2,356 research outputs found

    Development Of An Information Technology Plan For A Virtual Enterprise Program At A Community College

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    This project proposed a technical solution to support the development of a Virtual Enterprise program at a community college. The college is located in a rural area that does not have large manufacturing or service-based businesses generating jobs. Consequently, many jobs are created by entrepreneurial endeavors. Traditional small start-ups are risky though. Many young people must leave the area to get better, higher-paying jobs. Individuals, especially students, need an opportunity to try out promising business ideas for practice, using a virtual global market on the Internet. A program of this type would provide valuable business experience to students from all vocational disciplines, enhancing their preparation for employment. The community might retain more of its talented people, and benefit from further economic growth. To encourage entrepreneurial endeavors in the community, the goal of this project was to develop a plan that details the technical and classroom resources as well as the activities necessary to implement a Virtual Enterprise program at the community college. The plan would discuss requirements for the facility, personnel, servers, workstations, local area network, Internet access, software, projectors, multimedia classroom equipment, fax machines, and furniture. The plan would address the various needs of the multiple stakeholders. The Virtual Enterprise facility would simulate an office environment where students have office space and equipment. According to the Marion Kauffman Foundation (Kauffman, 2001), entrepreneurial studies is one of the fastest growing fields of study in the business administration discipline with over 1500 programs currently being offered at four-year Virtual Enterprise IT Plan 6 colleges in the United States. The national trend indicating increased interest in entrepreneurial education is clearly evident in the local community as well. A recent business plan competition funded by a wealthy businessman who owns both local and national businesses was well received by the local community, with over 200 applicants attending the first kick-off meeting. The Virtual Enterprise program and facility is envisioned to support community college students, high school technical preparation programs, and the local community

    Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase-1 Prevents the Development of Tactile Sensitivity In a Rodent Model of Neuropathic Pain

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    Neuropathic pain due to nerve injury is one of the most difficult types of pain to treat. Following peripheral nerve injury, neuronal and glial plastic changes contribute to central sensitization and perpetuation of mechanical hypersensitivity in rodents. The mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) family is pivotal in this spinal cord plasticity. MAPK phosphatases (MKPs) limit inflammatory processes by dephosphorylating MAPKs. For example, MKP-1 preferentially dephosphorylates p-p38. Since spinal p-p38 is pivotal for the development of chronic hypersensitivity in rodent models of pain, and p-p38 inhibitors have shown clinical potential in acute and chronic pain patients, we hypothesize that induction of spinal MKP-1 will prevent the development of peripheral nerve-injury-induced hypersensitivity and p-p38 overexpression. We cloned rat spinal cord MKP-1 and optimize MKP-1 cDNA in vitro using transfections to BV-2 cells. We observed that in vitro overexpression of MKP-1 blocked lipopolysaccharide-induced phosphorylation of p38 (and other MAPKs) as well as release of pro-algesic effectors (i.e., cytokines, chemokines, nitric oxide). Using this cDNA MKP-1 and a non-viral, in vivo nanoparticle transfection approach, we found that spinal cord overexpression of MKP-1 prevented development of peripheral nerve-injury-induced tactile hypersensitivity and reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and the phosphorylated form of p38

    Liquid-amplified zipping actuators for micro-air vehicles with transmission-free flapping

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    Algebra lineal y problemas resueltos

