76 research outputs found


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    This study discusses the selection of wood raw material suppliers using the AHP-F method. Problems by UD. Bless Furniture is the difficulty of determining which supplier has good performance in terms of price, quality, service, delivery, quantity determination, location as well as guarantees and claims. With many competitors and different raw material prices from each supplier. Many raw materials such as wood cracks are hollow and broken at the ends of the wood, the color of the wood, and the shape of the wood. Delivery plans that are often complained by companies where delivery is not according to the schedule in the agreement. The results of data processing carried out by the AHP fuzzy method show that the criteria that become a priority in supplier selection are the price criteria which have a weight of 0.47. By taking into account the seven criteria above, it is obtained that the supplier recommended being prioritized as the best supplier based on the highest priority weight, namely supplier C with a weight of 0,39 then supplier A with a weight of 0,37 and the third is supplier B with a weight of 0,24

    Entanglement in quantum critical phenomena

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    Quantum phase transitions occur at zero temperature and involve the appearance of long-range correlations. These correlations are not due to thermal fluctuations but to the intricate structure of a strongly entangled ground state of the system. We present a microscopic computation of the scaling properties of the ground-state entanglement in several 1D spin chain models both near and at the quantum critical regimes. We quantify entanglement by using the entropy of the ground state when the system is traced down to LL spins. This entropy is seen to scale logarithmically with LL, with a coefficient that corresponds to the central charge associated to the conformal theory that describes the universal properties of the quantum phase transition. Thus we show that entanglement, a key concept of quantum information science, obeys universal scaling laws as dictated by the representations of the conformal group and its classification motivated by string theory. This connection unveils a monotonicity law for ground-state entanglement along the renormalization group flow. We also identify a majorization rule possibly associated to conformal invariance and apply the present results to interpret the breakdown of density matrix renormalization group techniques near a critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Construction of a matrix product stationary state from solutions of finite size system

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    Stationary states of stochastic models, which have NN states per site, in matrix product form are considered. First we give a necessary condition for the existence of a finite MM-dimensional matrix product state for any N,M{N,M}. Second, we give a method to construct the matrices from the stationary states of small size system when the above condition and NMN\le M are satisfied. Third, the method by which one can check that the obtained matrices are valid for any system size is presented for the case where M=NM=N is satisfied. The application of our methods is explained using three examples: the asymmetric exclusion process, a model studied in [F. H. Jafarpour: J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 7497] and a hybrid of both of the models.Comment: 22 pages, no figure. Major changes: sec.3 was shortened; the list of references were changed. This is the final version, which will appear in J.Phys.

    Increased serum neurofilament light chain concentration indicates poor outcome in Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    BACKGROUND Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an autoimmune disease that results in demyelination and axonal damage. Five percent of patients die and 20% remain significantly disabled on recovery. Recovery is slow in most cases and eventual disability is difficult to predict, especially early in the disease. Blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers that could help identify patients at risk of poor outcome are required. We measured serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL) concentrations from blood taken upon admission and investigated a correlation between sNfL and clinical outcome. METHODS Baseline sNfL levels in 27 GBS patients were compared with a control group of 22 patients with diagnoses not suggestive of any axonal damage. Clinical outcome parameters for GBS patients included (i) the Hughes Functional Score (HFS) at admission, nadir, and discharge; (ii) the number of days hospitalised; and (iii) whether intensive care was necessary. RESULTS The median sNfL concentration in our GBS sample on admission was 85.5 pg/ml versus 9.1 pg/ml in controls. A twofold increase in sNfL concentration at baseline was associated with an HFS increase of 0.6 at nadir and reduced the likelihood of discharge with favourable outcome by a factor of almost three. Higher sNfL levels upon admission correlated well with hospitalisation time (rs = 0.69, p < 0.0001), during which transfer to intensive care occurred more frequently at an odds ratio of 2.4. Patients with baseline sNfL levels below 85.5 pg/ml had a 93% chance of being discharged with an unimpaired walking ability. CONCLUSIONS sNfL levels measured at hospital admission correlated with clinical outcome in GBS patients. These results represent amounts of acute axonal damage and reflect mechanisms resulting in disability in GBS. Thus, sNfL may serve as a convenient blood-borne biomarker to personalise patient care by identifying those at higher risk of poor outcome

