471 research outputs found

    Studies regarding production and use of organic medicinal and spice plants

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    Romania has tradition and a great potential to improve its production of medicinal and spice plants. Whether this important potential is used within the organic farming system, this will create new opportunities for small farmers. Medicinal and spice plants grown within the organic farming system could have a significant contribution to the following aspects: clean agriculture, new technologies, healthy products, environmental protection and conservation of the natural resources. In Romania, there are possibilities to produce and obtained organic medicinal and spice plants products

    The Negru Lake from Vrancea Mountains. A possible scientific reserve

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    Lacul Negru din Munţii Vrancei. O posibilă rezervaţie ştiinţifică. Această depresiune lacustră s-a format prin alunecarea unui versant, favorizată de litologia dominată de gresia de Kliwa. Din punct de vedere morfometric este un lac mic (13 300 m2 şi o adâncime de maximum 6,5). Importanţa sa rezidă în biodiversitatea floristică de pe insula plutitoare care acoperă  40% din suprafaţa lacului. Unele aspecte reflectă evoluţii specifice unor anumite condiţii paleoclimatice

    Special features in pelvic injury treatment with hemodynamic instability

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    Catedra Ortopedie, Traumatologie şi Chirurgie în campanie, Catedra Chirurgie N1 ”N. Anestiadi”, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Conferinţa a XI-a Naţională a ortopezilor-tramatologi din Republica Moldova “Politraumatisme – concepţii contemporane de diagnostic şi tratament”, 21 mai 2009, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaAutorii pun în discuție cele mai recente concepte referitor la „traumatismul complex pelvin”, asociat cu hemoragii masive și un risc înalt de letalitate. Este prezentat protocolul diagnostico-curativ de urgenţă specific în tratamentul acestor leziuni.Authors have performed an analise of the most recent concepts about „complex pelvic injury”, which is combined with massive haemorrhage and high level of lethality. There are presented an special protocol for a treatment of this gravely pathology

    "Organic Balkanet" portal – an innovative method of on-line training for organic agriculture in Balkans region

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    The paper presents the activities, aims and objectives of “Organic.Balkanet” – a Leonardo da Vinci Project. The overall aim of “Organic.Balkanet” project is to facilitate the transfer of innovative training practices and e-learning content to vocational education of young and unemployed agricultural professionals, as well as to agricultural professionals. This project focuses to develop the skills and competences of VET (Vocational Educational Training) and guidance professionals, including their continuous professional development and their languages learning on topics related to Organic Agriculture (OA) in the Balkans area. The project deploy a multilingual online environment (http://ob.moleportal.eu) that will facilitate end-users’ online search, retrieval, access and use of digital training objects in the online learning repository

    Эволюция косметической составляющей у детей с челюстно-лицевыми расщелинами.

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    Cosmetic appearance of the face in children with craniofacial cleftIntroducere. A fost apreciat aspectul cosmetic al feței la copiii cu despicături faciale. Copiii cu despicături faciale permanent prezintă probleme de integrare socială. Tot mai multe studii dovedesc riscul înalt de dezvoltare la acești copii de anxietate psihoemoțională și sindromului depresiv. Scopul. În acest studiu am pus scopul de a face un studiu cu privire la aprecierea aspectului estetic evolutiv al feței la copiii cu despicături faciale totale bilaterale și unilaterale în perioada preoperatorie, imediat postoperatorie și la distanță. Rezultate. S-a constatat că defectele estetice ale feței în perioada preoperatorie sunt mult mai nefavorabile în comparați cele imediat postoperatorii. Preoperatoriu 4,8 un și 2,48 un; postoperatoriu 2,16 un și 0,84 un. În același timp s-a demonstrat că odată cu vârsta defectele estetice se înrăutățesc. (2,72 un și 1,92 un). Concluzie. Aspectul estetic nefavorabil este prezent permanent la copiii cu despicături faciale bilaterale și unilaterale. Defectul estetic este un factor cu risc major de dezvoltare a problemelor psihoemoționale.Эволюция косметической составляющей у детей с челюстно-лицевыми расщелинами

    Oilseed rape crop in Romania: research regarding technological alternatives for weed control

