22 research outputs found

    Gambaran Konsumsi Makanan Laut Penderita Hipertensi Diwilayah Kerja Puskesmas Dagho Kecamatan Tamako

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    : Risk the happening of hpertensi to one who is salt mengkomsumsi more than 6 gram per day 5-6 bigger times, in bangdingkan with one who is low salt consume in number. Target of this Research is know Relation of consume food go out to sea with occurence of hypertension in Puskesmas Dagho District of Tamako. This desain research is Analytic ofobservasional with approach of Cross sectional. Population in this research is Population the taken is all patient which suffering hypertension exist in Dagho puskesmas District of Tamako, amounting to 50 people with Intake of sampel in this research use Total technique ofsampling, instrument the used is used by date analysis and cuesioner is bivariate and univariat with test of chi-square. Result of research there are very real relation between food consumption go out to sea with occurence of hypertension (p=0.002). Pursuant to result of research, hence Conclusion that most responder suffer hypertension > 2 year counted 32 responder ( 64%), and most consuming perhari < 2 cutting and frequency < 4 times one week counted 27 responder (54.0%), hence from that better Be expected to officer of Puskesmas Dagho to be giving counselling in the form of a good way to consume pregnant sea food of high Natrium

    Hubungan Dukungan Suami Saat Antenatal Dan Intranatal Dengan Bounding Attachment Pada Ibu Post Partum Di RSU Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    Abstrack: During pregnancy a wife needs a pair of support that comes from the husband. Husband to the mother's lack of support will lead to not nurture drope affection between mother and baby or not nurtured bounding attachment to mother and baby. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of husband support during antenatal and intranatal with bounding attachment on post partum mothers at General Hospital Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. The design of this research was descriptive analytic cross sectional design. Samples were taken through out the post partum mothers in pavilium Maria at General Hospital Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado numbered 34 people with the sampling technique was total sampling. The results of this study was the relationship of support from husband during antenatal with the bounding attachment obtained significant P value = 0.001 mean P value <0.05 and during intranatal with bounding attachment obtained P value = 0,037 mean P value <0,05. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship of husband support during antenatal and intranatal with bounding attachment on post partum mothers at General Hospital Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. This research was expected to provide antenatal and intranatal support to the wife in order to create a bounding attachment as early as possible

    Pengaruh Latihan Keterampilan Sosialisasi Terhadap Kemampuan Berinteraksi Klien Isolasi Sosial Di Rsj Prof. Dr. V. L. Ratumbuysang Manado

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    : Socialization skilss training are given to patients with impaired social isolation to practice their skills in relationships with others and the environment optimally that have aims to teach the patients ability to interact with others. The aim of this research is is to know the effect of socialization skills training to the interaction of social pateints' ability. This research method is using the design / pre-experimental study design one group pre test post test. The results is using wilcoxon signed rank test with significant value is 0,000 or less than the significant value of 0,05 (0,00 < 0, 005). Conclusion from the results of this research showed that there is an influence of socialization skills training to interaction capability of social isolation patient in Prof. Dr. V. L. Ratumbuysang Manado. Suggestions socialization skills training can be used as one of the independent actions of nurses in improving the quality of health services to the interaction capability of social isolation patient

    Pengaruh Terapi Musik Terhadap Skala Nyeri Pada Pasien Fraktur Di Irina a Rsup Prof. Dr. R.d. Kandou Manado

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    : Fractures that occur can cause common symptoms are pain, Pain is anuncomfortable feeling and the subjective nature where only people who can feel. It isnecessary to seek the most effective approach in can effort to control the pain.One the biggestfears of fracture patients is pain. For that nurses to provide information to patients and theirfamilies about non-pharmacological therapy can help patient ellemination or reduce painamong music therapy. Purpose of this study wa to determine the effect of music therapy onfracture patients decrease pain scale. The design studyis a quasi experimentaldesign pretestposttestwith control group. TheSample ware taken that the total sample there was 50patients. Data collected by using a questionnaire. The Research Resultson test T-test there isthe effeck of music therapy on pain scale reduction in fracture patients at Irina A RSUP Prof.Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado (P value = 0,000; = 0,05). The conclusionfrom the studyindicate that there is an influence of music therapy on pain scale decline in fracture patients.Suggestions for further research are expented to further investigate the distraks othertechniques associated with decreased pain scale

