32 research outputs found

    C3. On Wettability and Unstable Flow in Porous Media

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    Once downloaded, these high definition QuickTime videos may be played using a computer video player with H.264 codec, 1280x720 pixels, millions of colors, AAC audio at 44100Hz and 29.97 frames per second. The data rate is 5Mbps. File sizes are on the order of 600-900 MB. (Other formats may be added later.) Free QuickTime players for Macintosh and Window computers may be located using a Google search on QuickTime. The DVD was produced by J. Robert Cooke.The effect of contact angle (CA) between water and porous media on flow regime in water repellent and sub-critically repellent soils will be illustrated and discussed. Water flow pattern that was monitored in a thin transparent flow chamber that ensures a 2D flow for water repellent soils (initial contact angle θ > 900) and sub-critical repellent porous media (permanent contact angle 300 < θ < 750) was remarkably affected by the CA. Plumes that were initiated by a point source at the soil surface (local perturbation) had different shape, size and longitudinal and transversal water content distributions for different contact angles and water application rates. The contact angle and water application rate control in particular the development of sharp water content decrease along the peripheral wetting front and non-monotonous water content variation along vertical cross section directions that are associated with unstable flow. For the low water application rate, thin and long plumes with saturation overshot behind the wetting front were observed for higher contact angles and wide plumes with lower average water content flow for the lower contact angles. On the contrary, negligible differences among the plumes were observed in all media for the high water application rates. Differences among the plumes became apparent only during the following drainage stage. The plumes in the media of high contact angle barely changed during the drainage period while the water content gradient along vertical cross sections turned positive at the lower part and negative along the upper part of the plumes in the media of lower contact angle. The discussion will include simulations made by a model developed for a bundle of capillaries of constant and variable cross section area and different contact angles.1_7zezj16

    Effect of surfactant surface and interfacial tension reduction on infiltration into hydrophobic porous media

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    Surfactant molecules increase the infiltration rate into hydrophobic porous media by lowering the infiltrating water's surface tension and the interfacial tension between hydrophobic surfaces and water molecules. We investigated the relative effect of these rate-limiting processes on the infiltration rate of aqueous surfactant solution into hydrophobic porous media. Two surfactants at various concentrations were applied at a constant pressure head to 1D columns filled with hydrophobic soil, and water was applied at the same pressure head to columns filled with surfactant-pretreated hydrophobic soil. Based on the measured contact angle, surfactant pretreatment significantly reduced the hydrophobic soil's interfacial surface tension, which increased the infiltration rate compared to the direct aqueous surfactant application to the hydrophobic soil. The latter's slower infiltration rate was attributed to the depletion of surfactant molecules due to its adsorption to the hydrophobic molecules near the advancing wetting front, yielding an increase in the surface tension of the infiltrating solution. Surfactant pretreatment increased the opportunity time for surfactant adsorption to the hydrophobic molecules, resulting in interfacial tension reduction and infiltration rate increase. Diffusion-limited surfactant adsorption on the hydrophobic surfaces, leading to reduced interfacial tension between the surface and infiltrating liquid, had a greater impact on limiting infiltration into hydrophobic porous media compared to the reduction in surface tension of the infiltrating liquid due to surfactant presence

    Detection of Potassium Deficiency and Momentary Transpiration Rate Estimation at Early Growth Stages Using Proximal Hyperspectral Imaging and Extreme Gradient Boosting

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    Potassium is a macro element in plants that is typically supplied to crops in excess throughout the season to avoid a deficit leading to reduced crop yield. Transpiration rate is a momentary physiological attribute that is indicative of soil water content, the plant’s water requirements, and abiotic stress factors. In this study, two systems were combined to create a hyperspectral–physiological plant database for classification of potassium treatments (low, medium, and high) and estimation of momentary transpiration rate from hyperspectral images. PlantArray 3.0 was used to control fertigation, log ambient conditions, and calculate transpiration rates. In addition, a semi-automated platform carrying a hyperspectral camera was triggered every hour to capture images of a large array of pepper plants. The combined attributes and spectral information on an hourly basis were used to classify plants into their given potassium treatments (average accuracy = 80%) and to estimate transpiration rate (RMSE = 0.025 g/min, R2 = 0.75) using the advanced ensemble learning algorithm XGBoost (extreme gradient boosting algorithm). Although potassium has no direct spectral absorption features, the classification results demonstrated the ability to label plants according to potassium treatments based on a remotely measured hyperspectral signal. The ability to estimate transpiration rates for different potassium applications using spectral information can aid in irrigation management and crop yield optimization. These combined results are important for decision-making during the growing season, and particularly at the early stages when potassium levels can still be corrected to prevent yield loss

    Pepper Plants Leaf Spectral Reflectance Changes as a Result of Root Rot Damage

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    Symptoms of root stress are hard to detect using non-invasive tools. This study reveals proof of concept for vegetation indices’ ability, usually used to sense canopy status, to detect root stress, and performance status. Pepper plants were grown under controlled greenhouse conditions under different potassium and salinity treatments. The plants’ spectral reflectance was measured on the last day of the experiment when more than half of the plants were already naturally infected by root disease. Vegetation indices were calculated for testing the capability to distinguish between healthy and root-damaged plants using spectral measurements. While no visible symptoms were observed in the leaves, the vegetation indices and red-edge position showed clear differences between the healthy and the root-infected plants. These results were achieved after a growth period of 32 days, indicating the ability to monitor root damage at an early growing stage using leaf spectral reflectance

    Capillary pressure overshoot for unstable wetting fronts is explained by Hoffman's velocity-dependent contact-angle relationship

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    Pore velocity-dependent dynamic contact angles provide a mechanism for explaining the formation of fingers/columns in porous media. To study those dynamic contact angles when gravity is present, rectangular capillary tubes were used to facilitate observation of the complete interface without geometric distortion. Results show that the Hoffman (1975) relationship between dynamic contact angle and water velocity applies to gravity-affected flow fields, and that it (when adjusted for nonzero static contact angles) can be used to model dynamic capillary pressures for unstable wettings fronts in porous media by assuming that (1) pressure at the wetting front is discontinuous, (2) the flow field behind the fingertip is highly heterogeneous, and (3) the front line advances one or a few pores at the time. We demonstrate the utility of the Hoffman relationship for porous media with a published infiltration experiment by calculating the capillary pressure successfully at the unstable wetting front as a function of the flux of water in the finger and the grain size diameter