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    El presente texto tiene como objetivo central ilustrar de manera clara, pedagĂłgica y concisa, el planteamiento y soluciĂłn de ciertos problemas que son muy Ăştiles y comunes en álgebra lineal y sus aplicaciones. Estas notas empezaron como una guĂ­a para abordar problemas en el área, para los estudiantes del curso de álgebra lineal, en medio de la pandemia por COVID-19. En la elaboraciĂłn de estas notas se utilizĂł varios textos, especialmente el de Anton et al.(2019) y Restrepo et al. (1993), asĂ­ como los de Lay et al. (2016), Aranda (2016), Larson (2017), y Grossman y Flores (2012). Por otra parte, estas notas pueden ser utilizadas como complemento o fuente de consulta para estudiantes universitarios de los cursos de álgebra lineal de los programas de IngenierĂ­a de la Universidad de Nariño. En este texto se plantea y resuelve un buen nĂşmero de ejercicios y problemas. En el CapĂ­tulo 1 se expone los conceptos asociados a los vectores de R2 y R3, asĂ­ como sus propiedades. El concepto formal de vector se define en el CapĂ­tulo 4. En el CapĂ­tulo 2 se definen los conceptos y operaciones básicos referentes a matrices, para luego dar paso a los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y el concepto de matriz inversa. En el CapĂ­tulo 3 se revisan brevemente las definiciones, teoremas y propiedades relativos a los determinantes. En el CapĂ­tulo 4 se trata a profundidad conceptos propios del álgebra lineal, como por ejemplo, los conceptos de espacio y subespacio vectorial. En el CapĂ­tulo 5 se hace una introducciĂłn a las transformaciones lineales y en el CapĂ­tulo 6 se estudia los conceptos y propiedades de valores y vectores propios de una matriz. Finalmente, en el CapĂ­tulo 7 se exponen aplicaciones prácticas del álgebra lineal. Al inicio de cada capĂ­tulo se presenta enunciados y definiciones de los conceptos matemáticos que el lector debe conocer previamente, para poder abordar los problemas propuestos. Aunque tambiĂ©n se expone los teoremas más importantes, Ă©stos no son demostrados ya que, como se dijo anteriormente, la intenciĂłn de estas notas es ser breves y enfatizar en la resoluciĂłn de problemas. Por otra parte, se hace hincapiĂ© en que la utilizaciĂłn de este texto supone, por parte del lector, el conocimiento y manejo de las tĂ©cnicas básicas de conocimientos previos, como por ejemplo las ideas básicas de la lĂłgica simbĂłlica. A veces encontrará la expresiĂłn “i.e.” (abreviaciĂłn del latin para id est) que significa “es decir’, o la expresiĂłn “e.g.” (abreviaciĂłn del latin para exempli gratia) que significa “por ejemplo”. Al final de los problemas se coloca el sĂ­mbolo ďż˝ para indicar que hemos terminado de resolverlos, y tambiĂ©n lo usaremos al final de exponer los ejemplos. Apreciaremos mucho recibir sus observaciones, correcciones y errores a travĂ©s de [email protected] o [email protected]

    RoboHeart:A Bi-Directional Zipping Actuator

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    Testing Eurasian wild boar piglets for serum antibodies against Mycobacterium bovis

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    A. Che’ Amat et al.Animal tuberculosis (TB) caused by infection with Mycobacterium bovis and closely related members of the M. tuberculosis complex (MTC), is often reported in the Eurasian wild boar (. Sus scrofa). Tests detecting antibodies against MTC antigens are valuable tools for TB monitoring and control in suids. However, only limited knowledge exists on serology test performance in 2-6 month-old piglets. In this age-class, recent infections might cause lower antibody levels and lower test sensitivity. We examined 126 wild boar piglets from a TB-endemic site using 6 antibody detection tests in order to assess test performance. Bacterial culture (. n=. 53) yielded a M. bovis infection prevalence of 33.9%, while serum antibody prevalence estimated by different tests ranged from 19% to 38%, reaching sensitivities between 15.4% and 46.2% for plate ELISAs and between 61.5% and 69.2% for rapid immunochromatographic tests based on dual path platform (DPP) technology. The Cohen kappa coefficient of agreement between DPP WTB (Wildlife TB) assay and culture results was moderate (0.45) and all other serological tests used had poor to fair agreements. This survey revealed the ability of several tests for detecting serum antibodies against the MTC antigens in 2-6 month-old naturally infected wild boar piglets. The best performance was demonstrated for DPP tests. The results confirmed our initial hypothesis of a lower sensitivity of serology for detecting M. bovis-infected piglets, as compared to older wild boar. Certain tests, notably the rapid animal-side tests, can contribute to TB control strategies by enabling the setup of test and cull schemes or improving pre-movement testing. However, sub-optimal test performance in piglets as compared to that in older wild boar should be taken into account.This is a contribution to Spanish Government MINECO Plan Nacional I+D+I grant AGL2014-56305 and FEDER, to a contract between CDTI and Glenton, and to the EU FP7 grant WildTBvac #613779. Azlan Che Amat has a PhD grant from the Malaysian Government, and José Angel Barasona and Iratxe Diéz-Delgado acknowledge PhD grants from the Spanish Government.Peer Reviewe

    The effect of spontaneous collapses on neutrino oscillations

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    We compute the effect of collapse models on neutrino oscillations. The effect of the collapse is to modify the evolution of the `spatial' part of the wave function, which indirectly amounts to a change on the flavor components. In many respects, this phenomenon is similar to neutrino propagation through matter. For the analysis we use the mass proportional CSL model, and perform the calculation to second order perturbation theory. As we will show, the CSL prediction is very small - mainly due to the very small mass of neutrinos - and practically undetectable.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX. Updated versio
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