31 research outputs found

    Compression Based Analysis of Image Artifacts: Application to Satellite Images

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    This thesis aims at an automatic detection of artifacts in optical satellite images such as aliasing, A/D conversion problems, striping, and compression noise; in fact, all blemishes that are unusual in an undistorted image. Artifact detection in Earth observation images becomes increasingly difficult when the resolution of the image improves. For images of low, medium or high resolution, the artifact signatures are sufficiently different from the useful signal, thus allowing their characterization as distortions; however, when the resolution improves, the artifacts have, in terms of signal theory, a similar signature to the interesting objects in an image. Although it is more difficult to detect artifacts in very high resolution images, we need analysis tools that work properly, without impeding the extraction of objects in an image. Furthermore, the detection should be as automatic as possible, given the quantity and ever-increasing volumes of images that make any manual detection illusory. Finally, experience shows that artifacts are not all predictable nor can they be modeled as expected. Thus, any artifact detection shall be as generic as possible, without requiring the modeling of their origin or their impact on an image. Outside the field of Earth observation, similar detection problems have arisen in multimedia image processing. This includes the evaluation of image quality, compression, watermarking, detecting attacks, image tampering, the montage of photographs, steganalysis, etc. In general, the techniques used to address these problems are based on direct or indirect measurement of intrinsic information and mutual information. Therefore, this thesis has the objective to translate these approaches to artifact detection in Earth observation images, based particularly on the theories of Shannon and Kolmogorov, including approaches for measuring rate-distortion and pattern-recognition based compression. The results from these theories are then used to detect too low or too high complexities, or redundant patterns. The test images being used are from the satellite instruments SPOT, MERIS, etc. We propose several methods for artifact detection. The first method is using the Rate-Distortion (RD) function obtained by compressing an image with different compression factors and examines how an artifact can result in a high degree of regularity or irregularity affecting the attainable compression rate. The second method is using the Normalized Compression Distance (NCD) and examines whether artifacts have similar patterns. The third method is using different approaches for RD such as the Kolmogorov Structure Function and the Complexity-to-Error Migration (CEM) for examining how artifacts can be observed in compression-decompression error maps. Finally, we compare our proposed methods with an existing method based on image quality metrics. The results show that the artifact detection depends on the artifact intensity and the type of surface cover contained in the satellite image


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    International audienceAerospace technology is a field of great importance for an institution, for a community, for a region, and in general for a country. It is true, the development of space technology started during the Cold War and with the aim of exploring the universe, but currently, some of these developed technology is applied in our daily life. Due to the technological advancement, miniaturization of components, and cost reduction; currently there are many universities and colleges that are entering to the space age, field that was initially covered only by government initiatives. This article aims to present the progress of the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) concerning to the development in the aerospace field, this development is possible due to the predisposition of its authorities, professors, and students; well as to the economic availability that come from the economics royalties due to the extractive activity of natural resources such as gas from

    Diseño e Implementacion de un Sistema para Aprendizaje de Formas para Niños con Habilidades Diferentes utilizando Procesamiento de Imagenes

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    International audienceThis research makes a study of sensory and perceptual learning in children with Down syndrome (DS) and autism, school Manuel Duato. In sensory perceptual appearance and use of teaching materials and methodologies used in children with Down syndrome and autism help develop their skills. However play a limiting role and not allow that learning is optimal. For example when the amount of training material is not enough for all; inadequate child behavior interferes with concentration; the absence of early stimulation; the need to require the presence of an adult, professor and or parents-to monitor and provide feedback on learning; and absences by students due to health problems. The foregoing are factors that eventually lead to a deficit of sensory and perceptual learning, which deserves more time and dedication on the part of the child, teachers and parents to support instruction. Therefore the main objective of this research is to design and implement a system of sensory and perceptual learning, which can help and improve instruction. The system is still mainly the recognition of shapes and colors, which is where most difficulty arises

    Data cleaning: Approaches for earth observation image information mining

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    Data cleaning consists of filling missing values, smoothing noisy data, identification or removal of outliers and resolving inconsistencies

    Parameter free image artifacts detection: a compression based approach

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    We need general - i.e. pareamter free - methods to detect artifacts in remote sensing images

    Automatic terminal information system for El Alto airport

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    International audience; The air traffic controllers of the El Alto airport must give to the landing and taking off aircrafts, necessary information such as the visibility of the runway, the wind speed and direction, cloud cover, temperature, pressure, etc. This information called Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) is essential for taking decision respect to the landing procedure. At aerodromes with a considerable level of traffic, the METAR issue has become a problem, may cause congestion of the communication frequency, this has caused aviation incidents; otherwise the operations are delayed and are not as smooth and efficient on the airfield. The air traffic controller is responsible for issuing the current weather conditions, for this task, the manager of the garden weather must copy the collected data and make a report to communicate the weather condition at the moment, but he takes the report every hour. In summary, there are two main problems; the first is that one provide weather reports that are not of the moment, which can produce aircraft incidents, and finally there is a congested communication frequency, for this reason, the operations are not optimal and fluid. The aim of this work is to implement the ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information System) for El Alto airport


