7 research outputs found

    Canopy-applied silicon is an effective strategy for reducing sweet cherry cracking

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    Fruit cracking caused by rainfall prior to harvest, a major problem in sweet cherry production, is being exacerbated by climate change. Currently, pre-harvest spraying with calcium salt solutions is the prevalent technique to reduce fruit cracking in cherry orchards not covered by plastic roofs. This study evaluated the effectiveness of canopy-applied silicon in the reduction of sweet cherry cracking under different field conditions. Four field trials were conducted on mature trees of the cultivars Van, New Star, and Emperor Francis. Treatments included water (control), calcium chloride, and sodium silicate. Multiple sprays (three) were applied weekly from fruit onset of color to approximately 1 week before harvest. The results showed that under conditions conducive to cracking, sodium silicate reduced the percentage of cracked fruits to a similar or larger extent than calcium chloride. This study highlights how canopy-applied silicon sources may effectively contribute to reducing cherry cracking, acting as an alternative technique to other preventive methods

    Update on tick-borne rickettsioses around the world: A geographic approach

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    Tick-borne rickettsioses are caused by obligate intracellular bacteria belonging to the spotted fever group of the genus Rickettsia. These zoonoses are among the oldest known vector-borne diseases. However, in the past 25 years, the scope and importance of the recognized tick-associated rickettsial pathogens have increased dramatically, making this complex of diseases an ideal paradigm for the understanding of emerging and reemerging infections. Several species of tick-borne rickettsiae that were considered nonpathogenic for decades are now associated with human infections, and novel Rickettsia species of undetermined pathogenicity continue to be detected in or isolated from ticks around the world. This remarkable expansion of information has been driven largely by the use of molecular techniques that have facilitated the identification of novel and previously recognized rickettsiae in ticks. New approaches, such as swabbing of eschars to obtain material to be tested by PCR, have emerged in recent years and have played a role in describing emerging tick-borne rickettsioses. Here, we present the current knowledge on tick-borne rickettsiae and rickettsioses using a geographic approach toward the epidemiology of these diseases

    A scientometric review of biochar research in the past 20 years (1998–2018)

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    Update on Tick-Borne Rickettsioses around the World: a Geographic Approach

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