54 research outputs found

    Localization of the murine reduced folate carrier as assessed by immunohistochemical analysis

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    AbstractThe reduced folate carrier (RFC1) is a major route for the transport of folates in mammalian cells. The localization of RFC1 in murine tissues was evaluated by immunohistochemical analysis using a polyclonal antibody to the C-terminus of the carrier. There was expression of RFC1 in the brush-border membrane of the jejunum, ileum, duodenum and colon. RFC1 was localized to the basolateral membrane of the renal tubular epithelium. Carrier was detected on the plasma membrane of hepatocytes but not in bile duct epithelial cells. In the choroid plexus RFC1 was highly expressed at the apical surface. It was also expressed in axons and dendrites and on the apical membrane of cells lining the spinal canal. In spleen, RFC1 was detected only in the cells of the red pulp. These data provide insights into the role that RFC1 plays in folate delivery in a variety of tissues. In particular, the localization of carrier may elucidate the role of RFC1 in the vectorial transport of folates across epithelia. The data also indicate that in kidney tubules and choroid plexus the sites of RFC1 expression are different from what has been reported previously for the folate receptor; and while RFC1 is expressed in small intestine, folate receptor is not

    Determinants of the activities of antifolates delivered into cells by folate-receptor-mediated endocytosis

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    Purpose: Elements in the endocytic process that are determinants of the activities of antifolates delivered by folate-receptor alpha (FRα) were explored. Methods: Antifolate growth inhibition was assessed with a 1- or 5-day exposure in reduced folate carrier-null HeLa cell lines that express a high level of FRα in the presence or absence of the proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT). pH-dependent rates of dissociation from FRα were also determined. Results: With a 1-day drug exposure which is relevant to the pulse clinical administration of these drugs, FRα expression enhanced raltitrexed activity and modestly enhanced ZD9331 activity, but did not significantly augment the activity of pemetrexed or lomotrexol. With a 5-day drug exposure, FRα-mediated growth inhibition was increased for raltitrexed and ZD9331 and emerged for lomotrexol. While the FRα-augmented activity of lomotrexol and raltitrexed did not require PCFT, augmentation of ZD9331 activity required the co-expression of PCFT with both 1- and 5-day exposures. In contrast, there was no augmentation of pemetrexed activity by FRα under any condition. The activities of these agents correlated with their rate of dissociation from the receptor at acidic pH: raltitrexed > ZD9331 > lomotrexol > pemetrexed consistent with insufficient pemetrexed release from FRα for export from the endosomes. Conclusions: FRα is unlikely to contribute to the pharmacological activity of antifolates, such as pemetrexed, that bind tightly to, and dissociate slowly from, the receptor particularly when the exposure time is brief. While PCFT was required for FRα-mediated ZD9931 activity, the activities of the other antifolates was independent of PCFT

    A Comparison of Etiology, Pathogenesis, Vaccinal and Antiviral Drug Development between Influenza and COVID-19

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    Influenza virus and coronavirus, two kinds of pathogens that exist widely in nature, are common emerging pathogens that cause respiratory tract infections in humans. In December 2019, a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 emerged, causing a severe respiratory infection named COVID-19 in humans, and raising a global pandemic which has persisted in the world for almost three years. Influenza virus, a seasonally circulating respiratory pathogen, has caused four global pandemics in humans since 1918 by the emergence of novel variants. Studies have shown that there are certain similarities in transmission mode and pathogenesis between influenza and COVID-19, and vaccination and antiviral drugs are considered to have positive roles as well as several limitations in the prevention and control of both diseases. Comparative understandings would be helpful to the prevention and control of these diseases. Here, we review the study progress in the etiology, pathogenesis, vaccine and antiviral drug development for the two diseases

    Role of the glutamate 185 residue in proton translocation mediated by the proton-coupled folate transporter SLC46A1

