789 research outputs found

    Mycorrhizal Colonization of Native Salt Marsh Plants on Mississippi\u27s Gulf Coast and the Effects of Commercial Mycorrhizal Inoculants on Nursery-Grown Plants

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    Salt marshes are important economically and ecologically to the Gulf Coast and other coasts worldwide. Due to human activities, many coastal salt marshes have been degraded or destroyed. Restoration efforts, through the replacement or addition of naturally occurring salt marsh plants, are taking place worldwide. Most restoration plants are raised in nurseries and are not ready for transfer to restoration sites for eight or nine months. Once the plants are at the restoration site many die due to transplant stress. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) may be able to shorten the time the restoration plants need to stay in the nursery by increasing the plant’s growth rate. AMF may also increase survival by decreasing transplant stress. To determine if S. alternifora and J. roemerianus are naturally colonized by AMF, wild plants were collected and examined for AMF colonization. Collections took place in the fall and spring to determine if there was seasonal variation in colonization. Spore-trap trays were utilized to determine if AMF colonization could be transferred from one naturally colonized wild collected plant to an un-colonized plant. A commercial AMF inoculant was tested to determine if the inoculant was able to successfully colonize salt marsh plants and to determine an effect on growth rates or biomass. The wild plant collections showed that S. alternifora and J. roemerianus were naturally colonized by AMF and the colonization appeared to be seasonally influenced. The spore-trap trays did show that AMF colonization was able to transfer from one wild-collected colonized plant to an un-colonized plant. The commercial inoculant was not as successful at colonizing the salt marsh plants as the sporetrap trays were. The results suggest that naturally occurring AMF which are present in a salt marsh are more successful at colonizing plants and may be a better option for plant-based restoration projects in the future

    Les instances de représentation des salariés dans l'établissement : les cas de l'Allemagne, de la France et de l'Europe

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    Suite à une résolution de la CSN suggérant « l'adoption d'une loi-cadre prévoyant que soient partagées avec les représentants syndicaux, les informations économiques, les projets d'investissement, les projets de rationalisation ou de réorganisation et que le syndicat soit reconnu comme étant l'interlocuteur avec lequel ces matières devront être négociées et mises en place » (CSN, 59e Congrès, p. 7), une recherche sur les conseils d'établissement en Europe, où de tels droits sont accordés à des instances représentatives, nous semble incontournable. Nous ferons ici la recension des principaux écrits concernant les instances de représentation des salariés dans l'établissement en France, en Allemagne et à l'échelle de l'Union européenne. Cette étude se divise en deux parties couvrant deux facettes indispensables à la compréhension de la dynamique de ces instances, c'est-à-dire l'analyse de leur cadre légal et de ce que font les acteurs de l'autonomie dont ils disposent sur la base de ces codifications légales. La définition du cadre légal dans lequel évoluent les acteurs doit être établie, mais ne suffit pas à la compréhension du phénomène. Les positions adoptées par les acteurs, la reconnaissance et la légitimité d'action, les réseaux créés entre groupes d'acteurs et la culture organisationnelle sont autant d'éléments débordant le simple cadre juridique et qui influencent grandement les résultats obtenus par l'implantation de telles mesures. Ce n'est donc que suite à l'analyse de cette seconde facette organisationnelle que nous pourrons plus distinctement établir la comparaison

    Public Oncologic Serum Biobank

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    The Public Oncologic Serum Biobank is a not for-profit organization that has been established within the academia setting since 2009, which aims to prospectively collect and store serum samples from cancer patients and volunteers and their associated clinical and epidemiological data, with the ultimate goal to distribute them to the local and international research community focusing in understanding and improving cancer diagnosis and treatment.Fil: Rondot Radío, Pedro. Public Oncologic Serum Biobank; ArgentinaFil: Puricelli, Lydia Ines. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncologia "Angel H. Roffo"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Public Oncologic Serum Biobank; Argentin

    Electromagnetic plasma modeling in circuit breaker within the finite volume method

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    In order to ensure the galvanic isolation of an electrical system following a manual operation or a default strike, current limitation properties of the electric arc are used, forcing a fast decrease to zero current. Modeling this process reveals complex, since it involves a large amount of physical phenomena (radiation, phase transitions, electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, plasma physics). In order to get a robust solving, enhancing strongly coupled resolution and time constants compatibility, the Finite Volume Method has been chosen. This method was first implemented on intrinsic electromagnetism problems (current flow, magnetostatics including non-linear materials, and magnetodynamics). Once validated, the models have been successfully used in the Schneider's current-interruption dedicated software, thus allowing a significantly improved simulation of Schneider Electric circuit breakers