5 research outputs found

    Peranan Kepemimpinan Camat dalam Mewujudkan Efektivitas Pelayanan Publik di Distrik Tiomneri Kabupaten Lanny Jaya Propinsi Papua

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    The purpose of this research is to know the role of the leadership of the head of thepublic service effectiveness in realizing in the district Tiomneri Lanny Jaya province of Papua.Research using qualitative methods. The informant as much research 5 persons i.e.4people Tiomneri District Clerk and 1 non-public figures. Data collection with interviewtechniques; While data analysis using interactive model analysis techniques from Miles and Hubernann.Based on the results of the research can be drawn the conclusion: (1) the role of the leadership of the headof the public service effectiveness in realizing in the district Tiomneri has done well but has not been fullestviews of a role in planning the activities of the public service, a role in the construction of the implementationof the activities of the public service, a part in the supervision of the implementation of the public service,and role in the evaluation of the implementation of the activities of the public service. (2) the effectivenessof the public service in the Office of the District of Tiomneri is already good but haven\u27t been fullest views interms of efficient service,responsifitas service, service transparency, equality and justice get service, andaccountability services.Based on the conclusions suggested: (1) the role of the head of leadership in the public service in the Districtof Tiomneri needs to be improved both in terms of planning activities, in the construction of theimplementation activities, in supervisory activities, as well as in the evaluation of the implementation of theactivities of the public service. For that head of the need to enhance the capabilities of hissubordinate officers in the lead in the preparation of the planning, implementation, supervision, andevaluation of the implementation of the activities of the public service. (2) the effectiveness of the publicservices in the district Tiomneri of Peru increased in both in terms of the efficiency ofthe service, responsifitas service, Ministry of Justice, Ministry ofthe transparency, accountability and service. For that Head needs to improve the quality of its leadership sothat the employees can carry out his duties as well as possible with the public service

    Implementasi Pendekatan Bottom-up dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Tumpaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to determine how the Implementation of Bottom-Up Approach inRural Development Planning in The Subdistrict Tumpaan South Minahasa District, alsoto determine the extent of Implementation of Bottom-Up Approach in RuralDevelopment Planning can encourage community participation in rural development inSub Tumpaan South Minahasa District,In the methods used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method. Researchconducted in four villages that was taken from 10 villages in the District Tumpaan.Informant studies taken from various related elements, namely The Village Head, BPD,LPM, and Leaders/ Community Leaders entirety as many as 16 people. Date collectionusing interview techniques. The analysis technique used is qualitative analysisinteractive models of Miler and Hubermann.Based on the research result deduced: (1) Implementation of a bottom-upapproach to development planning in the village has been able to do well in the village inthe subdistrict Tumpaan; (2) Implementation of bottom-up approach the planning ofRural Development must be supported by harmonious cooperation between the relevantinstitution; (3) The implementation of bottom-up approach the Rural Developmentplanning is also supported by the participation of the entire communit

    Pengaruh Rolling Pejabat terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (suatu Studi di Kantor Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    Rolling is an incarnation or manifestation of the dynamics of organizations that serve as one way to achieve organizational goals and implemented to reduce the tedium of the job, increase knowledge, skills and increase the motivation and morale, in addition to placing the appropriate officials with expertise in the field of duty each. Problems to be answered in this research is how Rolling officials can affect the quality of public services in the scope of government staffing minahasa south. This study uses quantitative methods. This study aims to measure the relationship Rolling Minahasa district officials in the south with indicators of work experience, knowledge and skills and employees. This research was conducted by taking 5 samples at several SKPD with sample set of 20 respondents. Gathering date using questionnaires and interviews aided engineering. Date analysis using linear regression analysis and correlation of product moment. Management of data analysis using manual calculation formulas based on statistical analysis of linear regression and correlation product moment. Based on the analysis of the data showed: (1) correlation coefficient Rolling Minahasa officials in the southern district of the quality of public services is positive in the amount of 0.239 scale. (2) The correlation coefficient Rolling officials on the quality of public services delivery regency minahasa south is 0.306 while the coefficient of determination is 0.093 . results of these studies concluded that the influence of officials Rolling positive and significant impact on the quality of public services in the district minahasa south