25,098 research outputs found

    Coherent States of Accelerated Relativistic Quantum Particles, Vacuum Radiation and the Spontaneous Breakdown of the Conformal SU(2,2) Symmetry

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    We give a quantum mechanical description of accelerated relativistic particles in the framework of Coherent States (CS) of the (3+1)-dimensional conformal group SU(2,2), with the role of accelerations played by special conformal transformations and with the role of (proper) time translations played by dilations. The accelerated ground state Ï•~0\tilde\phi_0 of first quantization is a CS of the conformal group. We compute the distribution function giving the occupation number of each energy level in Ï•~0\tilde\phi_0 and, with it, the partition function Z, mean energy E and entropy S, which resemble that of an "Einstein Solid". An effective temperature T can be assigned to this "accelerated ensemble" through the thermodynamic expression dE/dS, which leads to a (non linear) relation between acceleration and temperature different from Unruh's (linear) formula. Then we construct the corresponding conformal-SU(2,2)-invariant second quantized theory and its spontaneous breakdown when selecting Poincar\'e-invariant degenerated \theta-vacua (namely, coherent states of conformal zero modes). Special conformal transformations (accelerations) destabilize the Poincar\'e vacuum and make it to radiate.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures. Additional information (resulting in four extra pages) and a slight change of focus has been introduced in order to make the line of arguments more clear. Title changed accordingl

    Constraining axion-nucleon coupling constants from measurements of effective Casimir pressure by means of micromachined oscillator

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    Stronger constraints on the pseudoscalar coupling constants of an axion to a proton and a neutron are obtained from an indirect measurement of the effective Casimir pressure between two Au-coated plates by means of micromechanical torsional oscillator. For this purpose, the additional effective pressure due to two-axion exchange is calculated. The role of boundary effects and the validity region of the proximity force approximation in application to forces of axion origin are determined. The obtained constraints are up to factors of 380 and 3.15 stronger than those found recently from other laboratory experiments and are relevant to axion masses from 10−310^{-3}eV to 15eV.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables; several additions have been made in accordance with version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Leptonic emission from microquasar jets: from radio to very high-energy gamma-rays

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    Microquasars are sources of very high-energy gamma-rays and, very probably, high-energy gamma-ray emitters. We propose a model for a jet that can allow to give accurate observational predictions for jet emission at different energies and provide with physical information of the object using multiwavelength data.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the conference: "International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 230: Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies". Edited by Evert J.A. Meurs & Giuseppina Fabbian

    Constraints on non-Newtonian gravity from measuring the Casimir force in a configuration with nanoscale rectangular corrugations

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    We report constraints on the parameters of Yukawa-type corrections to Newtonian gravity from measurements of the gradient of the Casimir force in the configuration of an Au-coated sphere above a Si plate covered with corrugations of trapezoidal shape. For this purpose, the exact expression for the gradient of Yukawa force in the experimental configuration is derived and compared with that obtained using the proximity force approximation. The reported constraints are of almost the same strength as those found previously from several different experiments on the Casimir force and extend over a wide interaction range from 30 to 1260\,nm. It is discussed how to make them stronger by replacing the material of the plate.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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