    Neurofilament light chain as a potential biomarker for monitoring neurodegeneration in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

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    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), the most frequent monogenetic disorder of brain white matter, is highly variable, ranging from slowly progressive adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) to life-threatening inflammatory brain demyelination (CALD). In this study involving 94 X-ALD patients and 55 controls, we tested whether plasma/serum neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) constitutes an early distinguishing biomarker. In AMN, we found moderately elevated NfL with increased levels reflecting higher grading of myelopathy-related disability. Intriguingly, NfL was a significant predictor to discriminate non-converting AMN from cohorts later developing CALD. In CALD, markedly amplified NfL levels reflected brain lesion severity. In rare cases, atypically low NfL revealed a previously unrecognized smoldering CALD disease course with slowly progressive myelin destruction. Upon halt of brain demyelination by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, NfL gradually normalized. Together, our study reveals that blood NfL reflects inflammatory activity and progression in CALD patients, thus constituting a potential surrogate biomarker that may facilitate clinical decisions and therapeutic development

    Delta-Function Bose Gas Picture of S=1 Antiferromagnetic Quantum Spin Chains Near Critical Fields

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    We study the zero-temperature magnetization curve (M-H curve) of the S=1 bilinear-biquadratic spin chain, whose Hamiltonian is given by H=iSiSi+1+β(SiSi+1)2withH=\sum_{i} S_i S_{i+1}+\beta (S_iS_{i+1})^2 with 0 \leq \beta <1.Wefocusonvalidityofthedeltafunctionbosegaspicturenearthetwocriticalfields:thesaturationfield. We focus on validity of the delta-function bose-gas picture near the two critical fields: the saturation field H_sandthelowercriticalfield and the lower critical field H_cassociatedwiththeHaldanegap.Near associated with the Haldane gap. Near H_s,wetakelowenergyeffectiveSmatrixapproach,whichgivescorrecteffectivebosegascouplingconstant, we take ``low-energy effective S-matrix'' approach, which gives correct effective bose-gas coupling constant c,differentfromthespinwavevalue.ComparingtheMHcurveofthebosegaswiththeproductwavefunctionrenormalizationgroup(PWFRG)calculation,excellentagreementisseen.Near, different from the spin-wave value. Comparing the M-H curve of the bose gas with the product-wavefunction renormalization group (PWFRG) calculation, excellent agreement is seen. Near H_c,comparingthePWFRGresultwiththebosegasprediction,wefindthattherearetwodistinctregionsof, comparing the PWFRG result with the bose-gas prediction, we find that there are two distinct regions of \betaseparatedbyacriticalvalue separated by a critical value \beta_c(\approx 0.41).Intheregion. In the region 0<\beta<\beta_c,theeffectivecoupling, the effective coupling cispositivebutrathersmall.Thesmallvalueof is positive but rather small. The small value of cmakesthecriticalregionofthesquarerootbehavior makes the ``critical region'' of the square-root behavior M\sim \sqrt{H-H_c}verynarrow.Further,wefindthatinthe very narrow. Further, we find that in the \beta \to \beta_c-0,thesquarerootbehaviortransmutestoadifferentone,, the square-root behavior transmutes to a different one, M\sim (H-H_c)^{1/4}.Intheregion. In the region \beta_c<\beta <1,thesquarerootbehaviorisratherdistinct,buttheeffectivecoupling, the square-root behavior is rather distinct, but the effective coupling c$ becomes negative.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX, 8 ps figure