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    The proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT) SLC46A1 mediates uphill folate transport into enterocytes in proximal small intestine coupled to the inwardly directed proton gradient. Hereditary folate malabsorption is due to loss-of-function mutations in the PCFT gene. This study addresses the functional role of conserved charged amino acid residues within PCFT transmembrane domains with a detailed analysis of the PCFT E185 residue. D156A-, E185A-, E232A-, R148A-, and R376A-PCFT mutants lost function at pH 5.5, as assessed by transient transfection in folate transport-deficient HeLa cells. At pH 7.4, function was preserved only for E185A-PCFT. Loss of function for E185A-PCFT at pH 5.5 was due to an eightfold decrease in the [3H]methotrexate (MTX) influx Vmax; the MTX influx Kt was identical to that of wild-type (WT)-PCFT (1.5 μM). Consistent with the intrinsic functionality of E185A-PCFT, [3H]MTX influx at pH 5.5 or 7.4 was trans-stimulated in cells preloaded with nonlabeled MTX or 5-formyltetrahydrofolate. Replacement of E185 with Leu, Cys, His, or Gln resulted in a phenotype similar to E185A-PCFT. However, there was greater preservation of activity (∼38% of WT) for the similarly charged E185D-PCFT at pH 5.5. All E185 substitution mutants were biotin accessible at the plasma membrane at a level comparable to WT-PCFT. These observations suggest that the E185 residue plays an important role in the coupled flows of protons and folate mediated by PCFT. Coupling appears to have a profound effect on the maximum rate of transport, consistent with augmentation of a rate-limiting step in the PCFT transport cycle

    Role of the Amino Acid 45 Residue in Reduced Folate Carrier Function and Ion-Dependent Transport as Characterized by Site-Directed Mutagenesis

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    ABSTRACT In previous reports, an E45K mutation in reduced folate carrier (RFC1) resulted in marked substrate-specific changes in folate binding and the induction of an obligatory inorganic anion requirement for carrier function. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis was employed to further characterize the role of glutamate-45 in carrier function by replacement with glutamine, arginine, aspartate, leucine, or tryptophan followed by tranfection of the mutated cDNAs into the MTX r A line, which lacks a functional endogenous carrier. Alterations in transport function with amino acid substitutions at this residue were not charge related. Hence, E45Q, E45R, and E45K all 1) increased carrier affinity for 5-formyltetrahydrofolate ϳ4-fold, 2) increased affinity for folic acid ϳ6-to 10-fold, 3) did not change affinity for 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, and 4) except for E45R decreased affinity for methotrexate (2-to 3-fold). In contrast, mutations E45D, E45L, and E45W generally reduced affinity for all these folates except for folic acid. Finally, chloride-dependent influx was only noted in the E45R mutant. These data further substantiate the important role that glutamate-45 plays in the selectivity of binding of folates to RFC1 and establish that it is the addition of a positive charge at this site and not the loss of a negative charge that results in the induced anion dependence. These and other studies indicate that mutations in the first transmembrane domain can have a markedly selective impact on the affinity of RFC1 for folate compounds and in particularly a highly salutary effect on binding of the oxidized folate, folic acid

    Inhibition of the Proton-Coupled Folate Transporter (PCFT-SLC46A1) by Bicarbonate and Other Anions

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    ABSTRACT The proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT) plays a key role in intestinal folate absorption, and loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding this transporter are the molecular basis for hereditary folate malabsorption. Using a stable transfectant with high expression of PCFT, physiologic levels of bicarbonate produced potent and rapidly reversible inhibition of PCFT-mediated transport at neutral pH. Bisulfite and nitrite also inhibited PCFT function at neutral pH, whereas sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate had no impact at all. At weakly acidic pH (6.5), bisulfite and nitrite exhibited much stronger inhibition of PCFT-mediated transport, whereas sulfate and nitrate remained noninhibitory. Inhibition by bisulfite and nitrite at pH 6.5 was associated with a marked decrease in the influx V max and collapse of the transmembrane proton gradient attributed to the diffusion of the protonated forms into these cells. Monocarboxylates such as pyruvate and acetate also collapsed the pH gradient and were also inhibitory, whereas citrate and glycine neither altered the proton gradient nor inhibited PCFTmediated transport. These observations add another dimension to the unfavorable pH environment for PCFT function in systemic tissues: the presence of high concentrations of bicarbonate

    The prokaryotic thermophilic TF 1 -ATPase is functionally compatible with the eukaryotic CF o -part of the chloroplast ATP-synthase

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    AbstractThe ATP synthase from chloroplasts, CFo · F1, was reconstituted into liposomes, from which most of CF1 was removed by a short treatment with guanidinium chloride. ATP-dependent proton uptake was restored with these CFo-liposomes even better by the addition of the bacterial TF1- than of the related CF1-part. This proton uptake was prevented by tentoxin, a specific inhibitor of the CF1-ATPase, in these CFo · F1-liposomes, but not in the hybrid CFo · TF1-liposomes. Venturicidin, a specific inhibitor of proton flow through CFo, was able to block it in both the hybrid CFo· TF1-liposomes and reconstituted CFo· F1-liposomes. These results indicate that the bacterial TF1-part binds to the eukaryotic CFo-part of four subunits forming a functional CFo · TF1-ATPase