2 research outputs found

    Numerical and clinical precision in hypoglycemia of the intermittent FreeStyle Libre glucose monitoring through an NFC-Bluetooth transmitter associated with the xDrip+ algorithm in diabetic patients under insulin therapy

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    M茅todos Estudio de pruebas diagn贸sticas. Se evalu贸 la exactitud num茅rica mediante la diferencia absoluta en los valores con respecto a la glucometr铆a capilar (norma ISO 15197:2015) y la exactitud cl铆nica, mediante las gradillas de error de Clarke y Parkes (Consensus), para mediciones de glucosa inferiores a 70 mg/dl realizadas con el sistema FreeStyle Libre y con la aplicaci贸n xDrip+ de estimaci贸n digital, en personas con diabetes con insulinoterapia. Resultados Se incluy贸 a 27 pacientes (TIR 73,4%, TBR70 5,6%), quienes aportaron 83 eventos de hipoglucemia. La exactitud num茅rica fue adecuada en proporciones similares con el sistema FreeStyle Libre en comparaci贸n con la aplicaci贸n xDrip+ (81,92% vs. 68,67%, p = 0,0630). La evaluaci贸n de la precisi贸n cl铆nica mostr贸 que el 92,8% de las mediciones para xDrip+ y el 98,8% para FreeStyle libre cumplieron el criterio seg煤n la gradilla de Parkes (Consensus) (p = 0,0535), y el 79,5 y el 91,6% de las mediciones cumplieron el criterio seg煤n la gradilla de Clarke (p = 0,0273) siendo superior con Libre. Conclusiones El uso del transmisor NFC-Bluetooth (Miao-Miao) asociado a la aplicaci贸n xDrip+ no mejora la precisi贸n num茅rica ni cl铆nica para la detecci贸n de los eventos de hipoglucemia en los personas con diabetesQ3Q3Introduction There are data capture devices that attach to the FreeStyle Libre sensor and convert its communication from NFC (Near-field communication) to Bluetooth technology, generating real-time continuous glucose monitoring. The accuracy of hypoglycemia measurements displayed by smartphone apps using this device has not been established. Methods Study of diagnostic tests. Numerical accuracy was evaluated, utilizing the absolute difference with respect to capillary glucometry (ISO 15197:2015 standard) and clinical accuracy, using the Clarke and Parkes (Consensus) error grids, for glucose measurements less than 70 mg/dL performed with the FreeStyle Libre system and with the digital estimation xDrip+ app, in diabetic patients managed with insulin therapy. Results Twenty-seven patients were included (TIR 73.4%, TBR70 5.6%), who contributed 83 hypoglycemic events. Numerical accuracy was adequate in similar proportions with the FreeStyle Libre system compared to the xDrip+ app (81.92% vs. 68.67%, p = 0.0630). The clinical accuracy evaluation showed that 92.8% of the measurements for xDrip + and 98.8% for FreeStyle libre met the criteria according to the Parkes (Consensus) grid (p = 0.0535); and 79.5% and 91.6% of the measurements met the criteria according to the Clarke grid (p = 0.0273), being higher with FreeStyle libre. Conclusions The use of the NFC-Bluetooth transmitter (Miao-Miao) associated with the xDrip+ app does not improve numerical or clinical accuracy for detecting hypoglycemic events in diabetic patients managed with insulin therapy, compared to the FreeStyle Libre device.Revista Internacional - IndexadaS

    Fluconazole susceptibility of invasive Candida sp isolates as determined by three methods. Bogot谩 - Colombia

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    The frequency of invasive mycosis caused by Candida sp has increased significantly in immuno-compromised patients and in those under medical/surgical treatment; along with it, the use of azoles has fostered resistance. Objective: To compare in vitro susceptibility techniques, susceptibility to fluconazol was determined by the M27-A2 method of CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute), the disk diffusion technique in 90 invasive Candida sp isolated species (49 C albicans, 30 C. tropicalis, 5 C parapsilosis, 4 C. guilliermondii and 2 C. lusitaniae) and the E-test in 16 isolated. Results: Over 90% of strains were susceptible to fluconazol. A straight correlation between disk-diffusion technique and the E-test was observed regarding the reference method (0.944 and 0.938, respectively). Conclusi贸n: In our institution the use of fluconazol for invasive candidiasis is recommended, as well as the routine use of the disk-diffusion or E-test techniques in high complex hospitals in Colombia.135-143La frecuencia de micosis invasoras causadas por Candida sp en pacientes inmunocomprometidos o con tratamientos m茅dico-quir煤rgicos ha aumentado y con ello, el uso de azoles, facilitando la aparici贸n de resistencia. Objetivo: Comparar tres m茅todos de detecci贸n de susceptibilidad in vitro a fluconazol: el m茅todo de referencia M27-A2 del CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute), t茅cnica de difusi贸n en disco a 90 aislados obtenidos en procesos infecciosos invasores (49 C. albicans; 30 C. tropicalis; 5 C. parapsilosis; 4 C. guilliermondii y 2 C. lusitania茅) y la epsilometr铆a (E-test庐) en 16 aislados. Resultados: La susceptibilidad fue mayor a 90%. Se encontr贸 un buen porcentaje de concordancia entre las t茅cnicas de difusi贸n de disco y E-test庐 con respecto al m茅todo de referencia (0,944 y 0,938, respectivamente). Conclusi贸n: En nuestra instituci贸n se considera de elecci贸n fluconazol para tratar infecciones mic贸ticas invasoras y recomendamos las t茅cnica de difusi贸n en disco o E-test庐 para determinar la susceptibilidad en la rutina en hospitales de alta complejidad en Colombia