6 research outputs found

    Folklore as a Special Form of Creation

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    Papers. With an introduction by Felix J. Oinas


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    The article analyzes the situation in the field of noble land tenure of the Middle Volga region. The study was carried out on the basis of a combination of methods of various sciences: historical, economic and statistical. Such methods as comparative historical, systemic, quantitative, problem-chronological were used in the process of research. The main causes of negative dynamics in this area were identified; Numerous figures confirm the conclusion that almost all the studied indicators had a pronounced negative trend. The activity of the State Noble Land Bank is shown; its role in the processes of mobilization of noble land ownership is considered. The analysis of the dynamics of the main operations carried out by the bank noted significant fluctuations in the number and volume of loans granted, which was caused, first and foremost, by reasons of a socio-political nature.El artículo analiza la situación en el campo de la tenencia de la tierra noble de la región del Volga Medio. El estudio se llevó a cabo sobre la base de una combinación de métodos de diversas ciencias: histórico, económico y estadístico. Métodos como el comparativo histórico, sistémico, cuantitativo, problema cronológico se utilizaron en el proceso de investigación. Se identificaron las principales causas de la dinámica negativa en esta área; Numerosas cifras confirman la conclusión de que casi todos los indicadores estudiados tuvieron una tendencia negativa pronunciada. Se muestra la actividad del Banco Estatal de Tierras Nobles; Se considera su papel en los procesos de movilización de la noble propiedad de la tierra. El análisis de la dinámica de las principales operaciones llevadas a cabo por el banco observó fluctuaciones significativas en el número y volumen de préstamos otorgados, que se debieron, en primer lugar, a razones de carácter sociopolítico.В статье проанализирована ситуация, сложившаяся в сфере дворянского землевладения Среднего Поволжья. Исследование осуществлено на основе сочетания методов различных наук: исторических, экономических и статистических. В процессе исследования применялись такие методы, как сравнительно-исторический, системный, количественный, проблемно-хронологический. Были продемонстрированы основные причины, негативной динамики в указанной сфере, приведены многочисленные цифровые данные подтверждающие вывод о том, что практически все исследуемые показатели имели ярко выраженную отрицательную тенденцию. Показана деятельность Государственного дворянского земельного банка, рассмотрена его роль в процессах мобилизации дворянского землевладения. Анализируя динамику основных операций, производимых банком, отмечаются значительные колебания в количестве и объемах предоставленных ссуд, что было вызвано, в первую очередь, причинами социально-политического характера

    Dialogue between the individual and the state in contemporary Russian society

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    This article discusses the important aspects of the dialogue between the individual and the state in modern times. The importance of interaction between the government and the society in the modern world is one of the most urgent tasks for young researchers and for the society as a whole. Emphasizing the importance of strengthening and developing a democratic state governed by the rule of law, researchers identify a wide range of factors that have a direct impact on the positive and effective development of interaction between the government and the society. One such factor is the model of individual-state dialogue. The study of such a dialogue from an anthropological point of view will make it possible to highlight the most successful models of interaction between the society authorities to create effective management mechanisms that affect both the quality of citizens’ life and the development of the state as a whole in a positive way. For a more detailed study of the models of building a dialogue between the individual and the state, it is necessary to consider the existing examples of interaction and analyze the historical aspects of the relationship between the society and the state. The modern practice of state and municipal governing strives to make the government more transparent and open to citizens, such a policy contributes to the maximum involvement of citizens in the public and political life of the state. The article also deals with the issues of involving citizens in the social and political life of the society; it discusses the motivational measures and the policy of the state in the field of engaging citizens in interaction and establishment of a meaningful, effective dialogue between the society and the state

    Monochromatic reconstruction algorithms for twodimensional multi-channel inverse problems

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    Abstract. We consider two inverse problems for the multi-channel two-dimensional Schrödinger equation at fixed positive energy, i.e. the equation −∆ψ+V(x)ψ = Eψ at fixed positive E, where V is a matrixvalued potential. The first is the Gel’fand inverse problem on a bounded domain D at fixed energy and the second is the inverse fixed-energy scattering problem on the whole plane R 2. We present in this paper two algorithms which give efficient approximate solutions to these problems: in particular, in both cases we show that the potentialV is reconstructed with Lipschitz stability by these algorithms up to O(E −(m−2)/2) in the uniform norm as E → +∞, under the assumptions that V is m-times differentiable in L 1, for m ≥ 3, and has sufficient boundary decay. 1