558 research outputs found

    Childhood and adolescent cancer in Germany – an overview

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    Background: Childhood and adolescent cancer constitutes only a very small fraction of the cancer cases in Germany and throughout the world, but it is the most frequent cause of disease-related death in children. The diagnostic spectrum differs markedly from that of adults. More than 90% of all cases of childhood and adolescent cancer in Germany are treated according to centralised protocols or in therapy studies. Methods: The main epidemiological data for this group are collected by the German Childhood Cancer Registry (GCCR) since 1980. Based on this data, three typical diagnoses and their incidence and prognosis are described in exemplary manner: Lymphoid leukaemia (LL), astrocytoma and neuroblastoma. Results: Approximately 2,250 new cancers are diagnosed in children and adolescents under the age of 18 in Germany every year. In this age group, leukaemia and lymphoma account for almost 50% of all new cancer cases, predominately acute forms. Overall, the prognosis is considerably better than in adults. Conclusions: There is relatively little consistent evidence available on external factors as risk factors for childhood cancer, despite decades of research. For LL, the immune system and infections are assumed to play a role, as early training of the immune system appears to be protective. To an increasing degree, research is identifying genetic risk factors for many types of childhood and adolescent cancer. The therapy is sometimes very intensive and leads to a variety of late effects for at least 75% of the survivors, which may occur soon after the primary diagnosis, but also decades later

    Costs of the 'Hartslag Limburg' community heart health intervention

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the costs of community programmes to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The present study calculated the economic costs of all interventions within a Dutch community programme called Hartslag Limburg, in such a way as to facilitate generalisation to other countries. It also calculated the difference between the economic costs and the costs incurred by the coordinating institution. METHODS: Hartslag Limburg was a large-scale community programme that consisted of many interventions to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The target population consisted of all inhabitants of the region (n = 180.000). Special attention was paid to reach persons with a low socio-economic status. Costs were calculated using the guidelines for economic evaluation in health care. An overview of the material and staffing input involved was drawn up for every single intervention, and volume components were attached to each intervention component. These data were gathered during to the implementation of the intervention. Finally, the input was valued, using Dutch price levels for 2004. RESULTS: The economic costs of the interventions that were implemented within the five-year community programme (n = 180,000) were calculated to be about €900,000. €555,000 was spent on interventions to change people's exercise patterns, €250,000 on improving nutrition, €50,000 on smoking cessation, and €45,000 on lifestyle in general. The coordinating agency contributed about 10% to the costs of the interventions. Other institutions that were part of the programme's network and external subsidy providers contributed the other 90% of the costs. CONCLUSION: The current study calculated the costs of a community programme in a detailed and systematic way, allowing the costs to be easily adapted to other countries and regions. The study further showed that the difference between economic costs and the costs incurred by the coordinating agency can be very large. Cost sharing was facilitated by the unique approach used in the Hartslag Limburg programme

    Krebs im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland – ein Überblick

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    Hintergrund: Krebs im Kindes- und Jugendalter stellt nur einen sehr geringen Anteil der Krebserkrankungen in Deutschland und weltweit dar, allerdings sind sie bei Kindern die häufigste krankheitsbedingte Todesursache. Das Diagnosespektrum ist vollkommen anders als bei Erwachsenen. Mehr als 90 % aller Erkrankungen von Krebs im Kindes- und Jugendalter in Deutschland werden nach zentralisierten Protokollen bzw. in Therapiestudien behandelt. Methode: Die wichtigsten epidemiologischen Daten hierzu werden vom Deutschen Kinderkrebsregister (DKKR) seit 1980 gesammelt. Aus den Daten werden exemplarisch drei typische Diagnosen mit ihrer Häufigkeit und Prognose beschrieben: Lymphatische Leukämien (LL), Astrozytome und Neuroblastome. Ergebnisse: In Deutschland gibt es jährlich ca. 2.250 Neuerkrankungen bei Kindern unter 18 Jahren. Bei Kindern und Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren stellen Leukämien und Lymphome fast 50 % aller Neuerkrankungen, dabei überwiegen akute Formen. Die Prognose ist insgesamt deutlich besser als bei Erwachsenen. Schlussfolgerungen: Zu Risikofaktoren von Krebs im Kindesalter gibt es trotz Jahrzehnten der Forschung relativ wenige konsistente Erkenntnisse zu externen Faktoren. Für die LL wird eine Rolle von Immunsystem und Infekten angenommen, ein frühes Immunsystemtraining ist anscheinend schützend. Für viele Krebsarten im Kindes- und Jugendalter findet die Forschung zunehmend genetische Risikofaktoren. Die teils sehr intensive Therapie führt bei geschätzt mindestens 75 % der Betroffenen teils schon früh, teils erst Jahrzehnte später, zu mehr oder weniger erheblichen Spätfolgen

