31 research outputs found

    Peranan Bkkbn dalam Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial (suatu Studi di Badan Keluarga Berencana, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    In accordance with the duties and functions BKKBN or Regional FamilyPlanning Agency has a strategic role in the development of social welfare . The role willbe realized as expected if the Family Planning Agency may formulate and implementprograms that are directly related to efforts to repair / improvement of social welfare inparticular the families of the target group . In connection with this, this peneleitianendak answer the question " how the role of Family Planning Agency in thedevelopment of social welfare in the South Minahasa district .What is meant by a role in the development of the social welfare are the thingsor the efforts that have been or are being carried out by the Family Planning in thedevelopment of social welfare / community in accordance with the scope of tasks andauthority. The role can be seen from the programs and activities that have been or arebeing implemented and the results achieved in the development of public welfare .This study used qualitative methods . Sources of data / informants drawn fromthe competent authorities Family Agency Planning South Minahasa District ( 5 people ), officers PPLKB / PLKB Subdistrict ( 4 ) people , and community family planningprograms target group ( 6 persons ) , so the total number of informants there are asmany as 15 people . Collecting data using interview techniques . While the analysis ofthe data using qualitative analysis techniques interactive model of Miles and Hubernan .The results showed : ( 1 ) Programmes Body Family Planning , Women'sEmpowerment and Child Protection South Minahasa regency set everything can be donequite effectively . ( 2 ) Programs Board of Family Planning , Women's Empowermentand Child Protection South Minahasa District conducted during this provide greatbenefits for the community , especially the target groups in the welfare of the family.Based on the results of these peneleitian be concluded that the FamilyPlanning Agency has a significant role in realizing the social welfare development inSouth Minahasa regency .Starting from the conclusion it is suggested that given the significant role ofBKKBN or Regional Family Planning Agency in the development of the social welfareprograms of the Agency for Family Planning , Women's Empowerment and ChildProtection South Minahasa District that has been or is being implemented today shouldbe continued , improved and expanded even furthe

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (suatu Studi di Kantor Kecamatan Tuminting Kota Manado)

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    The internal environment is the overall factor in the organization and the activities of theorganization. In the study are two main problems, namely the environmental conditions and the level ofemployee performance in organizations. The study tries to show the influence of the organizationalenvironment on employee performance in Tuminting district, Manado city . This study uses a quantitativeapproach with descriptions and explanations. Data sources or respondents of this study are all employeesof the district office Tuminting, numbering 32 people. Data was collected through a questionnaire andengineering survey using observation techniques. Analysis of the data involved using a simple correlationanalysis technique and simple regression. The results of the data analysis: 1.the environmentalorganization at the district offices in Tuminting is based on the opinions of respondents in the categoriesand are likely to be high or medium.2.Employee performance is likely to be low or medium.3.Theregression coefficient of the variable work environment on employee performance is positive andsignificant and the correlation coefficient of determination is also. Based on the results of data analysis itmay be concluded that the environmental organization, working environment is significantly positive inthe office at Tuminting, Manado city. From the conclusion of the study it is suggested that theorganization's leaders, in particular the leader of Tuminting district, are able to create conditions of acondusive working environment and stimulate morale of the employees and also the need for concreteefforts of local governments to create the conditions for a better working environment

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Kepala Desa terhadap Keberhasilan Pembangunan Desa di Kecmatan Sahu Timur

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    Leave from early watch result that Interest carries the wind Village at Sahu's district East mostindication stills was optimal at impersonate so still a lot of Development at silvan ones haven't prepalent.Thus, this research intent to know how Interest influence carries the wind Village to Silvan Developmentsuccess at district Sahu East.This research gets eksploratif's character, with quantitative approaching. gathered file passthrough kuesioner's instrument that is broadcast to 40 district society respondents Sahu East that assesswalking Development at each Village. Collected data then at analisis utilizes analisis's tech linearregression and analisis is simple correlation.Point out observational result that carries the wind Village still was optimal, so can't yet pushSilvan Development success.Influential Silvan head to Silvan Development success that is at Sahu's district East. Suggestedthat more Silvan head increase Interest quality so can push Village Development at Sahu's district East

    Implementasi Kebijakan Etika Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Sekretriat Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    ABSTRACK The service civil policy ethics as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 42 Year 2004 on Soul Coaching Corps and the Code of civil servants, establish ethical obligations that must be implemented by civil servants in performing official duties and relationships of everyday life. But in reality there are many civil servants attitude and behavior is not in accordance with the ethical values ​​of civil servants. Starting from these two studies in this meand to determine how the implementation of the civil service ethics policy at the District Secretariat Sula Islands. The method used was a qualitative method. Data sources / informants of this research is purposive sampling of civil servants in the Sula Islands District Secretariat is 5 persons from the leaders / officials concerned and 10 people on staff employee / executive, so the total number of informants there were 15 people. The instrument in this study is the researchers themselves, while collecting the data using interview techniques. Data analyzed to using qualitative analysis techniques interactive model of Miles and Hubernann. The results on based of the study conclude: 1). Actions to do by the leadership in connection with the implementation of policies such as the civil service ethics laws and regulations (PP.42 2004), fostering employee awareness, and enforcement of ethics rules is already quite effective. 2) An understanding of the ethics of civil servants are set out in PP.42 2004 (in the state of ethics, organizational ethics, ethics in society, ethics in yourself, and the ethics of others civil servants) is good enough. 3). Application of civil service ethics or practice by employees in the execution of official duties generally been pretty good, but not maximized. This means that the attitude and behavior of civil servants in performing official duties in general is quite in accordance with the ethics of civil servants specified in PP.42 2004. Based on these results the conclusion can be stated as the following suggestions: 1) The enforcement of civil servants in the Secretariat ethics to the District Sula Islands needs to be improved. 2) Understanding of the staff of the Secretariat of the islands of Sula District of ethics of civil servants need to be improved; 3) Application of civil service ethics in the execution of official duties should also be improved in environmental Sula Islands District Secretariat. In this connection it is necessary a high awareness of the employees themselves to adjust the attitude and behavior of the ethical values ​​of civil servants

