1,283 research outputs found

    Circumnuclear Structures in Megamaser Host Galaxies

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    Using HST, we identify circumnuclear (100100-500500 pc scale) structures in nine new H2_2O megamaser host galaxies to understand the flow of matter from kpc-scale galactic structures down to the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at galactic centers. We double the sample analyzed in a similar way by Greene et al. (2013) and consider the properties of the combined sample of 18 sources. We find that disk-like structure is virtually ubiquitous when we can resolve <200<200 pc scales, in support of the notion that non-axisymmetries on these scales are a necessary condition for SMBH fueling. We perform an analysis of the orientation of our identified nuclear regions and compare it with the orientation of megamaser disks and the kpc-scale disks of the hosts. We find marginal evidence that the disk-like nuclear structures show increasing misalignment from the kpc-scale host galaxy disk as the scale of the structure decreases. In turn, we find that the orientation of both the 100\sim100 pc scale nuclear structures and their host galaxy large-scale disks is consistent with random with respect to the orientation of their respective megamaser disks.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables; Resubmitted to ApJ after referee's comment

    Megamaser Disks Reveal a Broad Distribution of Black Hole Mass in Spiral Galaxies

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    We use new precision measurements of black hole masses from water megamaser disks to investigate scaling relations between macroscopic galaxy properties and supermassive black hole (BH) mass. The megamaser-derived BH masses span 10^6-10^8 M_sun, while all the galaxy properties that we examine (including stellar mass, central mass density, central velocity dispersion) lie within a narrow range. Thus, no galaxy property correlates tightly with M_BH in ~L* spiral galaxies. Of them all, stellar velocity dispersion provides the tightest relation, but at fixed sigma* the mean megamaser M_BH are offset by -0.6+/-0.1 dex relative to early-type galaxies. Spiral galaxies with non-maser dynamical BH masses do not show this offset. At low mass, we do not yet know the full distribution of BH mass at fixed galaxy property; the non-maser dynamical measurements may miss the low-mass end of the BH distribution due to inability to resolve the spheres of influence and/or megamasers may preferentially occur in lower-mass BHs.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, replaced to fix error: NGC 4594 is not a maser galax

    Quantitative analysis of airway abnormalities in CT

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    A coupled surface graph cut algorithm for airway wall segmentation from Computed Tomography (CT) images is presented. Using cost functions that highlight both inner and outer wall borders, the method combines the search for both borders into one graph cut. The proposed method is evaluated on 173 manually segmented images extracted from 15 different subjects and shown to give accurate results, with 37% less errors than the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) algorithm and 62% less than a similar graph cut method without coupled surfaces. Common measures of airway wall thickness such as the Interior Area (IA) and Wall Area percentage (WA%) was measured by the proposed method on a total of 723 CT scans from a lung cancer screening study. These measures were significantly different for participants with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) compared to asymptomatic participants. Furthermore, reproducibility was good as confirmed by repeat scans and the measures correlated well with the outcomes of pulmonary function tests, demonstrating the use of the algorithm as a COPD diagnostic tool. Additionally, a new measure of airway wall thickness is proposed, Normalized Wall Intensity Sum (NWIS). NWIS is shown to correlate better with lung function test values and to be more reproducible than previous measures IA, WA% and airway wall thickness at a lumen perimeter of 10 mm (PI10)

    Privacy-Preserving Methods for Sharing Financial Risk Exposures

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    Unlike other industries in which intellectual property is patentable, the financial industry relies on trade secrecy to protect its business processes and methods, which can obscure critical financial risk exposures from regulators and the public. We develop methods for sharing and aggregating such risk exposures that protect the privacy of all parties involved and without the need for a trusted third party. Our approach employs secure multi-party computation techniques from cryptography in which multiple parties are able to compute joint functions without revealing their individual inputs. In our framework, individual financial institutions evaluate a protocol on their proprietary data which cannot be inverted, leading to secure computations of real-valued statistics such a concentration indexes, pairwise correlations, and other single- and multi-point statistics. The proposed protocols are computationally tractable on realistic sample sizes. Potential financial applications include: the construction of privacy-preserving real-time indexes of bank capital and leverage ratios; the monitoring of delegated portfolio investments; financial audits; and the publication of new indexes of proprietary trading strategies