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    Weeds compete against cultivated plants, taking their water, nutrients, light and heat. Weeds proliferation is a major limiting factor for profitable and quality crops, knowing that early weeds proliferation in rape crops may lead to compromised crops in autumn. In order to contribute to finding technical solutions for an effective control of problematic weeds affecting rape crops, cruciferous especially, we carried out a monofactorial experiment with 10 experimental variants. The experiment was carried out during the agricultural year 2011 - 2012 and it took place in South Romania, near Bucharest (in Otopeni, Ilfov County), at “Agricola Otopeni” company, on a red phaeozem soil. Within current research we present the experimental results obtained in 2011 - 2012 related to weeds control on rape crops

    Oilseed rape crop in Romania: technological alternatives for weed control

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    Weeds competition represents an important issue for oilseed rape crop and also a restricting factor in obtaining a costeffective production. In order to control the weeds in oilseed rape crops the farmers can choose today from various technological alternatives, flexible to concrete situations of their own rape area, out of which an important role is the use of herbicides. As have been demonstrated by worldwide researchers the use of plant protection products is one of the most important ways of protecting plants, agricultural production improving and protection of plant products against the harmful organisms including weeds. By analyzing the offer of herbicides products on the Romanian market during last years, it can be noted the existence of a total of 19 registered active ingredients for weed control in oilseed rape crop. These herbicides are mainly focused on weed control by using them in crop post emergency

    The research of biocompatibility and functional properties of implants from modern materials made from titanium alloys

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    Catedra Traumatologie, ortopedie şi chirurgia de campanie, Catedra de anatomie topografică şi chirurgie operatorie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Our study established the biocompatibility of the nitinol implants in the embryonic cultures, for the first time. On the basis of the positive result obtained, the morphological changes in living tissues and bones at their contact region with the implants have been determined. Thus any presence of citotoxicity and of the negative effect upon reparatory osteogenesys was not detected. Our next step was to determine the anthropometric and physicomechanical properties of the coraco-clavicular ligaments in fresh cadavers. Finally, we suggested a brand new nitinol implant having similar to coraco-clavicular ligaments properties. Our innovation has been patented. În acest studiu pentru prima dată a fost determinată biocompatibilitatea implantelor de nitinol cu ajutorul culturilor celulare embrionare. Obţinînd un rezultat pozitiv, s-a efectuat cercetarea schimbărilor morfologice în regiunea de contact a implanturilor cu ţesuturile moi şi osul in vivo. Astfel, s-a demonstrat lipsa citotoxicităţii acestora şi a efectului negativ asupra osteogenezei reparatorii. Apoi a urmat aprecierea pe cadavre a caracteristicilor antropometrice şi fizico-mecanice a ligamentelor coraco-claviculare. În final am propus un fixator inovator din nitinol, cu capacităţi fizico-mecanice analogice ligamentelor coraco-claviculare, care a fost brevetat

    Socio-economic and cultural revitalization of rural localities - an essential challenge of the Central and Eastern European countries

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    The Central and Eastern European countries have been in transition for almost three decades from the centralized economy to a free market economy. This period has produced profound, positive and negative transformations in all aspects of socio-economic and cultural life in these countries. In this context, the EU Agropuzzle 3 and Beekeeping projects have set out to identify in the partner countries of these projects (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania) business ideas, implemented or under implementation, which can be taken as successful examples for the socio-economic and cultural revitalization of localities and rural communities. In this regard, the paper presents examples of vegetal and animal production farms and agricultural processing enterprises as economic support of localities and rural communities, as well as agro-tourism and entertainment units with economic effects but also for valorisation local, historical and cultural traditions. Emphasis is placed on the essential role of local government and educational institutions in the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of the rural population in order to develop new business ideas

    Study on field crops current status in balkan countries

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    Balkan Peninsula is a geographic area with specific natural features and historic, social, political and economic evolutions. Analyzed territory has an area of 76,601 thou hectares and a population of 65,578 people and includes 10 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, FYROM - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia). Agricultural potential of the region is illustrated by 38,435 thou ha agricultural land and 21,022 thou ha arable land. Range of field crops consists of cereals (55% of arable land, mainly wheat and barley), oil crops (sunflower, rape, soybean, olive) potato, sugar beet, tobacco, cotton. In the Balkan context, Romania is characterized by an important agricultural potential, expressed by agricultural and arable land (35.15% and respectively 41.80% of all Balkan) and is the leading agricultural producer, dominating especially in cereals (35.9% of the Balkans), oilseeds (44.5% of total) and potato (55.2%). It is estimated that Romania's agricultural potential can be better exploited, such as Romania to contribute more to cover the consumption of agricultural products for the entire Balkan region