23 research outputs found

    Próba interpretacji koncepcji prawa globalnego

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    The authors reconstruct the key elements of the conception of global law proposed by Rafael Domingo, a world-recognised Spanish Roman law specialist, offer its interpretation, as well as recommend application of that law in the creation of a conception of material sources of law. The starting point for the discussion on the above is a critical assessment of subject-reductionism in public international law, and the principles of territoriality and sovereignty in particular. The authors argue that overcoming the current regulatory and academic crisis in international law will not be possible unless its existing paradigm is changed. Anthroparchy – a term coined by the authors – should become a constructive element of the new paradigm, meaning that a person with its intrinsic dignity and equality should be put in place of the state’s sovereignty. The characteristics of such person, relevant for the axiological conditioning of the legal system, is then proposed, introducing to the legal deliberations an interdisciplinary approach to philosophical anthropology. The presented conception belongs to non-positivism in law, and its explanatory force concerns questions of law’s teleology and autonomy with regard to state.Autorzy rekonstruują podstawowe elementy koncepcji prawa globalnego zaproponowanej przez Rafaela Dominga, światowej sławy hiszpańskiego romanistę, oraz proponują jej interpretację i wykorzystanie do stworzenia koncepcji materialnych źródeł prawa. Punktem wyjścia tej koncepcji jest krytyka faktu, że w dominującym nurcie nauki prawa międzynarodowego publicznego zagadnienia dotyczące podmiotowości zredukowane są niemal wyłącznie do państw. Ten redukcjonizm wspiera się w szczególności na zasadach terytorialności i suwerenności. Autorzy twierdzą, że przezwyciężenie aktualnego kryzysu regulacyjnego, związanego z procesami globalizacji oraz zaradzenie niedostatkom nauki prawa międzynarodowego publicznego nie jest możliwe bez zmiany dotychczasowego paradygmatu. Konstytutywnym elementem nowego paradygmatu powinna być antropoarchiczność, czyli postawienie osoby z jej wrodzoną i równą godnością w miejsce suwerenności państwa. Autorzy dokonują typologii cech osoby, relewantnych jako aksjologiczne uwarunkowania systemu prawnego. Wprowadzają tym samym do rozważań prawnych ujęcie interdyscyplinarne z zakresu antropologii filozoficznej. Przedstawiona koncepcja sytuuje się w kręgu non-pozytywizmu, a jej szczególna wartość wyjaśniająca odnosi się do zagadnienia celowości prawa oraz jego autonomii względem państwa

    Measurement of dynamic pulsations in bulk solid during silo discharging using ECT method

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    Paper will focus on the results of tests with the slender cylindrical silo emptied both gravitationally and in controlled manner. The influence of the initial density, wall roughness, height and velocity on the emptying process will be presented. During tests values of the vertical and horizontal accelerations on the silo wall were measured, the effect of the outlet velocity and level of the dynamic effects were compared. Results will be presented in the form of continuous graphs, which allow to analyse the entire process in simpler way comparing to tomographic images form. It is a better form of presentation in order to work out settings for process control, as well

    Monitoring of solids behaviour during gravitional flow in rectangular silo

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    This paper is focused on the application of Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) to gravitational flow of bulk solid in rectangular silo investigation. In order to measure the materials distribution inside a vessel, a dedicated, spatial 16 electrode sensor is designed. Reconstructed images are presented in 3D domain space. The investigated silo model consists of rectangular bin and a cone-like hopper section. The flow behaviour of material (friable sand) is studied for two silo model configurations having different lower section slopes. The slope angle is a silo geometrical parameter affecting the type of the flow regime - mass or funnel type