    Implementasi Otonomi Desa dalam Mewujudkan Pemberdayaan Aparatur Pemerintah Desa Dodaga di Kecamatan Wasile Timur Kabupaten Halmahera Timur

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of government officials in the village of EastHalmahera desa.Penelitian implementation of autonomy affairs is using qualitative methods. The government'sability village visits dar three indicators namely; education, training, and experience. Informants were takenfrom the village government elements Dodaga (village head and village secretary), in the village, the communityleaders / religious / cultural. The total number of informants who were interviewed are as many as 8 people.Collecting data using interview techniques, while the data were analyzed using qualitative analysis interactivemodel of Miles and Hubernann.The results showed: (1) Ability apratur village government Dodaga seen from indicators of education is quitegood, but not optimally. (2) The ability of the government apparatus village seen from the indicators of trainingis not maximized because not breathing is done either from the village administration or support you e heGovernment area . (3) The ability of the government apparatus Dodaga seen from the village of indicatorexperience thus even this is not too maximal.Based on these results ditarikkesimpulan that the capacity of Government officials in the implementation of theaffairs of the village of village autonomy in general has been running well but not maximum Deagan seen fromindicators of education, training, and experience.Based on the results of the research, put forward some suggestions to improve the government's ability toimplement urusan otonomi Dodaga Rural villages, as follows: (1) The village government should be allocatedsufficient budget to finance programs and activities. (2) The provision and improvement of infrastructure andfacilities Dodaga village government work needs to be done; and (3) Employee / village government officialsDodagaperluditambah, andquality SD officials / employees also need to be improved through education,training and experience relevant / program pemberdayaan

    Kinerja Pegawai dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Manado.

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    Background: The low quality of public services is happening lately is one beam that is directed at the government in providing services to the public. This is evident from the number of complaints from the public, both directly and through the mass media, such as a convoluted procedure, there is no certainty of completion period, costs, requirements that are not transparent, the attitude of officers who are less responsive, etc; giving rise to unfavorable image of the government. Like most of the case, that the level of ease of service, especially for the middle to the bottom is still very low. One of the services that the public is often complained of population administration services. So authors interested in studying how to Improve Employee Performance Services Population Administration in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Manado City. Research Methodology: This study used qualitative research methods through direct observation, interviews with 17 informants related, and documentation assisted with additional instruments such as interview, recording devices, and stationery. Results: Based on performance indicators, namely Productivity, Accountability, Quality of Service, Responsiveness and Responsibility then get the results that Employee Performance in Improving Population Administration Service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Manado City is quite good, although there are some constraints such as infrastructure which needs to be was added, and the lack of information about the requirements in the management of civil documents. Conclusion: Employee Performance in Improving the Population Administration Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Manado based on research that has been done can be said is good enough

    Implementasi Kebijakan Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    To realize the discipline of civil servants UU.NO.43 1999 mandates the need enactment ofgovernment regulations regarding the discipline of civil servants. In connection with it will emergeGovernment Regulation No. 53 of 2010 on Discipline of Civil Servants civil service discipline. This studyis intended to engetahui bagamana Impementasi the policy in Parliament Secretariat North Sulawesi, andthe extent of the impact of the implementation of that policy to increase employee discipline.This study uses research kualtatif.informan taken from elements of leadership and the elements of staff /executive secretariat in the northern Sulawesi Provincial Parliament, entirely as many as 15 peopleinformer. Insrumen in this study is the researchers themselves, while collecting data using techniques ofdata wawancara.analisis dilaukan with anaisis techniques Qualitative interactive model of Miles andHumbernann.research results conclusions: (1) Implementation of policy discipline PNS (PP.53 in 2010) has beendone with good views of pnting dimension of public policy implementation model of Edward III, kususnyacommunication factor (socialization) policies, and disiposisi (koitmen and consistency ) implementing thepolicy. In concrete policy implementation PNS discipline shown by some reality; socialization rules ofdiscipline, commitment and leadership to menerepkan mengakan disciplinary regulations, adnya efforts toraise awareness of employees to implement the provisions of the discipline as well as creating a culture ofdiscipline, and the enforcement of disciplinary punishment consistently; (2) Implementation of policydiscipline has given a positive dampa to increased discipline seen from increased adherence and provisionof personnel to the provisions concerning the obligations and prohibitions applicable to civil servants Yngsebagaiman stipulated in the PP. 53 out of 2010.Based on the conclusion of the study put forward suggestions: (1) the implementation of civilservice discipline policy should be more emphasis on the progressive increase in awareness that willmanifest pure discipline; (2) the employee should be encouraged to have a high commitment andconsistency in applying the rules of discipline of civil servants