    How Researchers Define Vulnerable Populations in HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

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    In this study, we interviewed researchers, asking them to define vulnerable populations in HIV/AIDS clinical trials, and provide feedback on the federal regulations for three vulnerable populations. Interview data informed a conceptual framework, and were content analyzed to identify acceptability or disagreement with the regulations. Beginning with several characteristics of vulnerable enrollees identified by researchers, the conceptual framework illustrates possible scenarios of how enrollees could be considered vulnerable in clinical research. Content analysis identified barriers affecting HIV/AIDS researchers’ ability to conduct clinical trials with pregnant women, prisoners, and children, for which the regulations specify additional protections. This study challenges current thinking about federal regulations’ group-based approach to defining vulnerable populations

    Pilot study demonstrating effectiveness of targeted education to improve informed consent understanding in AIDS clinical trials

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    Assessing and improving informed consent understanding is equally important as obtaining consent from participants in clinical trial research, but developing interventions to target gaps in participants’ informed consent understanding remains a challenge. We used a randomized controlled study design to pilot test an educational intervention to improve actual informed consent understanding of new enrollees in the Adult AIDS Clinical Trial Group (AACTG). Questionnaires were administered to 24 enrollees to assess their baseline understanding on eight elements of informed consent associated with AIDS clinical trials. Enrollees who scored 18/21(85%) or less were randomly assigned to in-person, targeted education (intervention) or delayed education (control). Two follow-up assessments were administered. Repeated measures ANOVA was performed to determine intervention effectiveness in improving actual informed consent understanding over time. Actual understanding improved at the immediate post-intervention time point with a significant score difference of 2.5 when comparing the intervention and delayed groups. In addition, there was a significant score difference of 3.2 when comparing baseline to 3-month follow-up for the two groups, suggesting a statistically significant intervention effect to improve actual understanding of the basic elements of informed consent. The findings demonstrated that one-time targeted education can improve actual informed consent understanding one week after the intervention, but retention of these concepts may require periodic monitoring to ensure comprehension throughout the course of a clinical trial

    Translational Model for External Volume Expansion in Irradiated Skin

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    Introduction: External Volume Expansion (EVE) treatment has gained popularity in breast reconstruction, enriching recipient sites for fat grafting. For patients receiving radiotherapy (XRT), results of EVE use vary, partly because the effects of EVE on irradiated tissue are not well understood. Based on our previous work with EVE and XRT, we developed a new translational model to investigate the effects of EVE in the setting of chronic radiation skin injury. Methods: Twenty-Eight SKH1-E mice received 50Gy of beta-radiation to each flank. Animals were monitored until chronic radiation fibrosis developed (8 weeks). EVE was then applied to one side for 6hrs on 5 consecutive days. The opposite side served as control. Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) was used to assess perfusion changes before and after EVE. Mice were sacrificed at 5 days (n=14) and 15 days (n=14) after last application for histological analysis. Tissue samples were stained for vascularity (CD31) and collagen composition (Picro-Sirius red). Results: All animals developed skin fibrosis 8 weeks post-radiation, and changes in perfusion verified skin damage. EVE application induced edema on treated sides. Five days post-application, both sides were hypo-perfused as seen by HSI; with the EVE side 13% more ischemic than the untreated side (p\u3c0.001). Perfusion returned to control side levels by day 15. Blood vessels increased 20% by day 5 in EVE versus control. Collagen composition showed no difference in scar index analysis. Conclusion: EVE temporarily augments radiation-induced hypo-perfusion, likely due to transient edema. Fibrosis remained unchanged after EVE, possibly accounting for the limited expansion seen in patients. It appears that EVE induces angiogenic effect but does not affect dermal collagen composition. Future efforts should focus on reducing fibrosis post radiation to allow EVE to achieve its full potential, to benefit irradiated patients