Deputy Siale Geologist Publications Managt'rfEdi lor Associate Edi tor


Secorrl class p:lSIlIge pHd aI PmIand Oregon. ~ raIeS: I year. 6;3 S15.Singleissues.6; 3 ~ S15. Single issues. 2. Available hlck issues of Oil' Bin/Oregon &oiogy through v. 50. no. 4. S I. Address subsaiptioo ooiel$, rmewaIs, and dWlgt:s of a!kms 10 0"800 Grology. 910 Stme Office Building, 1400 SW 5th Ave " R:lrtlan:I. OR 9720L Pennissicn is granted 10 re ~ infOl1TlilWl COOtlned herein. Otrlil given to the Oregoo De ~ of Geology and MinernI Ird.ooies for compiling this infomJaoon will be apJnciared. POSTMASTER: Send IKkIress changes 10 0,..80" Geology. 910 State OffICe Building. 1400 SW 5th Ave " Ponhn1 OR '1m!. Informalion for contributors OregotlGeclogy ~desigJledklread1 awidespoctJUmof readers interested in the gooIogy and miraal indusDy of CXegon. Manuscripl anributim<; are invited on both rcdmical and general--inrerest subjects relating to Oregcn geology. Two copies of the IIlaIUISCripi sOOuld Ix submitted. typal 00ubIe-sjn:c

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