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    International audienceAerospace development for a country represents their technological level, development capacity, and their sovereignty. The development of the aerospace industry brings technology that the society use in the daily lives. The technology initially developed to explore the universe is the same that today we use in our daily lives. Today we can see that the South American countries, including Bolivia, are showing strong economic growth, and this leads to a higher rate of development and increased investment in new technologies. For example in recent years, it has seen as many governments in South America, have decided to invest in space systems. These space systems have different applications, among them we can mention, remote sensing technology for disaster management, urban planning improvement, environmental assessment, telecommunications systems. In the space technology field, Bolivia is developing its expertise with the creation of the Bolivian Space Agency (ABE), the launch of its first telecommunications satellite Túpac Katari (TKSat-1), the training of Bolivian professionals, and the creation of two ground stations. Other important thing is that the Bolivian Space Agency announced the country's willingness to purchase another satellite soon. In that context, the present research wants to show how our communication satellite has opened a great opportunity for our rural communities through the integration into their life new technologies of information and communication. Because, thanks to our satellite, over 1000 telecentres were installed in remote rural communities that never had direct access to telecommunications services. In these telecentres, thousands of Bolivians have, for the first time, the possibility of connecting to the world and somehow reduce the difference gap between the rural area and the urban area. The country knows that in this new era, we must move from being a country that dependent from others, to become a country applying the learned concepts. It is necessary to become a country with the capacity to do research activities and to be able to develop its technology because it has the human resource to meet this challenge and we need to offer a chance to inspire people and bring to their attention the potential and benefits of the space sector


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    International audienceIn recent years, Peru is trying to venture into the space age. Different universities as The Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP), Universidad Alas Peruanas (UAP), and the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (UNI); they designed the first Peruvian nanosatélites. These nanosatélites were CubeSats; it is a cubic shape and measures 10 × 10 × 10 cm with a mass of 1 kg approximately. In other hand, Peru signed a contract for the purchase of a remote sensing satellite that will be launched into orbit in July 2016. Also, there are Peruvian professionals and students participating in different missions for simulating Mars exploration

    Diseño De Un Sistema De Control Para Obtener Presión Constante De Agua.

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    International audienceEl ICH actualmente cuenta con un sistema de tanque elevado el cual tiene deficiencias en la distribución de agua en horarios de mayor afluencia, no cuenta con la presión necesaria para satisfacer las necesidades del público, por lo tanto requiere una innovación en su sistema de distribución de agua como también en consumo de energía entre otros aspectos. Con la implementación de este nuevo sistema se obtendrá una mejor distribución de agua, ahorro de energía, mayor tiempo de vida de los equipos; ello significa mejoras en el aspecto económico. Para obtener un buen resultado se va a estudiar todos los requerimientos del nuevo sistema así determinar las características y dimensionamiento de los materiales a utilizar y la inversión que se va a realizar en la adquisición de los equipos. I. INTRODUCCIÓN oda institución educativa que presta servicios académicos debe de garantizar la seguridad y la comodidad de todos los integrantes que se encuentran en ella, uno de los diferentes servicios es de garantizar el abastecimiento de agua potable, siendo esta esencial para el desenvolvimiento académico y la salubridad en general. En la actualidad el sistema de bombeo que abastece de agua instalado en el local del Instituto de Ciencias y Humanidades ubicado en la Av. Bolivia 537 en el distrito de Breña, es obsoleto o inaplicable por las deficiencias que presenta. Actualmente existe un sistema mucho mejor el cual permite satisfacer esas deficiencias, este sistema se denomina: Sistema de Presión Constante, una de sus características de este sistema es que genera un caudal y presión constante. Su funcionamiento radica en acciones autómatas con una participación mínima de la fuerza física humana, interviniendo en esta la inteligencia artificial. Gracias a la ayuda de un variador de velocidad y un PLC con sus respectivos elementos (transductor y sensor) tiene muchas ventajas entre las que se puede mencionar es que genera un gran ahorro económico en el consumo de energía, conserva en buen estado los elementos mecánicos de los equipos de bombeo, produce la presión necesaria según la necesidad de consumo de agua. Diaz Rodas, Henri ([email protected]). Gerardo Trujillo, Aramburú (gerardotrujilloaramburú@yahoo.es). Roman Gonzalez, Avid ([email protected])s