19 research outputs found

    Basal cell carcinoma - epidemiology, pathogenesis, pathology, and association with inflammation biomarkers. A review

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    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm in humans, with low mortality, high morbidity, and exposure to solar radiation (UVB and UVA) is the most critical risk factor. Ultraviolet B rays generate mutagenic photoproducts in DNA and mutations in important genes regulating cellular functions, such as the tumor suppressor gene TP53. Ultraviolet A rays generate cytotoxic and mutagenic free radicals, potentiating the effects of UVB rays.. There is current evidence to support the role of inflammatory biomarkers related to tumorigenesis of basal cell carcinoma

    A diagnostic challenge in an individual with Paracoccidioidomycosis during hospitalization in times of COVID-19

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a deep fungal infection, endemic with considerable morbidity in South America, whose first symptoms can occur in the oral cavity. A 47-year-old male patient, leucoderma, living on the streets, presenting dyspnea, pain during the speech, and dysphagia, was referred for admission to the ICU for suspected COVID-19 infection. The intensive care physician\u27s evaluation revealed a tongue lesion with suspected carcinoma. By dentist investigation, was observed the presence of moriform lesions with high borders delimitation in the tongue. Also, granulomatous ulcers with irregular texture, suggesting moriform stomatitis, the chest tomography revealed diffuse thickening of the bronchial walls, indicating chronic bronchopathy with discrete centrilobular nodules, sometimes confluent. Incisional tongue biopsy associated with lung imaging confirmed the diagnosis of PCM, and the patient was referred to the referral center for the treatment of fungal diseases. The involvement of the oral environment as a region to the appearance of detectable first symptoms of PCM suggests the need for the oral evaluation by a specialist as a diagnostic tool

    Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis acquired in an HIV-positive patient

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    The disease epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a rare genodermatosis, autosomal recessive in most cases, characterized by susceptibility to infection by types of HPV of the genus β (EV-HPV) that do not occur in immunocompetent clinics. With the increased survival of immunosuppressed patients, especially with AIDS, a form of the disease called epidermodysplasia verruciformis acquired from a clinician similar to the genetic disease has been reduced, but challenging to manage, since an antiretroviral therapy leads to a cutaneous one, making patients more resistant to any treatment modality

    Action of cyanogenic substances and magnetic field in the reduction of neoplasms: An integrative literature review

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    Cancer treatment has been constantly improved to cause the least possible harm to the patient. New therapies are being researched, many of them having as object of scientific-academic and pharmacological research the use of cyanogenic plants and their antitumor chemical compounds that can bring benefits to human health, having the potential to be associated with the magnetic Field and thus achieve a better benefit and with reduced adverse effects in cancer treatment. This study aimed to review the effect of cyanogenic substances and magnetic Field on tumor evolution in the literature. The integrative review of the literature was carried out in the databases EMBASE, PUBMED, LILACS, VHL, SCOPUS and MEDLINE. A final sample of 14 scientific articles, published from 2011 to 2020, was obtained, highlighting that cyanogenic substances and the magnetic Field can help reduce tumors. The most common studies were on the magnetic Field, and the studies were carried out mainly in vitro, with a frequency of 50 Hz that stood out from the others. Among the cyanogenic substances, the most prevalent was tonsillin, with the most used dosage of 10mg / ml. It was possible to conclude that both the magnetic Field and cyanogenic substances can reduce tumors

    Evaluation of acetone cyanohydrin effect in "in vitro" inativation of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cells Avaliação do efeito de acetona cianidrina na inativação de células do tumor ascítico de Ehrlich "in vitro"

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the antitumor effect of acetone cyanohydrin in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in vitro. METHODS: The Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and lymphocytes were incubated with different concentrations of acetone cyanohydrin (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 30.0 &#956;g.mL-1), After 1, 2, 3, 4, 18 and 24 hours cell viability tests were performed by the trypan blue method. RESULTS: The results demonstrated a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect against the cells of Ehrlich ascites tumor. The concentrations of 20 and 30 &#956;g.mL-1 was 100% of cell death in only 1 and 2 hours respectively. In lower doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 &#956;g.mL-1 the cytotoxic effect was less intense, increasing gradually with time. CONCLUSIONS: At low concentrations of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 &#956;g.mL-1, more than 90% of cell death was observed only after 24 hours of incubation which is the evidence that the tumor cell has the ability to poison cumulatively and irreversibly itself with the acetone cyanohydrin when compared with the results presented by human lymphocytes that the same doses and at the same time of incubation reached a maximum of 30% of cell death, suggesting an activity of rhodanese differentiated between the two cells.<br>OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito antitumoral da acetona cinidrina em células do tumor ascítico de Ehrlich in vitro. MÉTODOS: Células do tumor ascítico de Ehrlich e linfócitos foram incubadas com diferentes concentrações de acetona cianidrina (0, 0,5, 1,0, 2,0, 10,0, 20,0 e 30,0 &#956;g.mL-1), depois de 1, 2, 3, 4, 18 e 24 horas foi verificada a viabilidade celular atravéz do método de azul de trypan. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram um efeito citotóxico dose dependente frente as células do tumor ascítico de Ehrlich. Nas concentrações de 20 e 30 &#956;g.mL-1 ocorreu 100% de morte celular em apenas 1 e 2 horas respectivamente. Nas doses mais baixas de 0,5, 1,0 e 2,0 &#956;g.mL-1 o efeito citotóxico foi menos intenso, aumentando gradativamente com o tempo. CONCLUSÕES: Nas concentrações baixas de 0,5. 1,0 e 2,0 &#956;g.mL-1, foi observado mais de 90% de morte celular somente após 24 horas de incubação o que evidência a capacidade da célula tumoral de se intoxicar de maneira irreversível e acumulativa com a acetona cianidrina, quando comparadas com os resultados apresentados pelos linfócitos humanos que nas mesmas doses e nos mesmos tempos de incubação atingiram um máximo de 30% de morte celular, o que sugere uma atividade de rodanase diferenciada entre as duas células

    Study of the antineoplastic action of Tabebuia avellanedae in carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane in mice Estudo da ação antineoplásica da Tabebuia avellanedae (Ipê-Roxo) na carcinogênese induzida pelo azoximetano em camundongos

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    PURPOSE: To study the antitumor action of Tabebuia avellanedae in experimentally induced colon carcinogenesis by azoxymethane in mice. METHODS: Fifty (n=50) mice were divided into five groups: in group I azoxymethane (AOM) was administered, in Group II - &#946;-lapachone, in group III - vehicle (diluent) and in group IV - vehicle + AOM and finally in group V - &#946;-lapachone + AOM. RESULTS: It was observed the presence of aberrant crypt foci in all animals of groups I and IV, 50% in group II and 90% in group V. CONCLUSION: The &#946;-lapachone extracted from the Tabebuia avellanedae showed no protective effect of lesions induced by azoxymethane in colon of mice.<br>OBJETIVO: Estudar a ação antitumoral da Tabebuia avellanedae (Ipê-Roxo) na carcinogênese colônica induzida experimentalmente pelo azoximetano em camundongos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 50 camundongos divididos em 5 grupos: grupo I administrado Azoximetano (AOM); grupo II - &#946;-lapachona; grupo III - veículo (diluente); grupo IV - veículo + AOM; e grupo V - &#946;-lapachona + AOM. RESULTADOS: Observou-se presença de focos de criptas aberrantes em todos os animais dos grupos I e IV, 50% no grupo II e 90% no grupo V. CONCLUSÃO: A &#946;-lapachona extraída da Tabebuia avellanedae não apresentou efeito protetor das lesões induzidas pelo azoximetano em cólon de camundongos