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Penyakit Katarak Di Poli Mata Rsup Prof. Dr. R.d Kandou Manado

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    : Cataracts are the main cause of reduced vision in the world estimated number of peoplewith cataract blindness in the world today by 17 million people and will increase to 40 million by2020. The prevalence of cataracts in Indonesian amounted to 4.99%. Based on the data in 2008, therewere 5658 cases of cataract consisting of 3775 cases of outpatient and inpatient cases in 1883 EyeHospital "Dr. YAP "Yogyakarta. The occurrence of cataracts caused by several factors. Mostcataracts, called senile, is due to degenerative changes associated with age. Exposure to the sun forlife and play a role in the emergence of senile cataract. The purpose to analyze factors associatedwith the incidence of cataracts in patients who seek treatment at Poly Eyes RSUP.Prof. R.D KandouManado. The design was observational analytic design "case control". The population is sufferingfrom cataract patients who visit thePoly eyes RSUP.Prof.Dr.R.D Kandou Manado during the study.The research sample of 80 respondents. The results of statistical test Chi Square test at 95%significance level p value (á 0.05), indicating that there is no relationship between the sexes withcataracts with p value = 0,003, age with cataracts with p value = 0.033, and habits smoked withcataracts with p value = 0.010. The conclusion of this study there is a relationship between gender,age and smoking habits with cataracts. Suggestions results of this study would be able to provideadditional information and knowledge for researchers further about the factors associated with theincidence of cataracts in the eyes Poli RSUP.Prof.Dr.R.DKandou Manado

    Hubungan Kualitas Tidur Dengan Tekanan Darah Pada Remaja Di Desa Tombasian Atas Kecamatan Kawangkoan Barat

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    : Blood pleasure is the pressure of blood flow in the arteries. Lifestyle effects blood pressure is a sleep disorder. Factors that poor sleep quality is habit that short sleep duration is associated with changes in blood pressure, especially in adolescents. The purpose of this research study was to determine the relationship of sleep quality with the blood pressure in adolescents. Design research is an analytic observational with cross sectional, where the data collection independent and dependent variables is done jointly. Population in this study were all teenagers totaling of 80 people with the age category 13-18 years. Sampling technique using saturation sampling/total sampling. Results of statistical is chi square test with a significance level of 95 % (α = 0,05) presented in a 3x2 table values abtained p = 0,000 is smaller than α (0,05) with Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Conclusions in this research that there is a relationship with the sleep quality of blood pressure in adolescents. Suggestions research is expected to provide a reference for the development and study of science education in adolescents

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Dan Peran Kader Dengan Kunjungan Balita Di Posyandu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pineleng

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    : Posyandu is one form of health efforts resourceful community which is a real form of community participation in health development. Two factors that affect children visit that factor maternal knowledge of ignorance weigh the benefits against her mother in IHC. And the role of the factor Kader duty to urge people who have or which includes the target of immunization to Posyandu and provide peyuluhan the research aims to determine the relationship of mother's knowledge and the role of cadres to visit diposyandu toddler. Study Design This study is analytic with cross sectional approach. Sample of 100 respondents conducted in the mother diposyanduPineleng working area health centers. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. Result (73.0).of the relationship with the mother's knowledge toddler visit diposyandu find p = 0.017 and cadres role relationships with toddlers visit diposyandu find p = 0.025. Conclusion There is a significant association between mother's knowledge and the role of cadres to visit health centers toddler diposyanduPineleng working area. The need for care advice from health workers about health education to the community, especially pregnant women and mothers with young children about the importance of a visit to Posyandu. For relevant institutions in this case the clinic in order to pay attention to cadre's refreshment in order to keep motivated in carrying out its function and role in Posyandu