16 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis of the inflorescence architecture in Petunia hybrida

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    Koes, R.E. [Promotor

    Translating Flowering Time From Arabidopsis thaliana to Brassicaceae and Asteraceae Crop Species

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    Flowering and seed set are essential for plant species to survive, hence plants need to adapt to highly variable environments to flower in the most favorable conditions. Endogenous cues such as plant age and hormones coordinate with the environmental cues like temperature and day length to determine optimal time for the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. In a breeding context, controlling flowering time would help to speed up the production of new hybrids and produce high yield throughout the year. The flowering time genetic network is extensively studied in the plant model species Arabidopsis thaliana, however this knowledge is still limited in most crops. This article reviews evidence of conservation and divergence of flowering time regulation in A. thaliana with its related crop species in the Brassicaceae and with more distant vegetable crops within the Asteraceae family. Despite the overall conservation of most flowering time pathways in these families, many genes controlling this trait remain elusive, and the function of most Arabidopsis homologs in these crops are yet to be determined. However, the knowledge gathered so far in both model and crop species can be already exploited in vegetable crop breeding for flowering time control

    Single amino acid variation in barley 14-3-3 proteins leads to functional isoform specificity in the regulation of nitrate reductase.

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    The highly conserved family of 14-3-3 proteins function in the regulation of a wide variety of cellular processes. The presence of multiple 14-3-3 isoforms and the diversity of cellular processes regulated by 14-3-3 q3suggest functional isoform specificity of 14-3-3 isoforms in the regulation of target proteins. Indeed, several studies observed differences in affinity and functionality of 14-3-3 isoforms. However, the structural variation by which isoform specificity is accomplished remains unclear. Because other reports suggest that specificity is found in differential expression and availability of 14-3-3 isoforms, we used the nitrate reductase (NR) model system to analyse the availability and functionality of the three barley 14-3-3 isoforms. We found that 14-3-3C is unavailable in dark harvested barley leaf extract and 14-3-3A is functionally not capable to efficiently inhibit NR activity, leaving 14-3-3B as the only characterized isoform able to regulate NR in barley. Further, using site directed mutagenesis, we identified a single amino acid variation (Gly versus Ser) in loop 8 of the 14-3-3 proteins that plays an important role in the observed isoform specificity. Mutating the Gly residue of 14-3-3A to the alternative residue, as found in 14-3-3B and 14-3-3C, turned it into a potent inhibitor of NR activity. Using surface plasmon resonance, we show that the ability of 14-3-3A and the mutated version to inhibit NR activity correlates well with their binding affinity for the 14-3-3 binding motif in the NR protein, indicating involvement of this residue in ligand discrimination. These results suggest that both the availability of 14-3-3 isoforms as well as binding affinity determine isoform-specific regulation of NR activit

    Abscisic acid and 14-3-3 proteins control K+ channel activity in barley embryonic root

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    Germination of seeds proceeds in general in two phases, an initial imbibition phase and a subsequent growth phase. In grasses like barley, the latter phase is evident as the emergence of the embryonic root (radicle). The hormone abscisic acid (ABA) inhibits germination because it prevents the embryo from entering and completing the growth phase. Genetic and physiological studies have identified many steps in the ABA signal transduction cascade, but how it prevents radicle elongation is still not clear. For elongation growth to proceed, uptake of osmotically active substances (mainly

    N-myc enhances the expression of a large set of genes functioning in ribosome biogenesis and protein synthesis

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    The myc oncogenes are frequently activated in human tumors, but there is no comprehensive insight into the target genes and downstream cellular pathways of these transcription factors. We applied serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) to identify targets of N-myc in neuroblastomas. Analysis of 42,000 mRNA transcript tags in SAGE libraries of N-myc- transfected and control neuroblastoma cells revealed 114 up-regulated genes. The majority of these genes have a role in ribosome assembly and activity. Northern blot analysis confirmed up-regulation of all tested transcripts. Induction was complete within 4 h after N-myc expression. The large majority of the ribosomal proteins were induced, as well as genes controlling rRNA maturation. Cellular rRNA content was 45% induced. SAGE libraries and northern blot analysis confirmed up-regulation of many of these genes in N-myc-amplified neuroblastomas. As N-myc can functionally replace c-myc, we analyzed whether N-myc targets were induced by c-myc as well. Approximately 40% of these N-myc targets were up-regulated in a c-myc-transfected melanoma cell line. These data suggest that myc genes function as major regulators of the protein synthesis machiner