    Application of the density matrix renormalization group method to finite temperatures and two-dimensional systems

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    The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method and its applications to finite temperatures and two-dimensional systems are reviewed. The basic idea of the original DMRG method, which allows precise study of the ground state properties and low-energy excitations, is presented for models which include long-range interactions. The DMRG scheme is then applied to the diagonalization of the quantum transfer matrix for one-dimensional systems, and a reliable algorithm at finite temperatures is formulated. Dynamic correlation functions at finite temperatures are calculated from the eigenvectors of the quantum transfer matrix with analytical continuation to the real frequency axis. An application of the DMRG method to two-dimensional quantum systems in a magnetic field is demonstrated and reliable results for quantum Hall systems are presented.Comment: 33 pages, 18 figures; corrected Eq.(117

    Antiferromagnetic Zigzag Spin Chain in Magnetic Fields at Finite Temperatures

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    We study thermodynamic behaviors of the antiferromagnetic zigzag spin chain in magnetic fields, using the density-matrix renormalization group method for the quantum transfer matrix. We focus on the thermodynamics of the system near the critical fields in the ground-state magnetization process(MM-HH curve): the saturation field, the lower critical field associated with excitation gap, and the field at the middle-field cusp singularity. We calculate magnetization, susceptibility and specific heat of the zigzag chain in magnetic fields at finite temperatures, and then discuss how the calculated quantities reflect the low-lying excitations of the system related with the critical behaviors in the MM-HH curve.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Corner Transfer Matrix Algorithm for Classical Renormalization Group

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    We report a real-space renormalization group (RSRG) algorithm, which is formulated through Baxter's corner transfer matrix (CTM), for two-dimensional (d = 2) classical lattice models. The new method performs the renormalization group transformation according to White's density matrix algorithm, so that variational free energies are minimized within a restricted degree of freedom m. As a consequence of the renormalization, spin variables on each corner of CTM are replaced by a m-state block spin variable. It is shown that the thermodynamic functions and critical exponents of the q = 2, 3 Potts models can be precisely evaluated by use of the renormalization group method.Comment: 20 pages, 10 ps figures, JPSJ style files are include

    Quantum Impurity Entanglement

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    Entanglement in J_1-J_2, S=1/2 quantum spin chains with an impurity is studied using analytic methods as well as large scale numerical density matrix renormalization group methods. The entanglement is investigated in terms of the von Neumann entropy, S=-Tr rho_A log rho_A, for a sub-system A of size r of the chain. The impurity contribution to the uniform part of the entanglement entropy, S_{imp}, is defined and analyzed in detail in both the gapless, J_2 <= J_2^c, as well as the dimerized phase, J_2>J_2^c, of the model. This quantum impurity model is in the universality class of the single channel Kondo model and it is shown that in a quite universal way the presence of the impurity in the gapless phase, J_2 <= J_2^c, gives rise to a large length scale, xi_K, associated with the screening of the impurity, the size of the Kondo screening cloud. The universality of Kondo physics then implies scaling of the form S_{imp}(r/xi_K,r/R) for a system of size R. Numerical results are presented clearly demonstrating this scaling. At the critical point, J_2^c, an analytic Fermi liquid picture is developed and analytic results are obtained both at T=0 and T>0. In the dimerized phase an appealing picure of the entanglement is developed in terms of a thin soliton (TS) ansatz and the notions of impurity valence bonds (IVB) and single particle entanglement (SPE) are introduced. The TS-ansatz permits a variational calculation of the complete entanglement in the dimerized phase that appears to be exact in the thermodynamic limit at the Majumdar-Ghosh point, J_2=J_1/2, and surprisingly precise even close to the critical point J_2^c. In appendices the relation between the finite temperature entanglement entropy, S(T), and the thermal entropy, S_{th}(T), is discussed and and calculated at the MG-point using the TS-ansatz.Comment: 62 pages, 27 figures, JSTAT macro