msun/h, resolution allows dark matter halos to survive in very dense environments of groups and clusters making it possible to use halos as galaxy tracers. We find that the velocity bias pvb measured as a ratio of pairwise velocities of the halos to that of the dark matter evolves with time and depends on scale. At high redshifts (z ~5) halos move generally faster than the dark matter almost on all scales: pvb(r)~1.2, r>0.5Mpc/h. At later moments the bias decreases and gets below unity on scales less than r=5Mpc/h: pvb(r)~(0.6-0.8) at z=0. We find that the evolution of the pairwise velocity bias follows and probably is defined by the spatial antibias of the dark matter halos at small scales. One-point velocity bias b_v, defined as the ratio of the rms velocities of halos and dark matter, provides a more direct measure of the difference in velocities because it is less sensitive to the spatial bias. We analyze b_v in clusters of galaxies and find that halos are ``hotter'' than the dark matter: b_v=(1.2-1.3) for r=(0.2-0.8)r_vir, where r_vir is the virial radius. At larger radii, b_v decreases and approaches unity at r=(1-2)r_vir. We argue that dynamical friction may be responsible for this small positive velocity bias b_v>1 found in the central parts of clusters. We do not find significant difference in the velocity anisotropy of halos and the dark matter. The dark matter the velocity anisotropy can be approximated as beta(x)=0.15 +2x/(x^2+4), where x is measured in units of the virial radius.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, AASTeXv5 and natbi
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