730 research outputs found

    Nowa seria wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej "Technika Akceleratorowa"

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    The new Editorial Series of short research and didactic monographs on “Accelerator Technology” or in Polish “Technika Akceleratorowa” is devoted to all aspects of the research, design, construction, testing, commissioning and exploitation of very complex components and apparatus for particle accelerators, detectors, energy and particle sources, astrophysics and high energy physics experiments. A short, symbolic, title of the editorial series “Accelerator Technology”, embraces a large and flourishing branch of scientific activity. The monographs to be published in the series will be around 100 pages, usually not exceeding 150, and will provide a very concise and in depth discussion of relevant, narrowly defined topics. The books will be published in English, usually by international experts. They are mainly intended for students as well as young and new to the field engineers and physicists, as a fast start up for further and more advanced studies. The books originally stem from the EU FP6 CARE Project - Coordination of Accelerator Research in Europe and are successfully continued in the EU FP7 EuCARD Project - European Coordination of Accelerator Research. The editorial series was initiated by dr Roy Aleksan of CEA. The books were added to the EuCARD as a contractual item

    Development of laser technology in Poland

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    The paper presents chosen development threads of laser technology and associated branches of optoelectronics in this country. An occasion to summarize the work and show their current status is the 50 th anniversary of construction of the first laser. The first laser in Poland was launched successfully in 1969, almost simultaneously at WAT and PW. Domestic achievements in this area are summarized every three years by Symposium on Laser Technology held traditionally in Swinoujscie. The work carried on in Poland concerns technology of laser materials, construction of new lasers and associated equipment as well as laser applications. Many technical teams participate in laser oriented European structural and framework projects. Ths is an invited paper to present participation of Polish teams in such European projects as EuCARD - European Coordination of Accelerator Research, FLASH - Free ELctron Laser in DESY Hamburg, E-XFEL - European X-Ray FEL, ELI - Extreme Light Infrastructure, and HIPER

    Social work, ethics and vulnerable groups in the time of Coronavirus and COVID-19

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    The profession of social work is dedicated to the betterment of society and to the protection of marginalized and vulnerable groups. The profession’s mission is detailed in the set of seven core values: service; social justice; dignity and work of the person; importance of human relationships; integrity; and competence. Relationships between people and among groups are the primary tools of social work assessment, intervention and evaluation. In the time of coronavirus and COVID-19, there are many challenges for professional practitioners to adhere to social work’s core values as well as to maintain their own health and welfare in a time of uncertain and rapidly changing situations. This paper will examine the challenges and innovations for each social work core value and present ideas for innovation and adaptation suited to these times. The paper will present challenges and innovations using examples of two community agencies providing services to people who are homeless and addicted. In summary we will offer some insights and expectations for the future of social work in the coming years, after this experience of coronavirus and COVID-19

    American Perspectives on Suicidality Among Men in Poland

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    This article examines sociological, psychological, and suicidological research on the determinants of male suicide to explore the fact that Polish men complete suicide 7.4 times more than women, a frequency twice as high as in the US. This paper is based upon an examination of relevant literature and statistical databases. A keyword search was completed in both Polish and English language databases. Ideals of masculinity and negative social attitudes towards a non-binary view of gender may increase stressors and discourage men in Poland from revealing their problems while seeking support, explaining the high rates of suicide completion among Polish men. Suicide prevention programs must tackle gender conceptualizations and alcohol use patterns as well as increase avenues for male help-seeking behaviors. These changes will require political and religious organizations to confront the weakening of male hegemony as the organizing principle for family and society. This paper explores the increased rate of male suicide in Poland from the perspective of gender

    Using Multiple Lenses to See an Invisible Group

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    Social work in Poland and in the United States shares the values of human dignity and self-determination, but there are often value conflicts in terms of how various groups experience social roles and social expectations. This paper explores the use of multiple lenses to understand the past and current conditions for LGBT+ people in Poland. An international, university-level collaboration uses a framework of “invisible groups” to highlight the needs of those who are on the margins of society and whose human and individual rights are suppressed. The article reviews the results of a recently published on-line survey of LGBT+ populations and their views of their experiences in Polish society to illustrate their “invisibility” and the need for advocacy from the international social work community

    The Transformation of Social Work in Ukraine Before and During the War

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    Background: This article aims to review the development of the social work profession in Ukraine and to describe the impact of social, economic and political changes on social work practices and education. Methods: A comprehensive literature review and participant observation methods informed this study. A case study of a Polish community’s response to Ukrainian war refugees illustrates how social workers might capitalize on current social structures to continue strengthening civil society in Ukraine. Findings and Discussion: Social Work, focusing on the fit between person and environment, is shaped by knowledge, culture and belief systems. Ukraine’s history and transition from communist/centralized thinking to civil society is reflected in the development of social work to date. The impact of Russian invasions has hindered and strengthened how social workers can recognize and respond to needs. Limitations include the time lag between published articles and the rapidly changing situation in Ukraine. Originality/Value: Few articles focus on social work development in Ukraine, which adds to this article’s originality and relevance

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Case Study From Poland

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    This article presents a detailed history of the development of a particular immersion program to teach English to young Polish students. The program draws support from two organizations, the Kościuszko Foundation and the Polish Scouting Organization. Kościuszko Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the ties between the United States and Poland as well as to increase knowledge of Poland’s history and culture in the United States. The cooperation of these two organizations developed an experience of immersion in language and cultural exchange. Both the teachers and the students in this program benefited from the opportunity to engage in a number of different types of language activities and cultural events through a summer camp experience. This program is, of course, unique, but the elements of context, culture and immersion could be used in other programs to develop English skills and knowledge in the context American culture

    Marketing's 60/20 Pareto Law

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    We confirm our 2007 conclusions concerning the Pareto Law. Our conclusions are now supported by many other data sets, and independent analyses. It’s wrong to talk about an 80/20 law in marketing. A brand’s heaviest 20% of buyers generally contribute not much more than half of a brand’s sales, and these same buyers will contribute less in the following time period. Indeed, even for stable brands half of last year’s heavy buyers will then not even qualify to be in the top 20%, while the people who were light or non-brand buyers last year will contribute more to sales this year than they did last year. The exact sales contribution of the top 20% (a brand’s Pareto share metric) depends on the time period and some other technical decisions made by the person calculating the metric, and brand size and some category characteristics. But it’s reasonable to expect that almost half of your brand’s sales will always come from your very lightest 80% of buyers. It is also apparent that growth comes largely from these light, very light/non-brand buyers and so it would be foolhardy to ignore them

    Teaching English as a foreign language: a case study from Poland

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    This article presents a detailed history of the development of a particular immersion program to teach English to young Polish students. The program draws support from two organizations, the Kościuszko Foundation and the Polish Scouting Organization. Kościuszko Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the ties between the United States and Poland as well as to increase knowledge of Poland’s history and culture in the United States. The cooperation of these two organizations developed an experience of immersion in language and cultural exchange. Both the teachers and the students in this program benefited from the opportunity to engage in a number of different types of language activities and cultural events through a summer camp experience. This program is, of course, unique, but the elements of context, culture and immersion could be used in other programs to develop English skills and knowledge in the context American culture