    Objawy zespołu kanału nadgarstka w ciąży i połogu

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    Objectives: Epidemiology of the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) during pregnancy remains to be fully elucidated. The purpose of the following study is to determine occurrence of that complication in a population of pregnant women. So far, the literature in Polish lacks information that might enable adequate diagnosis and proper therapy. Material and methods: The study included 301 women who delivered at term (between 37 and 41 weeks of pregnancy) at the Gynecological and Obstetrical University Hospital in Poznań. An original questionnaire about CTS symptoms was prepared for the purpose of the study. The tool included questions about general health, current and previous pregnancies, CTS symptoms, as well as the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), modified for the purpose of the study. The original BCTQ includes questions about symptoms frequency during the last 2 weeks, while in our modified BCTQ we asked about symptoms during the whole pregnancy. The respondents filled in the questionnaire with the help of a physician. A part of the research group underwent Phalen sign evaluation. Results: Ninety-eight patients (32.6%) reported occurrence of at least one CTS symptom during pregnancy and 22 patients (22.4%) had similar symptoms in previous pregnancies. Only 3 patients had received any form of therapy. The number of patients with CTS symptoms who reported extremities edema was significantly higher than in the group without CTS symptoms (26.3% vs. 6.1%; pCel pracy: Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie częstości występowania i symptomatologię zespołu kanału nadgarstka (ZKN) w populacji kobiet ciężarnych. W piśmiennictwie polskim brak jest tego typu informacji. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięło udział 301 pacjentek rodzących o czasie (tj. między 37 a 41 t.c.) w Ginekologiczno-Położniczym Szpitalu Klinicznym Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu. Badania miały charakter ankietowy oraz kliniczny. W przygotowaniu części ankietowej wykorzystano zmodyfikowany Bostoński Formularz Oceny Zespołu Kanału Nadgarstka. W części klinicznej badania przeprowadzono ocenę występowania objawu Phalena stosowanego w diagnostyce tego zespołu. Wyniki: W przebadanej grupie pacjentek 98 (32,6%) zgłosiło występowanie przynajmniej jednego z objawów ZKN. W grupie tej 22 (22,4%) pacjentki podały występowanie podobnych objawów we wcześniejszej ciąży. Jedynie 3 pacjentki miały wdrożone leczenie tych dolegliwości. Istotnie częściej pacjentki z objawami ZKN zgłaszały występowanie obrzęków kończyn w porównaniu do badanej populacji bez objawów ZKN (26,3% vs. 6,1% ;

    Wrist arthroplasty, good alternative for rheumatoid wrist: Case report with literature review

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    Within the hand, the wrist is the most affected joint by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Wrist fusion (WF) and wrist arthroplasty (WA) are solutions for severe arthritis of the wrist. WA decreases pain, and, contrary to WF, preserves motion. Reported clinical results of modern prosthesis constructs are good and the patients are satisfied. This research presents a patient with RA treated with WA. The follow-up is 13 years. There were 2 further synovectomies. Some bone erosion was observed. Apart from that, the patient is satisfied with WA. It seems that WA should be considered earlier in the treatment scheme in patients with RA

    Immunotherapeutics and other anticancer agents in the management of advanced gastric cancer

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    Advanced gastric cancer (AGC) is characterized by high mortality. The survival is estimated as 14.2 months. The treat­ment of choice in the early stages of GC is surgery. Due to high potential of malignancy, postoperative chemotherapy is usually administered. Novel methods of treatment involve immunotherapeutic agents (IA). The new therapies seem to be a hopeful perspective for patients with advanced GC. In this review, we present the outcomes of clinical trials in GC treatment with IA and their mechanisms of action. Furthermore, we present the benefits and shortcomings of immunotherapy and describe potential directions for future research

    Immunotherapeutics and other anticancer agents in the management of advanced gastric cancer

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    Advanced gastric cancer (AGC) is characterized by high mortality. The survival is estimated as 14.2 months. The treat­ment of choice in the early stages of GC is surgery. Due to high potential of malignancy, postoperative chemotherapy is usually administered. Novel methods of treatment involve immunotherapeutic agents (IA). The new therapies seem to be a hopeful perspective for patients with advanced GC. In this review, we present the outcomes of clinical trials in GC treatment with IA and their mechanisms of action. Furthermore, we present the benefits and shortcomings of immunotherapy and describe potential directions for future research

    Analysis of Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead Concentrations in Erythrocytes of Renal Transplant Recipients from Northwestern Poland

