11 research outputs found
A pantropical population genetics study on cashew crop: uncovering genetic diversity and agrobiodiversity hotspots
XIX ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 18-19 December 2023, Lisboninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Museum and herbarium collections for biodiversity research in Angola
The importance of museum and herbarium collections is especially great
in biodiverse countries such as Angola, an importance as great as the challenges
facing the effective and sustained management of such facilities. The interface that
Angola represents between tropical humid climates and semi-desert and desert
regions creates conditions for diverse habitats with many rare and endemic species.
Museum and herbarium collections are essential foundations for scientific studies,
providing references for identifying the components of this diversity, as well as
serving as repositories of material for future study. In this review we summarise the
history and current status of museum and herbarium collections in Angola and of
information on the specimens from Angola in foreign collections. Finally, we provide
examples of the uses of museum and herbarium collections, as well as a roadmap
towards strengthening the role of collections in biodiversity knowledge
Global change in microcosms: Environmental and societal predictors of land cover change on the Atlantic Ocean Islands