    Presentation and outcome of subsequent thyroid cancer among childhood cancer survivors compared to sporadic thyroid cancer:a matched national study

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    Objective: Childhood cancer survivors (CCS) are at increased risk to develop differentiated thyroid cancer predominantly after radiotherapy (subsequent DTC). It is insufficiently known whether subsequent DTC in CCS has a different presentation or outcome than sporadic DTC. Methods: Patients with subsequent DTC (n = 31) were matched to patients with sporadic DTC (n = 93) on gender, age and year of diagnosis to compare presentation and DTC outcomes. Clinical data were collected retrospectively. Results: Among the CCS with subsequent DTC, all but one had received chemotherapy for their childhood cancer, 19 (61.3%) had received radiotherapy including the thyroid region, 3 (9.7%) 131I-MIBG and 8 (25.8%) had received treatment with chemotherapy only. Subsequent DTC was detected by surveillance through neck palpation (46.2%), as a self-identified mass (34.6%), or by chance. Among sporadic DTC patients, self detection predominated (68.8%). CCS with subsequent DTC tended to have on average smaller tumors (1.9 vs 2.4 cm, respectively, (P = 0.051), and more often bilateral (5/25 (60.0%) vs 28/92 (30.4%), P = 0.024). There were no significant differences in the occurrence of surgical complications, recurrence rate or disease-related death. Conclusion: When compared to patients with sporadic DTC, CCS with subsequent DTC seem to present with smaller tumors and more frequent bilateral tumors. Treatment outcome seems to be similar. The finding that one-third of subsequent DTC cases had been treated with chemotherapy only needs further investigation. These results are important for the development of surveillance programs for CCS at risk for DTC and for treatment guidelines of subsequent DTC

    On the feasibility of automatically selecting similar patients in highly individualized radiotherapy dose reconstruction for historic data of pediatric cancer survivors

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to establish the first step toward a novel and highly individualized three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution reconstruction method, based on CT scans and organ delineations of recently treated patients. Specifically, the feasibility of automatically selecting the CT scan of a recently treated childhood cancer patient who is similar to a given historically treated child who suffered from Wilms' tumor is assessed.Methods: A cohort of 37 recently treated children between 2- and 6-yr old are considered. Five potential notions of ground-truth similarity are proposed, each focusing on different anatomical aspects. These notions are automatically computed from CT scans of the abdomen and 3D organ delineations (liver, spleen, spinal cord, external body contour). The first is based on deformable image registration, the second on the Dice similarity coefficient, the third on the Hausdorff distance, the fourth on pairwise organ distances, and the last is computed by means of the overlap volume histogram. The relationship between typically available features of historically treated patients and the proposed ground-truth notions of similarity is studied by adopting state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, including random forest. Also, the feasibility of automatically selecting the most similar patient is assessed by comparing ground-truth rankings of similarity with predicted rankings.Results: Similarities (mainly) based on the external abdomen shape and on the pairwise organ distances are highly correlated (Pearson rp ≥ 0.70) and are successfully modeled with random forests based on historically recorded features (pseudo-R2 ≥ 0.69). In contrast, similarities based on the shape of internal organs cannot be modeled. For the similarities that random forest can reliably model, an estimation of feature relevance indicates that abdominal diameters and weight are the most important. Experiments on automatically selecting similar patients lead to coarse, yet quite robust results: the most similar patient is retrieved only 22% of the times, however, the error in worst-case scenarios is limited, with the fourth most similar patient being retrieved.Conclusions: Results demonstrate that automatically selecting similar patients is feasible when focusing on the shape of the external abdomen and on the position of internal organs. Moreover, whereas the common practice in phantom-based dose reconstruction is to select a representative phantom using age, height, and weight as discriminant factors for any treatment scenario, our analysis on abdominal tumor treatment for children shows that the most relevant features are weight and the anterior-posterior and left-right abdominal diameters

    Identification of women with an increased risk of developing radiation-induced breast cancer

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    In the previous issue of Breast Cancer Research, Broeks and collaborators present the results of a study suggesting that germline mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM or CHEK2 may double the risk of radiation-induced contralateral breast cancer following radiotherapy for a first breast cancer. The assocation appeared to be strongest among women who were below the age of 40 at the time of their first breast cancer and among women who developed their second cancer 5 years or more after the first. While there were a number of methodological issues that might limit the conclusions drawn from this paper, this is one of several recent studies suggesting that carriers of pathogenic alleles in DNA repair and damage recognition genes may have an increased risk of breast cancer following exposure to ionising radiation, even at low doses. This finding has important implications for the protection of breast cancer patients and their close relatives. If confirmed, mutation carriers may wish to consider alternatives to X-ray for diagnostic purposes. The need for tailored cancer treatment strategies in carriers should also be evaluated carefully
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