6,344 research outputs found

    Expanding the thermodynamical potential and the analysis of the possible phase diagram of deconfinement in FL model

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    The deconfinement phase transition is studied in the FL model at finite temperature and chemical potential. At MFT approximation, the phase transition can only be the first order in the whole μT\mu-T phase plane. By a Landau expansion we further study the phase transition order and the possible phase diagram of deconfinement. We discuss the possibilities of second order phase transitions in FL model. By our analysis the cubic term in the Landau expansion could be cancelled by the high order fluctuations. By an ansatz of the Landau parameters, we obtain the possible phase diagram with both first and second order phase transition including the tricritical point which is similar to that of the chiral phase transition.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Chinese Physics

    Origin of Scaling Behavior of Protein Packing Density: A Sequential Monte Carlo Study of Compact Long Chain Polymers

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    Single domain proteins are thought to be tightly packed. The introduction of voids by mutations is often regarded as destabilizing. In this study we show that packing density for single domain proteins decreases with chain length. We find that the radius of gyration provides poor description of protein packing but the alpha contact number we introduce here characterize proteins well. We further demonstrate that protein-like scaling relationship between packing density and chain length is observed in off-lattice self-avoiding walks. A key problem in studying compact chain polymer is the attrition problem: It is difficult to generate independent samples of compact long self-avoiding walks. We develop an algorithm based on the framework of sequential Monte Carlo and succeed in generating populations of compact long chain off-lattice polymers up to length N=2,000N=2,000. Results based on analysis of these chain polymers suggest that maintaining high packing density is only characteristic of short chain proteins. We found that the scaling behavior of packing density with chain length of proteins is a generic feature of random polymers satisfying loose constraint in compactness. We conclude that proteins are not optimized by evolution to eliminate packing voids.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by J. Chem. Phy

    Scaling Behavior of Entanglement in Two- and Three-Dimensional Free Fermions

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    Exactly solving a spinless fermionic system in two and three dimensions, we investigate the scaling behavior of the block entropy in critical and non-critical phases. The scaling of the block entropy crucially depends on the nature of the excitation spectrum of the system and on the topology of the Fermi surface. Noticeably, in the critical phases the scaling violates the area law and acquires a logarithmic correction \emph{only} when a well defined Fermi surface exists in the system. When the area law is violated, we accurately verify a conjecture for the prefactor of the logarithmic correction, proposed by D. Gioev and I. Klich [quant-ph/0504151].Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Lineage A betacoronavirus NS2 proteins and the homologous torovirus Berne pp1a carboxy-terminal domain are phosphodiesterases that antagonize activation of RNase L

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    Viruses in the family Coronaviridae, within the order Nidovirales, are etiologic agents of a range of human and animal diseases, including both mild and severe respiratory diseases in humans. These viruses encode conserved replicase and structural proteins as well as more diverse accessory proteins, encoded in the 3′ ends of their genomes, that often act as host cell antagonists. We previously showed that 2′,5′-phosphodiesterases (2′,5′-PDEs) encoded by the prototypical Betacoronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), and by Middle East respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus antagonize the oligoadenylate-RNase L (OAS-RNase L) pathway. Here we report that additional coronavirus superfamily members, including lineage A betacoronaviruses and toroviruses infecting both humans and animals, encode 2′,5′-PDEs capable of antagonizing RNase L. We used a chimeric MHV system (MHV(Mut)) in which exogenous PDEs were expressed from an MHV backbone lacking the gene for a functional NS2 protein, the endogenous RNase L antagonist. With this system, we found that 2′,5′-PDEs encoded by the human coronavirus HCoV-OC43 (OC43; an agent of the common cold), human enteric coronavirus (HECoV), equine coronavirus (ECoV), and equine torovirus Berne (BEV) are enzymatically active, rescue replication of MHV(Mut) in bone marrow-derived macrophages, and inhibit RNase L-mediated rRNA degradation in these cells. Additionally, PDEs encoded by OC43 and BEV rescue MHV(Mut) replication and restore pathogenesis in wild-type (WT) B6 mice. This finding expands the range of viruses known to encode antagonists of the potent OAS-RNase L antiviral pathway, highlighting its importance in a range of species as well as the selective pressures exerted on viruses to antagonize it. IMPORTANCE Viruses in the family Coronaviridae include important human and animal pathogens, including the recently emerged viruses severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (MERS-CoV). We showed previously that two viruses within the genus Betacoronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) and MERS-CoV, encode 2′,5′-phosphodiesterases (2′,5′-PDEs) that antagonize the OAS-RNase L pathway, and we report here that these proteins are furthermore conserved among additional coronavirus superfamily members, including lineage A betacoronaviruses and toroviruses, suggesting that they may play critical roles in pathogenesis. As there are no licensed vaccines or effective antivirals against human coronaviruses and few against those infecting animals, identifying viral proteins contributing to virulence can inform therapeutic development. Thus, this work demonstrates that a potent antagonist of host antiviral defenses is encoded by multiple and diverse viruses within the family Coronaviridae, presenting a possible broad-spectrum therapeutic target

