36 research outputs found

    Vertical Integration and Media Regulation in the New Economy

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    Deputy Siale Geologist Publications Managt'rfEdi lor Associate Edi tor

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    Secorrl class p:lSIlIge pHd aI PmIand Oregon. ~ raIeS: I year. 6;3 S15.Singleissues.6; 3 ~ S15. Single issues. 2. Available hlck issues of Oil' Bin/Oregon &oiogy through v. 50. no. 4. S I. Address subsaiptioo ooiel$, rmewaIs, and dWlgt:s of a!kms 10 0"800 Grology. 910 Stme Office Building, 1400 SW 5th Ave " R:lrtlan:I. OR 9720L Pennissicn is granted 10 re ~ infOl1TlilWl COOtlned herein. Otrlil given to the Oregoo De ~ of Geology and MinernI Ird.ooies for compiling this infomJaoon will be apJnciared. POSTMASTER: Send IKkIress changes 10 0,..80" Geology. 910 State OffICe Building. 1400 SW 5th Ave " Ponhn1 OR '1m!. Informalion for contributors OregotlGeclogy ~desigJledklread1 awidespoctJUmof readers interested in the gooIogy and miraal indusDy of CXegon. Manuscripl anributim<; are invited on both rcdmical and general--inrerest subjects relating to Oregcn geology. Two copies of the IIlaIUISCripi sOOuld Ix submitted. typal 00ubIe-sjn:c

    Mineral Industries (Volumes 1 through 40 were entitled The Ore Bin). Governing Board

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    Second class postage paid at Portland, Oregon. Subscription rates: 1 year 6;3years,6; 3 years, 15. Single issues, 2.AvailablebackissuesofOreBin/OregonGeologythroughv.50,no.4:2. Available back issues of Ore Bin/Oregon Geology through v. 50, no. 4: 1. Address subscription orders, renewals, and changes of address to Oregon Geology

    Deputy State Geologist.. Publications ManagerlEditor. Associate Editor......

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    Oregon Geology is designed to reach a wide spectrum of readers interested in the geology and mineral industry of Oregon. Manuscript contributions are invited on both technical and general-interest subjects relating to Oregon geology. Two copies of the manuscript should be submitted. If manuscript was prepared on common word-processing equipment, a file copy on diskette should be submitted in place of one paper copy (from Macintosh systems, high-density diskette only). Graphic illustrations should be camera ready; photographs should be black-and-white glossies. All figures should be clearly marked; figure captions should be together at the end of the text

    of Geology and Mineral Industries (Volumes 1 through 40 were entitled The Ore Bin). Governing Board

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    I year 6;3years,6; 3 years, 15. Single issues, 2.AvailablebackissuesofOreBin/OregonGeologythroughv.50,no.4:2. Available back issues of Ore Bin/Oregon Geology through v. 50, no. 4: 1. Address subscription orders, renewals, and changes of address to Oregon Geology

    Hot topics in interventional cardiology: Proceedings from the society for cardiovascular angiography and interventions (SCAI) 2021 think tank

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    The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) Think Tank is a collaborative venture that brings together interventional cardiologists, administrative partners, and select members of the cardiovascular industry community annually for high-level field-wide discussions. The 2021 Think Tank was organized into four parallel sessions reflective of the field of interventional cardiology: (a) coronary intervention, (b) endovascular medicine, (c) structural heart disease, and (d) congenital heart disease. Each session was moderated by a senior content expert and co-moderated by a member of SCAI\u27s Emerging Leader Mentorship program. This document presents the proceedings to the wider cardiovascular community in order to enhance participation in this discussion, create additional dialog from a broader base, and thereby aid SCAI, the industry community and external stakeholders in developing specific action items to move these areas forward

    Results of the Prospective Evaluation of Radial Keratotomy (PERK) Study One Year After Surgery

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    The Prospective Evaluation of Radial Keratotomy (PERK) study is a nine-center, self-controlled clinical trial of a standardized technique of radial keratotomy in 435 patients who had physiologic myopia with a preoperative refraction between −2.00 and −8.00 diopters. The surgical technique consisted of eight incisions using a diamond micrometer knife with blade length determined by intraoperative ultrasonic pachymetry and the diameter of central clear zone determined by preoperative refraction. At one year after surgery, myopia was reduced in all eyes; 60% were within ±1.00 diopter of emmetropia; 30% were undercorrected and 10% were overcorrected by more than 1.00 diopter (range of refraction, −4.25 to +3.38 D). Uncorrected visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 78% of eyes. The operation was most effective in eyes with a refraction between −2.00 and −4.25 diopters. Thirteen percent of patients lost one or two Snellen lines of best corrected visual acuity. However, all but three eyes could be corrected to 20/20. Ten percent of patients increased astigmatism more than 1.00 diopter. Disabling glare was not detected with a clinical glare tester, but three patients reduced their driving at night because of glare. Between six months and one year, the refraction changed by >0.50 diopters in 19% of eyes