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    Cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) exhibit highly nephrotoxic properties, and their high concentrations can lead to renal failure. Much research has been conducted on the concentrations of heavy metals, microelements, and macroelements in the blood, but little is known about the concentration of Cd, Pb, and Hg in erythrocytes of renal recipients. The aim of this study is to determine the blood erythrocyte concentrations of toxic metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg) in renal transplant recipients (RTRs). Additionally, we analyzed the effect of selected biological and environmental factors, including the intake of various immunosuppressive drug regimens and smoking, on these xenobiotic concentrations. The material consisted of erythrocyte samples from 115 patients of the Department of Nephrology, Transplantology, and Internal Medicine at Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 2, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, in northwestern Poland. Cd, Hg, and Pb levels in the erythrocytes were quantified by inductively coupled mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Equal concentrations of Cd were found in erythrocytes of both female and male transplant recipients. The highest level of Hg was seen in women, and women overall had statistically higher concentrations of Pb than men. Comparison of metal concentrations between those over 50 years and those under it showed that Pb concentration was also significantly higher in renal transplant recipients over 50. Pb concentration was almost twice as high in RTRs who used tacrolimus with mycophenolate mofetil than in RTRs who used cyclosporine A with mycophenolate mofetil. The highest level of Cd was seen in smokers, who had 3.25 µg/L. This value was significantly higher than in ex-smokers (p = 0.001) and with RTRs who had never smoked. There were significantly higher levels of Pb in the erythrocytes of RTRs who were ex-smokers than in those who had never smoked. A statistically significant correlation was found between Cd and Pb concentrations. Additionally, we have noticed significant positive correlation between Pb and age (R = 0.37), gender (R = 0.24) and significant negative correlation of Pb with GFR (R = −0.33). We have also found significant positive correlation between Hg and age (R = 0.21). In summary, our data suggest that, smoking is associated with Pb and Cd concentrations, and gender, age change depending on Pb concentration in erythrocytes of RTRs. Additionally, this is the first research that suggests that immunosuppressive regimen, depending on type of immunosuppressive drugs combination affects Pb concentration in erythrocytes of RTRs. It seems to be crucial information for patients who use immunosuppressive drugs

    Analysis of Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead Concentrations in Erythrocytes of Renal Transplant Recipients from Northwestern Poland

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    Cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) exhibit highly nephrotoxic properties, and their high concentrations can lead to renal failure. Much research has been conducted on the concentrations of heavy metals, microelements, and macroelements in the blood, but little is known about the concentration of Cd, Pb, and Hg in erythrocytes of renal recipients. The aim of this study is to determine the blood erythrocyte concentrations of toxic metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg) in renal transplant recipients (RTRs). Additionally, we analyzed the effect of selected biological and environmental factors, including the intake of various immunosuppressive drug regimens and smoking, on these xenobiotic concentrations. The material consisted of erythrocyte samples from 115 patients of the Department of Nephrology, Transplantology, and Internal Medicine at Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 2, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, in northwestern Poland. Cd, Hg, and Pb levels in the erythrocytes were quantified by inductively coupled mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Equal concentrations of Cd were found in erythrocytes of both female and male transplant recipients. The highest level of Hg was seen in women, and women overall had statistically higher concentrations of Pb than men. Comparison of metal concentrations between those over 50 years and those under it showed that Pb concentration was also significantly higher in renal transplant recipients over 50. Pb concentration was almost twice as high in RTRs who used tacrolimus with mycophenolate mofetil than in RTRs who used cyclosporine A with mycophenolate mofetil. The highest level of Cd was seen in smokers, who had 3.25 µg/L. This value was significantly higher than in ex-smokers (p = 0.001) and with RTRs who had never smoked. There were significantly higher levels of Pb in the erythrocytes of RTRs who were ex-smokers than in those who had never smoked. A statistically significant correlation was found between Cd and Pb concentrations. Additionally, we have noticed significant positive correlation between Pb and age (R = 0.37), gender (R = 0.24) and significant negative correlation of Pb with GFR (R = −0.33). We have also found significant positive correlation between Hg and age (R = 0.21). In summary, our data suggest that, smoking is associated with Pb and Cd concentrations, and gender, age change depending on Pb concentration in erythrocytes of RTRs. Additionally, this is the first research that suggests that immunosuppressive regimen, depending on type of immunosuppressive drugs combination affects Pb concentration in erythrocytes of RTRs. It seems to be crucial information for patients who use immunosuppressive drugs