7 research outputs found

    Stratospheric Gravity Wave Fluxes and Scales during DEEPWAVE

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    During the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE) project in June and July 2014, the Gulfstream V research aircraft flew 97 legs over the Southern Alps of New Zealand and 150 legs over the Tasman Sea and Southern Ocean, mostly in the low stratosphere at 12.1-km altitude. Improved instrument calibration, redundant sensors, longer flight legs, energy flux estimation, and scale analysis revealed several new gravity wave properties. Over the sea, flight-level wave fluxes mostly fell below the detection threshold. Over terrain, disturbances had characteristic mountain wave attributes of positive vertical energy flux (EFz), negative zonal momentum flux, and upwind horizontal energy flux. In some cases, the fluxes changed rapidly within an 8-h flight, even though environmental conditions were nearly unchanged. The largest observed zonal momentum and vertical energy fluxes were MFx = −550 mPa and EFz = 22 W m−2, respectively. A wide variety of disturbance scales were found at flight level over New Zealand. The vertical wind variance at flight level was dominated by short “fluxless” waves with wavelengths in the 6–15-km range. Even shorter scales, down to 500 m, were found in wave breaking regions. The wavelength of the flux-carrying mountain waves was much longer—mostly between 60 and 150 km. In the strong cases, however, with EFz \u3e 4 W m−2, the dominant flux wavelength decreased (i.e., “downshifted”) to an intermediate wavelength between 20 and 60 km. A potential explanation for the rapid flux changes and the scale “downshifting” is that low-level flow can shift between “terrain following” and “envelope following” associated with trapped air in steep New Zealand valleys

    The onega basin

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    The main geological and stratigraphic features of the Onega Basin are discussed in Chap. 4.3. Given here is a brief geological outline to provide a scientific context and background information for the FAR-DEEP implemented in this area

    Construction of a unified, high‐resolution nitrous oxide data set for ER‐2 flights during SOLVE

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    Four nitrous oxide (N2O) instruments were part of the NASA ER‐2 aircraft payload during the 2000 SAGE‐III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE). Coincident data from the three in situ instruments and a whole air sampler are compared. Agreement between these instruments was typically good; however, there are several types of important differences between the data sets. These differences prompted a collaborative effort to combine data from the three in situ instruments, using an objective method, to produce a self‐consistent, high‐resolution, unified N2O data set for each SOLVE flight. The construction method developed by the four N2O instrument teams is described in detail. An important step in this method is the evaluation and reduction of bias in each of the in situ data sets before they are combined. The quality of unified N2O data is examined through its agreement with high‐accuracy and high‐precision N2O data from whole air samples collected from the ER‐2 during SOLVE flights. Typical agreement between these two data sets is 2.9 ppb (1.5%), better than the typical agreement between any pair of N2O instruments

    Active and widespread halogen chemistry in the tropical and subtropical free troposphere

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    Halogens in the troposphere are increasingly recognized as playing an important role for atmospheric chemistry, and possibly climate. Bromine and iodine react catalytically to destroy ozone (O(3)), oxidize mercury, and modify oxidative capacity that is relevant for the lifetime of greenhouse gases. Most of the tropospheric O(3) and methane (CH(4)) loss occurs at tropical latitudes. Here we report simultaneous measurements of vertical profiles of bromine oxide (BrO) and iodine oxide (IO) in the tropical and subtropical free troposphere (10°N to 40°S), and show that these halogens are responsible for 34% of the column-integrated loss of tropospheric O(3). The observed BrO concentrations increase strongly with altitude (∌3.4 pptv at 13.5 km), and are 2–4 times higher than predicted in the tropical free troposphere. BrO resembles model predictions more closely in stratospheric air. The largest model low bias is observed in the lower tropical transition layer (TTL) over the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, and may reflect a missing inorganic bromine source supplying an additional 2.5–6.4 pptv total inorganic bromine (Br(y)), or model overestimated Br(y) wet scavenging. Our results highlight the importance of heterogeneous chemistry on ice clouds, and imply an additional Br(y) source from the debromination of sea salt residue in the lower TTL. The observed levels of bromine oxidize mercury up to 3.5 times faster than models predict, possibly increasing mercury deposition to the ocean. The halogen-catalyzed loss of tropospheric O(3) needs to be considered when estimating past and future ozone radiative effects