34 research outputs found

    Lie-algebra Dolbeault cohomology and small deformations of nilmanifolds

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    We consider nilmanifolds with left-invariant complex structure and prove that small deformations of such structures are again left invariant if the Dolbeault-cohomology of the nilmanifold can be calculated using left-invariant forms. By a result of Console and Fino this is generically the case. Our main tool is an analog of Dolbeault-cohomology for Lie-algebras with complex structure.Comment: 19 pages; updated first part of arXiv:0709.0467v1 containing the results on small deformations. The results on deformations in the large will appear in an independent pape

    Torsion in equivariant cohomology and Cohen-Macaulay G-actions

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    We show that the well-known fact that the equivariant cohomology of a torus action is a torsion-free module if and only if the map induced by the inclusion of the fixed point set is injective generalises to actions of arbitrary compact connected Lie groups if one replaces the fixed point set by the set of points with maximal isotropy rank. This is true essentially because the action on this set is always equivariantly formal. In case this set is empty we show that the induced action on the set of points with highest occuring isotropy rank is Cohen-Macaulay. It turns out that just as equivariant formality of an action is equivalent to equivariant formality of the action of a maximal torus, the same holds true for equivariant injectivity and the Cohen-Macaulay property. In addition, we find a topological criterion for equivariant injectivity in terms of orbit spaces.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Canonical rings of Gorenstein stable Godeaux surfaces

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    Extending the description of canonical rings from \cite{reid78} we show that every Gorenstein stable Godeaux surface with torsion of order at least 33 is smoothable.Comment: 17 page

    Geometry of nilmanifolds with left-invariant complex structure and deformations in the large

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    The relation between nilmanifolds with left-invariant complex structure and iterated principal holomorphic torus bundles is clarified and we give criteria under which deformations in the large are again of such type. As an application we obtain a fairly complete picture in complex dimension three.Comment: 40 pages, revised version of the second part of arXiv:0709.0467v1. To appear in Proc. LM

    Computing invariants of semi-log-canonical surfaces

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    We describe some methods to compute fundamental groups, (co)homology, and irregularity of semi-log-canonical surfaces. As an application, we show that there are exactly two irregular Gorenstein stable surfaces with K2=1K^2=1, both of which have χ(X)=0\chi(X) = 0 and Pic0(X)=C∗\mathrm{Pic}^0(X)=\mathbb{C}^* but different homotopy type.Comment: 17 page