    New Spinor Field Realizations of the Non-Critical W3W_{3} String

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    We investigate the new spinor field realizations of the W3W_{3} algebra, making use of the fact that the W3W_{3} algebra can be linearized by the addition of a spin-1 current. We then use these new realizations to build the nilpotent Becchi-Rouet-Stora--Tyutin (BRST) charges of the spinor non-critical W3W_{3} string.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, revtex4 style, accepted by Chin. Phys. Let

    Phonon-assisted Kondo Effect in a Single-Molecule Transistor out of Equilibrium

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    The joint effect of the electron-phonon interaction and Kondo effect on the nonequilibrium transport through the single molecule transistor is investigated by using the improved canonical transformation scheme and extended equation of motion approach. Two types of Kondo phonon-satellites with different asymmetric shapes are fully confirmed in the spectral function, and are related to the electron spin singlet or hole spin singlet, respectively. Moreover, when a moderate Zeeman splitting is caused by a local magnetic field, the Kondo satellites in the spin resolved spectral function are found disappeared on one side of the main peak, which is opposite for different spin component. All these peculiar signatures that manifest themselves in the nonlinear differential conductance, are explained with a clear physics picture.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    What Makes Theatrical Performances Successful in China's Tourism Industry?

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    This study aims to explore the factors affecting the success of a popular tourist product, namely, theatrical performance, within the context of China's tourism industry and develop a model based on previously successful productions. Using qualitative software, 22 Chinese-language articles on theatrical performances are analyzed to generate a list of success factors, classified as internal and external. The internal factors are storyline and performing, market positioning and marketing strategy, investment and financial support, operation and management, performing team, outdoor venue, indoor/outdoor stage supporting facilities, continuous improvement, and production team. The external factors are collaboration between cultural industries and local tourism, government support, privatization, and social and cultural effect. This study also provides suggestions for the future development of theatrical performances in China

    Relation between millimeter wavelengths emission and high-energy emission for active galactic nuclei

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    After comparing the flux densities of a sample of active galactic nuclei detected by energetic gamma-ray experiment telescope at 90 and 230 GHz with the γ\gamma-ray emissions detected by Compton Gamma Ray Observatory and x-ray emission, a strong correlation between the emissions at the millimeter wavelength and the γ\gamma-ray emission is found. The average flux density of x-ray is almost proportional to the average flux density at the millimeter wavelength for quasars detected by energetic gamma-ray experiment telescope, which strongly supports the previous idea that the x-ray emissions of this kind sources are mainly produced by Synchrotron Self-Compton process.Comment: 6 pages, Chinese Physics Letters in pres

    Experimentally obtaining the Likeness of Two Unknown Quantum States on an NMR Quantum Information Processor

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    Recently quantum states discrimination has been frequently studied. In this paper we study them from the other way round, the likeness of two quantum states. The fidelity is used to describe the likeness of two quantum states. Then we presented a scheme to obtain the fidelity of two unknown qubits directly from the integral area of the spectra of the assistant qubit(spin) on an NMR Quantum Information Processor. Finally we demonstrated the scheme on a three-qubit quantum information processor. The experimental data are consistent with the theoretical expectation with an average error of 0.05, which confirms the scheme.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Free Energy and Magnetic Penetration Depth of a dd-Wave Superconductor in the Meissner State

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    We investigate the free energy and the penetration depth of a quasi-two-dimensional d-wave superconductor in the presence of a weak magnetic field by taking account of thermal, nonlocal and nonlinear effects. In an approximation in which the superfluid velocity vsv_s is assumed to be slowly varying, the free energy is calculated and compared with available results in several limiting cases. It is shown that either nonlocal or nonlinear effects may cut off the linear-TT dependence of both the free energy and the penetration depth in all the experimental geometries. At extremely low TT, the nonlocal effects will also generically modify the linear HH dependence of the penetration depth ("nonlinear Meissner effect") in most experimental geometries, but for supercurrents oriented along the nodal directions, the effect may be recovered. We compare our predictions with existing experiments on the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 18 revtex pages with 4 eps figures, final versio